Look at it from the company's point of view, if a retiree gets on a flight before a commuting FA, they have to scramble to fill that slot, before a commuting CSA or FSW, they have to put someone on Overtime or take delays due to understaffing, before a commutning Mechanic, an Aircraft may be on the ground longer than necessary resulting in a delay or cancellation. Over the year, these costs will add up. Putting an active employee on before a retiree costs nothing.
Not to sound to ungrateful, but the employees that dedicated their lives to this company for 35-40 years handed over an airline that was on the verge of liquidation. Free travel options for retirees without HP and the money pumped in by investors would have become nothing but a nice memory.
I realize that our dedicated retirees gave years of service and put up with more frustration than I could ever handle, but this decision makes too much sense to the white collar crowd. Enjoy your retirement, use your freedom to be flexible when flying. If you've moved on to a new job, I hope it pays well enough to buy a ticket when you need to be somewhere.
One other thing I just thought of, and this may be the entire reason for this policy. Think of the number of retirees that live in the Phoenix area (from US, HP and every other company in this country), then think of the high load factors we have, in this situation could an Active PHX employee ever get on a flight?