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Amended Pass Travel Policy

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I guess HP new hires or ones not close to retirement think retirees are less important that active employees. It depends on how you were raise and the life you saw your parents have. money money money,,, profitability profitability profitability....

I'm retired from a previous life and I accept that I have to wait behind the active employees. I was raised proper and respect retirees from any career. Decisions have to be made and no matter how much thought goes into them everyone can't be happy. Reality is we are in an extremely competitive environment. Retirees have the privelege to fly. Perhaps the pass priveleges could be amended to automatically seat Retirees at no charge in F/C if F/C is available? That would show due respect and perhaps a good compromise?
I'm retired from a previous life and I accept that I have to wait behind the active employees. I was raised proper and respect retirees from any career. Decisions have to be made and no matter how much thought goes into them everyone can't be happy. Reality is we are in an extremely competitive environment. Retirees have the privelege to fly. Perhaps the pass priveleges could be amended to automatically seat Retirees at no charge in F/C if F/C is available? That would show due respect and perhaps a good compromise?

Nice try Eric, but put retirees in F/C over active and the fan will be hit again. Bottom line..no matter what the policy becomes, harmony among all will never be achieved. Retirees (and I'm getting there), should probably be boarded after active employees, but I'm having a tough time really making up my mind on this. Since retirees now do not have to put in a large part of their life to the company..only 10 years before they become eligible, then perhaps they should go after active employees. This doesnt' help the retirees that gave 30 or 40 years toward the life of the company, but it's probably a fair balance. These policies are meant to be fair and middle of the road for everyone and striking a fair balance for everybody is not going to be easy.

As far as flexis go..revenue dilution..the flexi fares were relatively expensive and many people who used them, (not all) would have paid full fare, but were able to cut a price break of $50-$100 each way by using the flexi. The Flexi also allowed them greater flexibility, so it basically became a convenience thing for someone who probably who have paid more if there were no other options. The employees saw the flexis go to waste (again not all) so they were very very liberal with these passes. I think the new buddy passes, will keep the pass travel closer to the active employee as they are far more valuable, the pool of people that these passes will end up with is much smaller and probably more closely related to the employee.
completely unwise to treat retirees like this....

what did they do to earn this disrespect?


yes sir, big proud day in the history of this company...

to treat retirees like this after all those years of service and sacrifice?

I'm retired from a previous life and I accept that I have to wait behind the active employees. I was raised proper and respect retirees from any career. Decisions have to be made and no matter how much thought goes into them everyone can't be happy. Reality is we are in an extremely competitive environment. Retirees have the privelege to fly. Perhaps the pass priveleges could be amended to automatically seat Retirees at no charge in F/C if F/C is available? That would show due respect and perhaps a good compromise?
Double dipping no wonder can’t get on one airline you go to another
· Allowing non-dependent children to travel at Flexi fares dilutes revenue (meaning they’d otherwise be buying a revenue ticket).
Effective in early ’06, non-dependent children will not be eligible; rather only dependent children under age 19 (or age 25 if they’re enrolled in college full-time and are still claimed as dependents) can travel unlimited. Those dependents travel for free.
I have already sent my question in but what about dependents that are enrolled in college/tech school/trade school only part time........because one or more of their parents are in aviation and the dependent has to work in addition to going to school.

Hi airwoman,
Dependants between 19 and 25 must carry atleast 12 credits to be eligible for pass benefits. trade and tech schools are included, if they are accredited.
Retirees are not all that way because they chose to, some have worked for over 35 years only to have their jobs outsoursed. In my case I had to retire this past March if I wanted to keep anykind of medical "what little it is".
At 56 and with 36 years with Airways. I really think it,s a shame the way we are treated.
Some day alot of you will be in the same position, and wait and see how it feels.
Allegheny37 : Get use to it. Seems like the retirees are getting the "shaft" again. I too came up from Allegheny and had almost 34 years in before retirement. It's too bad how this company has treated the retired people. But as you can see,it's me, me, me with this new group of employees. Hope they make it with over 30 years and get the same treatment. But I doubt it,with this new me,me attitude. There should of been a cut-off of say 25-30 years service and then after that board with the active's. I am wondering if the senior management and their familes are going to apply to this rule. In the past it was a big scam with higher management and their so called families traveling.
Hope the have the same rules. it would be interesting to see the rules on them. Good luck with your traveling Allegheny37.
I'm not sure that I would want to work for 30 years just for the flight benefits. I have a feeling that this is not going to be a very popular comment. No disrespect intended.
Your right I didn't work for over 35 years just for the flight benefits. But after 35 years plus thats about all I have left. My pension has been reduced and given over to PBG. My health insurance almost eliminated. And will be when I reach 65.
Once it was a nice place to work, pay was good, nice vacation time, holiday pay, Only to give back time and time again to save the airline from shutting down.
Now all we had left was our boarding senority and now that,s gone.
How does senior management retirees fly????????????

Positive space if aircraft is under capacity at time of booking, space available (but listed as POS on the PALL list) if flight is OVER capacity at time of booking.

The few that have came thru my station are very cool, one of their wives even kissed me calling me "you are our angel"...

I see no problem with upper mgt flying on this benefit. Although I must say that if Steve Wolfe, Mike Conway, or Franke were to ever fly, they may run into some not-so-friendly employees!
I think most of us are relying on our past experiences and what we have been used to in the past regarding our pass privileges. Now that the pass levels are being layed out, what about who travels first on each level? Will it be DOH or check in time? Personally, I think it will be a compromise. Doug stated at a townhall mtg he did not believe in stapling one workgroup on the bottom of another. I think all employees will be rebadged with new employee numbers. I think it will be 3 USeast and then 1 former HP for boarding when combining the whole company for pass travel. Sort of DOH but without totally alienating former HPers. Any thoughts? Please be kind, again just a thought, a sort of compromise.
A company that bases its survival on profit that takes care of the active employee first makes sense. The active employee has impact on maintaining profitability. We live in a dog eat dog world and there is such a thin line between maintaining profitability and tanking that any benefit to the company no matter how small must be capitalized upon. Don't get me wrong, all active employees should respect a retiree's service, but business is business in this dog eat dog world we live in.
I hope that some of the 35 year retiree's or employees with US East realize...that when you refer to "this company"..you're not talking about the Old Us Airways..you're essentially talking about "America West, with a new name". "This company" ...US Airways pre-merger no longer exists, only the name survives.
I hope that some of the 35 year retiree's or employees with US East realize...that when you refer to "this company"..you're not talking about the Old Us Airways..you're essentially talking about "America West, with a new name". "This company" ...US Airways pre-merger no longer exists, only the name survives.

You're wrong, West did not put up one dime. The investors put their money in for the combination and the synergies/market power that could result. Without East, West would be in a bad situation next September.

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