This is not unexpected by the MEC members who understand and can see through the nonsense. The biggest clue was the ridiculous company counterproposal of August 17th. At that point it was apparent to intelligent men they were setting up a negotiating stance for the C11 judge. The proposed termination of the pilot DC plan stood out like a beacon for those who cared to open their eyes. Now I hope certain pilots understand they never wanted a deal to begin with. And if those certain pilots place ANY blame on their comrades, after we actually offered a change to the DB plan to see how serious the company was, they are to be considered fools for life.
What now? Pretty simple IMO. C11. Contracts decided by a judge and the ability for labor to accept or reject them. Massive layoffs as the airline shrinks by about 75 to 125 mainline jets as more RJ's come into the fleet and we become a hybrid LCC with international routes and about 150 or so widebody and 320 type jets for Europe and Latin America. The rest will be MDA with the associated pay rates and working conditions. This was the transformation plan all along. Whether it works or not and we end up in C7 is still the major question.
But for all the pilots (did I say all?) who have been carrying the company water: Welcome to the reality you heaped on your non pilot comrades. Order your F/O hat or call NetJets. It's about to hit the fan.