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Alpa Mec Meeting Update

I'm glad to hear you are so ready to vote on the company's offer...do the right thing...let the membership decide if 14% is better than 23% or worse...100%
jack mama said:
I'm glad to hear you are so ready to vote on the company's offer...do the right thing...let the membership decide if 14% is better than 23% or worse...100%

Ah, well JACK, We ain't going there.

Go up and tell your cronies to accept the our latest offer WITH THE DEFFERAL PIECE, OR ALL OUR FATES WILL BE WITH THE JUDGE, including your managment seat.
The membership of the unions that go before the judge stand to lose substaintially more than those who agree on terms outside of the section 1113 e or c.

you are only hurting yourself and the rest of the afa membership. if the pilots go along with deal and vote it in, i presonally do not think the afa, iam or cwa can not stop the company from transforming.

Will you at least agree that if you go to the judge, you stand to lose (no matter how slim the chance) even MORE than what the company last offered (ie the 14% cuts)? Can you at least admit that is possible???
jack mama said:
if you think the AFA has any leverage vs the judge you are in denial....

After March, if a 1113© filing comes along, they sure do. It's called "self-help."

Which results in "no airline."

Anybody seen the new "Star Wars" DVDs?

"Why should I pay 50 thousand?"

"Because he's holding a thermal detonator!"

Think about it.
USA320Pilot said:
Today's ALPA MEC decision is a big step towards emerging from bankruptcy. The ALPA TA, which is likely to be ratified by a wide margin, permits all of the EMB-190s to be placed at MDA. Furthermore, 35 must be placed at the carrier. 25 can be placed at a J4J participating carrier, if necessary, to prevent capital diversion or if the creditor's require their investment to be diversified.


So in other words, Chautauqua, an airline made into a profitable one by doing US Airways and others flying for cheap, can afford EMBs and US cannot. Now that they have permission to have them do it instead of Airways/MDA, you can bet they wont put them at MDA. First the prop flying was given away, then the RJs, now we are talking about F100 sized aircraft. Where does it end?
jack mama said:
The membership of the unions that go before the judge stand to lose substaintially more than those who agree on terms outside of the section 1113 e or c.

you are only hurting yourself and the rest of the afa membership. if the pilots go along with deal and vote it in, i presonally do not think the afa, iam or cwa can not stop the company from transforming.
Will you at least agree that if you go to the judge, you stand to lose (no matter how slim the chance) even MORE than what the company last offered (ie the 14% cuts)? Can you at least admit that is possible???


NO. I do not admit, believe or have any factual evidence, besides your conjecture, that it will be 23%, 14% or MORE.

You're nuts.

Too bad you can't be privy to the "brief" by AFA. If the company chooses not to concede to AFA's proposal, then the burden of PROOF will be on the company to proof that liquidation (which the ceo emphatically said is not iminent) would be immediate and iminent without these severe cuts.

Hell, senior managment didn't even take a 23% cut. They took 10% salary reduction AND NO REDUCTION FOR THE CEO.

JACK, go put your head in a toilet and clean out your senses...and don't forget to "flush"!
Ok...lets go back to the basics.

Do you agree that the company has filed a 1113 e motion to be heard before the judge on Oct 7 that asks the judge to impose 23 % pay cuts on the AFA members?

how is that conjecture? It shocks me that you will not even admit there is the chance (however slim) the 23% will come down on you as soon as 10/7.
The company has offered the AFA take a 14.5% cut as part of a comprehensive proposal and without a TA, there will likely be a 23% interim cut. With the price of oil climbing Judge Mitchell has very little option but to agree to the company's motions to impose the S.1113(e) cuts.

In regard to the pending S.1113© proceeding, ALPA Communications Committee Chairman Jack Stephen told the AP tonight the proposed pilot cuts "will look like nirvana compared with what will come down after that."

Separately, S.1113© has never been tested. ALPA's attorney's briefed the MEC that Judge Mitchell has great latitude and would likely set aside the "self help" option and permit outsourcing if a "slow down" occurs.


USA320Pilot said:
If the ALPA MEC had sent out the September 6 or an earlier proposal for vote, all of the EMB-190s would be flown at MDA. This is just another example of how the RC4 have hurt every employee at US Airways.


Thank you for posting this once again. It is clear that many posters who clearly oppose everything about you, and who are posting comments about the new TA's language addressing the matter of contracted carriers now being able to fly this aircraft are refusing to leave blame with the individuals who have caused this language. The RC4 as they are called.
Early prediction: If half of what has been said here tonight, with the PROBABLE job losses, is true, this T/A will go down in flames.

God speed USAirways employees!
jack mama said:
Ok...lets go back to the basics.

Do you agree that the company has filed a 1113 e motion to be heard before the judge on Oct 7 that asks the judge to impose 23 % pay cuts on the AFA members?


Now, really, do you expect me to grace your comment with a response? Did you happen to take a veiw on the side of how many posts I have?

There's your answer.
Pitbull, growl all you want. You have an obligation and fudicary duty to do whats best. Dont let your liitle pride of defeat(in your eyes) get in the way. I DO NOT WANT A 23% CUT when we can get 14.5! UNDERSTAND? You dont get to vote your way, you have to vote how we want you to vote!!!!!!!!!
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, growl all you want. You have an obligation and fudicary duty to do whats best. Dont let your liitle pride of defeat(in your eyes) get in the way. I DO NOT WANT A 23% CUT when we can get 14.5! UNDERSTAND? You dont get to vote your way, you have to vote how we want you to vote!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me MR. CLT Based f/a, First of all you need to learn how to spell fiduciary, before you use it in a sentence and actually tell anyone what their duties are. I believe you need to take your grumpy self to your LEC Pres of CLT.

The PIT Pres, represents the constituents of PIT...that is my Pres. And my vote is NO!
For those posters who suggest the TA will not be ratified, I suggest you call the ALPA code-a-phone at 800-FOR-ALPA and then select prompt 2 to listen to the Chairman's October 4 message.



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