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Alpa Mec Meeting Update

USA320Pilot said:
For those posters who suggest the TA will not be ratified, I suggest you call the ALPA code-a-phone at 800-FOR-ALPA and then select prompt 2 to listen to the Chairman's October 4 message.



I can see it now; hanging chads or bytes for computer voting, cries of foul when it's turned down. Welcome to the "Wussification of ALPA" and the head Wuss cheerleader is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t. Why can't I spell the name of the person? Well.... it seems _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t has complained about one of my posts tonight to the moderators. It's still up, you know the funny one about a piece of clothing being in flames. The moderators under their new liberal policy have to tell you when somebody complains about you. Seems somebody cant' take the "heat" or a joke for that matter. Still, it's no joke when someone types a bunch of lies about a meeting. I was there for the most part and realize how twisted somebody's ideas have been tonight. Eye
USA320Pilot said:
Separately, S.1113© has never been tested. ALPA's attorney's briefed the MEC that Judge Mitchell has great latitude and would likely set aside the "self help" option and permit outsourcing if a "slow down" occurs.

S1113© has never been tested, and yet ALPA's attorney (who, has never argued nor seen a S1113© motion post-lorenzo and Billdisco because it's never happened) likely knows what will occur? Forget all this dull and dreary bankruptcy stuff--ask Ms. Cleo about tomorrow's powerball number at the next MEC meeting and save yourself the gut-wrenching ride that is AAA ALPA these days. I'm glad this guy is ALPA's advocate, although I must admit that should I ever commit a crime, I might just call him up (as the ineffective counsel defense should be fairly trivial to make out upon appeal).

Get real. If this judge ever wants to see anything but the federal bankruptcy bench in Virginia, he's not about to crawl out on the limb with something as juicy as preempting the entire RLA so that an airline that's been bankrupt twice inside of 20 months _might_ be able to survive another year. Won't happen.
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, growl all you want. You have an obligation and fudicary duty to do whats best. Dont let your liitle pride of defeat(in your eyes) get in the way. I DO NOT WANT A 23% CUT when we can get 14.5! UNDERSTAND? You dont get to vote your way, you have to vote how we want you to vote!!!!!!!!!

I think you mean the PIT AFA local President, who cannot be PITBull, as that would mean a US Airways employee representing themselves as such on an internet message board, and we all know that such a thing never happens, much less here at Usaviation.

That said, if you are (or were) CLT based, the PIT local pres might have your thoughts in a tertiary consideration, but I'm quite sure that her primary focus is the sentiment of the PIT F/A population. You have a rep in CLT, the PIT local pres does not have to vote any way that does not satisfy at least 51% of the folks who elected her.

Why is this such a hard concept to understand? For the sake of the PIT local president, I certainly hope this concept is more readily understood by AFA members than it seems to be by ALPA members.
PITbull said:
Now, really, do you expect me to grace your comment with a response? Did you happen to take a veiw on the side of how many posts I have?

There's your answer.

Before you start correcting others spelling you should correct your own.

" 😉 People who live in glass houses should'nt throw stones"
Non Rev said:
Before you start correcting others spelling you should correct your own.
" 😉 People who live in glass houses should'nt throw stones"

Take you're own advice; it should be spelled shouldn't not should'nt. Tisk, tisk 😉
ClueByFour said:
S1113© has never been tested,

Get real. If this judge ever wants to see anything but the federal bankruptcy bench in Virginia, he's not about to crawl out on the limb with something as juicy as preempting the entire RLA so that an airline that's been bankrupt twice inside of 20 months _might_ be able to survive another year. Won't happen.

I don't know about that. Judges live for that one moment when they have a case/opportunity to affect a landmark decision.
FM2436 said:
I don't know about that. Judges live for that one moment when they have a case/opportunity to affect a landmark decision.

Well, if a judge decides to do that very thing...it will be the demise of the employees and thus this airline.

I can bet Mitchell would want that under his belt.
Heh heh, none of us are innocent in butchering the English.

Alot of people don't seem to understand local union positions. If you are elected for PIT, then your responsibility is to the PIT F/As, pilots what have you, first and foremost.

The PIT president is looking out for the flight attendants of US, but the PIT F/As, and thier concerns, primarily. As it should be- that's what she was elected to do.
PITbull said:
Well, if a judge decides to do that very thing...it will be the demise of the employees and thus this airline.

PITbull, sadly there are a lot of people rooting for that to happen. Read an article in Travel Weekly by Bob Crandall.

Crandall: Bankruptcy law rewards 'failed ventures' (09/27/2004)

By Kenneth Kiesnoski

NEW YORK -- As US Airways enters Chapter 11 for the second time in just over two years, an industry veteran called for an overhaul of bankruptcy law, labor policies and federal airline regulations.


PineyBob said:
I have only a HS diploma SO FREAKING WHAT!

A bit sensitive, Bobby? If you are, then practice what you preach on here to everyone else -- do something about it.

Hugs & Kisses


And Krendall's thinking is what is wrong with this system and unacceptable. Company's should not be allowed to keep going into bk to get the costs they want that they can't bargain for.

That is why there is such a dire need for legislative reform..

If airlines or any company can not survive by create a demand for their product, neotiating consentual, compeitive contracts, then the market place should be able to dictate who stays and who goes. Period.

Our judicial system should not be filled with company's and their inept managments that have no plan for survival or a plan to effectively compete.

And before anyone jumps on me and says that is what U is trying to do...not true, just take a look at SW.
PineyBob said:
I did do something about it. I work in an industry that is largely a meritocracy. In other words i don't need a bunch of meaningless credentials.

Oh, yes, absolutely, chemical engineers, medical researchers, pharmaceutical engineers, etc. We all have meaningless credentials ... think of us next time you take that meaningless medication for the meaningless ailment that may save that meaningless loved one.

You're on ignore.
All this inept management team is capable of doing is hope and pray Labor bails them out once again. Then management will want all of the returns(profits) to be split among themselves. nothing for labor!!

Just a few questions, If the co thought for sure they would get a 23% paycuts imposed on the workers, Why did their latest proposal only ask for 14% for AFA? Could it be that the co advisors think it(23%) may be a reach? Also how many companies, referenced in the motion to the court, already took 20% paycuts just 2 years before?

Apologies to all for the unwarranted personal attack above. I've replied to the author through the PM system so as not to further hijack this thread. Carry on! :up:
USA320Pilot said:

Who do you work for? Furthermore, are you at the MEC meeting?

If you work for Soutwest, why are you interested in this debate?



Pay attention please.



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