Item 3. The LGA Council 135 LEC election ballot count was completed on October 10, and the results are as follows:
With 62.2% of the eligible pilots participating in the vote:
Captain Leo A. Guerrero was elected captain rep with 27 votes.
Captain Laurence A. Munn, Jr. received 24 votes.
Captain Raymond E. Belz was elected first officer rep with 42 votes.
Captain Donald Breeger received 8 votes.
First Officer Bruce R. Limpitlaw was elected secretary/treasurer with 34 votes.
First Officer George M. Platz received 12 votes.
This term of office begins March 1, 2004 and ends on February 28, 2006.
With 62.2% of the eligible pilots participating in the vote:
Captain Leo A. Guerrero was elected captain rep with 27 votes.
Captain Laurence A. Munn, Jr. received 24 votes.
Captain Raymond E. Belz was elected first officer rep with 42 votes.
Captain Donald Breeger received 8 votes.
First Officer Bruce R. Limpitlaw was elected secretary/treasurer with 34 votes.
First Officer George M. Platz received 12 votes.
This term of office begins March 1, 2004 and ends on February 28, 2006.