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Alpa Code-a-phone

UseYourHead said:

Do you see shadows...someone always following you...? Give the Jerry Glass thing a break. The industry climate and critical condition of the legacy airlines is the problem...DUH

The pilots have spoken PitBull, and they do not agree with you or the darkside (surprise-surprise).

I would suggest that you focus your energy on solutions, and quit playing the blame-game, it is getting rather old.

And as far as you ever being a member of ALPA (Air Line Pilots Association), well that would be quit tough for you to do, why you would have to be qualified to pilot a jetliner for that to ever happen, and...err; I won't hold my breadth 🙂

Hope you're still not holding your breath :shock: ;but the flight attendants were once part of AFA at Allegheny-Mohawk. :down:
ITRADE said:
Poor PitBull.
Twisted sister with the jerry stuck in the brain....reply reply reply, must be something with that loop 700UW talks about...

Do you mean that the AFA at Allegheny-Mohawk was a memebr of the same union as the pilots? ALPA?

Not sure what you are saying....

Hope you had a good night, the same to ya tonight!

quote=PITbull,Oct 22 2004, 03:23 AM]
Hope you're still not holding your breath :shock: ;but the flight attendants were once part of AFA at Allegheny-Mohawk. :down:

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