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May 18, 2003
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This is Roy Freundlich with a US Airways MEC update for Thursday, May 22, with two new items.

Item 1. The balloting period for the allocation of pilots’ stock began today, Thursday, May 22 at 6 p.m. EST and ends on Friday, May 30 at 4 p.m. EST. Education material and a voting instruction sheet is being processed at the ALPA printshop and should be sent out via U.S. mail to all active US Airways pilots tomorrow.

The education material includes an eight-page letter explaining both methods of stock allocation and describes the sets of alternatives that are to be considered for each. Eligibility and vesting requirements are also discussed in detail. Please carefully read this letter, the voting instruction sheet that contains the telephone voting number and internet voting address, and a cover letter that contains your ALPA Member Number and your telephone/Internet Voting Password. (Your internet and telephone voting password is the password that you use to get into the US Airways pilots only home page.)

The eight-page letter and the voting instruction sheet are also available on the US Airways pilots only home page under two links: Stock Allocation Vote Education Material and Voting Instructions. Each links to a separate Acrobat PDF document. Please read these materials first before voting by Internet or telephone.

If you know your ALPA member number and password and would like to access the internet voting system from the pilots only website, simply click on Ballotpoint link toward the top of the pilots only home page.

The results of the vote will be announced on the code-a-phone and posted on the MEC website as soon as possible following the certification of this ballot.

For those who prefer hard copy instructions, you should be receiving the packet containing the education material and membership ratification electronic balloting information in the U.S. mail by early next week. If you do not
receive this packet via U.S. mail by Wednesday, May 28, please contact ALPA’s Membership Services Department in Herndon at 703-689-4163 or 888-FLY-ALPA to ensure that the information is sent to you.

Item 2. It has come to ALPA’s attention that the Company may be attempting to use line Captains in IRO positions on flights that require an International Relief Officer (IRO). This is a violation of Section 18(5)a of the Contract which states:

5. International Relief Officer - A pilot who shall be qualified to provide relief, on those flights on which he is required, at the Captain and First Officer stations. Such qualifications shall be established by the Company to permit him to accomplish:

Pre-flight, post-flight and en route First Officer duties, including takeoff and landing of the aircraft.

US Airways line Captains receive seat-specific training for take-offs and landings, and therefore are not qualified to perform the duties required of an IRO.

If you are a line Captain and the Company requests for you to fly in the capacity of an IRO, please inform them that this is a violation of your contract. If you are directed by the Chief Pilot to violate this portion of the Contract and fly as an IRO, please ask your Chief Pilot to put the request in writing or conference in with your LEC representative.

Please immediately report any attempt to violate this portion of the Contract to ALPA.

Please remember we have 1,827 pilots on furlough with 52 pilots scheduled for furlough on June 4.