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Alpa Code-a-phone

These guys have lied in emails, council letters, and in person...they are toast and are about to be tied up in court for years.

They deserve it.

PITbull said:

Purposely? How do you prove misleading purposely? Who judges that?

If your MEC or International attempts to "charge" the RC4 for representing their membership, then ALPA should not be the union on USAirways property.

Those are my sentiments on the issue.
USA320Pilot said:
MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE - October 20, 2004

The BOD passed one agenda item today that amended Article XIX in the ALPA Constitution and By-laws with respect to trusteeship. The resolution was passed due to concerns that the Board had about the Association’s exposure to detrimental consequences from MECs or LECs engaging in a substantial failure to perform significant legal or representational duties of a bargaining representative.

Be aware that there are still inaccurate statements circulating ...

Let me get this straight. ALPA national is hiding their money because they realize there is validity to the law suit against the USAirways MEC for failure to perform legal and represntational duties, and the USAirways MEC is now browbeating pilots to vote on a TA for which the MEC refused to provide a recomendation on.

WTF? 🙄 Over.
USA320Pilot said:
ALPA International if fully aware of what is about to occur to the RC4/NC, which is why the National Board of Directors passed the agenda item today that ...

You aren't even good at deceit. Think a little. ALPA national could not even make such changes so fast. The real reason they changed is because of the previous MEC that gave away the pension without allowing the members to vote. The law suit that is already filed against them (and has been for months) is valid and ALPA is trying to hide their money from THAT LAW SUIT. Several BILLION dollars was given away without due representation. THAT is what ALPA National is afraid of. They are not afraid of some piddly 2% pay cut that is happening now, they are worried about the 30 years of retirement funds that were given away. Think about the facts a little next time.

Try harder to blur the truth. You are getting rusty.



Those are recent ads. The search engine shows them current w/in 3mos. I stand corrected.

And looking at the ad, there seems to be little means for anyone to easily tell that this plane pictured below no longer belongs to/is used by US Airways: 🙄

Nor with a quick check of the link provided to the sellers homepage (for further details on that serial number), could one find the last operator listed...*cough*cough*


I understand that it was a mistake, but there was enough of a "huh" factor involved that a person should at least follow up on it before tossing it out. Ask someone first. As much as I might disagree with 700UW's opinions, I acknowledge that he is up to speed on fleet stats and disposition..., People like him could quickly answer a query sent about this kind of ad, right?

The point I am trying to make is that IMO people should be just be more careful of what they post.

If they post something other than a link to a news article (in which the author/news source is responsible for verification), then (it is my understanding) that they assume responsibility for that content and any assertions/conclusions made in their post. That is a big difference over merely posting an opinion on a given issue, event, or post/thread.

Does that point relate to earlier material in this thread, in which questions were raised regarding material the RC4 posted/sent out to the pilots...? You make up your own mind.

Like or dislike the RC4, IMO there is a big difference between stating an opinion on the merits of a proposal as a Union Officer, and the actual authoring of an anaylisis or creating material to be sent out to the membership. When you reference the work of professionals it is one thing , yet when you come up with it on our own it is quite another (The "hired guns" are responsible for their work, but you are responsible for your own stuff IMHO).

I understand emotions are running high, and there is a lot at stake here. But in that kind of charged enviorment, one should be even more careful what they put forth (IMO). I am not a lawyer, but that does not preclude me from being cautious.

Anyways, enough on this, time to move on...
USA320Pilot said:

No, it's the truth. The RC4 purposely misrepresented information, committed election fraud, and lied, but their day will likely come in court in front of a jury in a both criminal and civil trial...you can count on it!



Is this part of the ICT/UCT?

"As much as I might disagree with 700UW's opinions, I acknowledge that he is up to speed on fleet stats and disposition..., People like him could quickly answer a query sent about this kind of ad, right?"

Without going back to the thread and looking, I believe that it was 700UW who first pointed out that it was an old ad.

I don't know if you saw the ad before all the uproar started and it was deleted, but it had no date and was obviously authentic - just old. Whoever dropped the ball by not pulling it after it's purpose had been served - U or the website - left a "ticking time bomb" waiting for the right context to explode.


ps - I agree that folks should be careful with their facts, but we all know some who aren't.

So, you guys were all blackmailed by this management, and your ALPA legal is in on pulling the trigger...

Good job.

Not a union I would have any part of.
UseYourHead said:
The only reason there is no recommendation is the 4 clowns responsible for bringing to you the worst agreement in history!

It would have been better with a more timely negotiation and agreement, that is a fact, look at the prior table positions.


The company has you dooped. A Jerry Glass special....make the proposals worse in every counter so that the union reps who oppose will surely take the hit.

Yup, Jerry got all of you on board with his plan to "divide and conquer".

Shame on all of you to allow the company to use typical union busing strategy..and look...it worked.

"shaking head" :down:

Like taking the first deal a traveling car salesmen gives you.
PB, are you trying to say Jerry Glass himself somehow fashioned the pathetic situation our company and industry is in, just to enable a larger "ask" to be put forth as time winds down --> in an effort to make our supposed righteous union leadership look bad... :blink:

Man, you are way out there. <_<

Do you see shadows...someone always following you...? Give the Jerry Glass thing a break. The industry climate and critical condition of the legacy airlines is the problem...DUH

The pilots have spoken PitBull, and they do not agree with you or the darkside (surprise-surprise).

I would suggest that you focus your energy on solutions, and quit playing the blame-game, it is getting rather old.

And as far as you ever being a member of ALPA (Air Line Pilots Association), well that would be quit tough for you to do, why you would have to be qualified to pilot a jetliner for that to ever happen, and...err; I won't hold my breadth 🙂

PITbull said:

The company has you dooped. A Jerry Glass special....make the proposals worse in every counter so that the union reps who oppose will surely take the hit.

Yup, Jerry got all of you on board with his plan to "divide and conquer".

Shame on all of you to allow the company to use typical union busing strategy..and look...it worked.

"shaking head" :down:

Like taking the first deal a traveling car salesmen gives you.
PITbull said:

The company has you dooped. A Jerry Glass special....make the proposals worse in every counter so that the union reps who oppose will surely take the hit.

Yup, Jerry got all of you on board with his plan to "divide and conquer".

Shame on all of you to allow the company to use typical union busing strategy..and look...it worked.

"shaking head" :down:

Like taking the first deal a traveling car salesmen gives you.


It is a shame that grown men and women (that think they are cool because they are pilots) do not have the sense of decency that you do. They have acquiesced to the total destruction of a profession that they inherited (and certainly don't have the mettle to be stewards). They have agreed to a contract that equates to one from the back woods crop dusters in the back reaches of Mississippi.

They can't even take credit for what they have done. Instead they attack you. They are an embarrasmentto themselves and don't even know it.

Which PB are you refering to..? PitBull 🙄

Sense of decency? She just posted curse words in multiple threads... Nice.

Look , this is not personal, it is business. It is not some holy crusade, nor righteous defense of the oppressed. It is a freaking airline, that's it.

If Airways can no longer support you in the manner to which you have become accustomed, then take your skills elsewhere to a higher bidder.

All this drama queen stuff people keep posting on here is nothing but emotionalism run rampant. This is not personal, it is just business.

Your finger pointing and complaints of how bad things have turned out seem to pale in comparison to the fotunes of the formerly great airlines known as Pan Am, Trans World, and Eastern.

Adapt or die, it is simple economic darwinisn. Getting all misty-eyed will never solve a thing.

please explain how US management is adapting to a changing Industry,minus the cuts to employees pay. In most Observers eyes they are not going in the right direction. Of course with those rose colored glasses you have on , everything appears rosey.
Rico said:
PB, are you trying to say Jerry Glass himself somehow fashioned the pathetic situation our company and industry is in, just to enable a larger "ask" to be put forth as time winds down --> in an effort to make our supposed righteous union leadership look bad... :blink:

Man, you are way out there. <_<

My answer:

I believe Jerry Glass is the master mind behind the egregious, brutal, inhuman, contracts and proposals we all sit with. I believe he is the schemer behind dividing the membership from the leadership and union from union. I think he has plotted, schemed, threatened to destroy the unions on this property and make a name for himself as KING UNION BUSTER.

After all, he has a union busting, anti-union organizing, anti-union strategist and markets his company as such on Ford and Harrison.

Conspiracy? Major! That is why he was hired, and that is why he is still here.

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