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ALPA BOS F/o Rep. Update - June 25


700UW said: "Isn't the loss of your pension and the lowest paid in out of the majors enough evidence that the company is your enemy and not your friend?"

USA320Pilot comments: I agree. In addition, I understand market forces and people willing to work for less at LCC's and RJ operators as a threat to American labor pay and benefits.

I believe we all agree there are multiple problems and I do not like seeing you, I, or anybody else working for less than I believe we are worth. However, that's not the intent of this topic.

The topic is about accurate union leader communication.

My objection is not with the intent of the PIT/PHL Reps. from the past and present...it's their method(s). Regardless of the reason misinformation is wrong.

As I said before I fully anticipate and expect the JNC to obtain signficant contract improvements, which I believe will occur, but I object to what I believe is flat out misinformation. Moreover, I believe you will agree with me that misinformation is wrong especially from an elected official.

Best regards,

Your all a bunch of management-lead sheep...that includes specifically STEPHEN who comes from the "give-back-gang, take-it-up the-rear" ALPA leadership. Anything that comes out of your weak-rob-ya-blind-do-nothing legal is MISINFORMATION!
"As I said before I fully anticipate and expect the JNC to obtain signficant contract improvements,"

Jeez..........This is why the cretin has no credibility. Contract improvements indeed. The only way that is going to happen is if this pilot group stands together and DEMANDS improvements while fully supporting a stoppage of work if it doesn't happen.

And with guys like 320, Jones, Svenson, and the rest of the GAG'rs around that is as likely as our top line management sharing their stock option bonuses with us. In other words, forget about it.

We are only as strong as our weakest brothers and sisters. When you define weak the names of the aforementioned GAG'rs appear without hesitation.

Expecting DP to ante up is just plain lunacy. He hired Glass to go after you and your ilk. And I fully expect you to once again buckle at the knees. Blame whoever you want for our contract.

Fact is the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the GAG'rs who wouldn't support standing for our profession. In other words, look in your mirror.

And for the record Jones has no character. He, like you, is at the mercy of Jerry Glass and whatever any other management type says you're going to take. You have no backbone. Only jelly where the backbone is supposed to be. And you justify it by thinking you and your "experts" know what management will do based on what they tell your they're going to do.


If my memory serves me correctly, former US Airways ALPA Communications Committee Chairman Jack Stephen who is now the MEC Chairman on three separate code-a-phone message’s indicated the PHL Reps. published false information and even used the word misinformation. Stephen never made those comments about Garland Jones.

This is because Jack said exactly what his predecessor and the GAG (including GJ)told him to say.

With all due respect, what is interesting “Pilot†(who I believe is furloughed and bitter) is that Jones seeks the opinion of people like ALPA’s president, ALPA’s financial advisors, ALPA’s legal advisors, ALPA’s director of representation, ALPA’s E&FA (economic and financial analysis department), ALPA’s contract administrator, and a host of other respected people then he makes a decision.

I would bet there are more and more pilots every day that don't respect ALPA or anyone associated with National. They have been led down the weak path "to fight another day" too many times by an "Association", that pretends it is a UNION, that doesn't have the collective backbone to stand up for the profession it is supposed to be representing.
Why would a certain A320 Captian send me a PM asking for my Name, Payroll Number and Phone Number?

Good grief..... I go away for 6 months of non-AAA bliss, and I come back to find 320 beating yet another dead horse.

Of coarse he wants your payroll #, he ask for mine once too when we was wrong, and could do no better than attempted intimidation. The GAG has done more harm to our profession, than Regional Jets.

Were it not for the America West MEC, the E190's would be operated by the regional carriers as well thanks to the former AAA MEC, and the GAG.

Run wild ya'all, and your BS detector doesn't have to be all that good to pick up on the efforts of 320, and the BOS FO rep.

Soldwholesale --still
Why would a certain A320 Captian send me a PM asking for my Name, Payroll Number and Phone Number?

Why would anyone ask for personal information? No one with an ounce of sense would ask 😉 , nor would anyone of intellect hand over personal information to anyone, especially with identity theft at an all time high.

How odd that anyone should ask that isn't performing a background check for the purposes of a loan! For what legitimate purpose, then? That purported furlough claim is legendary! 😀

Thanks again for the laughs!! :lol:
Well, I just got a nasty PM from "The Truth", telling me to basically shut up and stop telling AFA and ALPA to go to the media, picket and cause harm to their stock...

Some gall! 😛
Why would a certain A320 Captian send me a PM asking for my Name, Payroll Number and Phone Number?

Did the same thing to me.

The guy should just be ignored. He thinks he knows what is going on in Tempe just like he knew what was going on in CCY. It does get frustrating when members (read GAG'rs) of your own profession won't stand up and realize how they are being led by people who only want to degrade the pilot career to where they have taken it.

Meager profits on the backs of employees. Boatloads of money being made by the management people 320 cheerlead for. Boatloads of money made by people holding LCC's debt. Boatloads of money made by Republic and other regionals based on sweetheart deals. Or does anyone read the annual report?

And our contracts must be "cost neutral"!?!?!? And 320 buys that nonsense.

As long as he has a "job" that is all that matters. Same with all the GAG'rs. No balls. As everyone else associated with LCC other than the employees makes tons of cash because of what we, the employees, gave up.

I can't believe that ANY of the pilots associated with the current fiasco are still in office, including the current ALPA president. ALPA members are just lemmings, jumping right off the cliff, right behind their leadership. Just wait until they get "stapled" to the bottom of the new seniority list because they have no cojones. The truth is, US Airways ALPA started the race to the bottom, and due to the head start (and a stupid union), they won. Now, their jobs are being replaced by smaller aircraft which pay even less than they are making now. What a bunch of idiots. I don't work in this industry any more, nor do I ever intend to again. When your own union has such a low opinion of your qualifications it's time to leave. Not even any cost of living raises in the current deal. How stupid. I'm only sorry that I didn't get out of the insanity called ALPA sooner.
You got it right oldie. But nothing lasts forever. Sooner or later (most likely later) 320 and the GAG'rs will realize what is being done and stand up and fight. Their ego's demand capitulation to managment because the "experts" tell them what to do. They cannot think for themselves. And they refuse to accept any risk associated with standing up for their profession.

Someday they'll get it. Until then we can only expose them for what they are. Cowards who have no use for fighting the good fight trying to preserve what the early, and I mean early, ALPA founders fought to build.

The purpose of this topic was to discuss misinformation by the PHL Reps. since the former Communications Committee Chairman (now MEC Chairman), the previous MEC Chairman, and MEC Representatives have said in public communication modes the PHL Reps provide inaccurate information.

When is it o.k. to be dishonest and lie especially in an elected position?

Instead of debating the topic I believe bitter angry people instead insult others, stray from the topic and post nonsensical information.

I believe when people get emotional they say and do things they would otherwise not do, especially when sitting behind a computer screen, but their lack of decorum and lack of respect speaks loudly about their character.

A flight crewmember’s name and payroll number is available in CATCREW and phone numbers can be listed in the white pages or found on the Internet. I believe those people who elect to insult others or pass falsehoods on this forum and then will not privately identify them self are cowards.

They’re the people who lack courage, plain and simple.

In summary this topic is about PHL Rep. misinformation again – nothing more, but I believe other’s who cannot debate this point instead do things like “shoot the messengerâ€￾ or insult other’s, which speaks loudly about their character.

Best regards,


When is it o.k. to be dishonest and lie especially in an elected position?

Instead of debating the topic I believe bitter angry I believe those people who elect to insult others or pass falsehoods on this forum and then will not privately identify them self are cowards.
They’re the people who lack courage, plain and simple.

Best regards,

Prove they were dishonest.

And why did you change your US Aviation name a couple of years back?

Pot meet Kettle.
The purpose of this topic was to discuss misinformation by the PHL Reps.
Actually, the purpose of this thread seems to be yet another attempt to slander those who you disagree with - supported, of course, with the opinions of those that also disagree with the aforementioned PHL & PIT reps.

In summary this topic is about PHL Rep. misinformation again – nothing more, but I believe other’s who cannot debate this point instead do things like “shoot the messengerâ€￾ or insult other’s, which speaks loudly about their character.
And the character of the BOS F/O Rep, who himself posts "misinformation" in his rebuttal of the PHL LEC update? Or those who use his "misinformation" to further their personal agenda of hatred and sabatoge?
