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Aloha Airlines to Liquidate

All I know is that we are making money so Parker and his gang must be doing something right
All you should know is the EAST is making money not the west according to Travis Christ in the PHL meeting, most likey because we are under paid.
Financial preformance at the expense of employees and customers is incredibly good short term thinking. The most profitable airline in the US, WN takes the polar opposite view. So now the question then becomes this. Given US and HP's performance over the last 35 years who are YOU going to back?

As for Aloha, you ever hear of "Go Hawaii" a subsidiary of Mesa who has already LOST a suit to Hawaiian. The basis for the suit was:

"Hawaiian's executives accused Mesa officials of posing as investors to gain access to confidential information they could use to set up go!, an island-hopping competitor. Phoenix-based Mesa breached a confidentiality agreement it signed to view the data, Hawaiian executives contend in the suit"

Aloha has a similar case pending. Mesa which is the parent company to Go Hawaii has a rather large contract with US Airways. Birds of a feather and all of that. Aloha didn't fail all by its lonesome, Johnny O has some culpability as CEO of Mesa as well. I have Hawaiian's victory to support my POV

Time will tell

I absolutely agree that GO! is partially responsible for AQ's liquadiation.

You are right, birds of a feather? You are saying just because US Airways associates with Mesa then it's birds of a feather? Mesa partners with United, Delta too. Bread and butter went to birds of a feather...

I feel for the employees of ALOHA GOOD LUCK to the employees at ALOHA
Routes now to be open from mainland to the islands

Honolulu to Orange County

Honolulu to Oakland

Lihue/Kona to Orange County

Kona/Lihue to San Diego

Maui to Sacramento

Maui to Oakland

Maui to San Diego

Maui to Orange County

any others the vultures will go after in these markets

TZ flies from OAK to all of the aforementioned cities, although their future is certainly in jeopardy as well. HA also currently flies SAN-OGG. IMO, I doubt you'll see any of these routes started by other carriers, save for perhaps SNA.

Although I'm sure Go! contributed to AQ's demise, let's not forget that AQ has been bleeding cash for years, long before Go! was even around or thought of
Fortunate, Parker has this place heading in the same direction. This company needs to be split back up or we will suffer the same fate.

Enough. Geez, its not about USAirways or your bad attitude.

US will be fine once they get rid of the whiners.

For my Aloha friends, this is very sad, I wish you well, and a pox on Jonathan Ornstein and his mickey mouse operation.
No, this really doesn't have anything to do with US -- the only reason someone from your station got sent to OGG was because AQ does most of the ground handling for mainland carriers at OGG, LIH, and KOA. Other airlines were also considering sending people to handle their flights.

The official announcement from AQ says they're maintaining their cargo operation and ground handling for other airlines. It's just their passenger operation that's being shut down, and taking 1900 of the 3500 jobs with it.

Wake up, folks. Something this real could be landing on your doorsteps soon enough...
Fortunate, Parker has this place heading in the same direction. This company needs to be split back up or we will suffer the same fate.
Hardly. But the old US was headed that way. Why Parker chose to do this is beyond me. All you people have done is #### and complain.
The Aloha employees had nothing to do with their company liquidating, and they no longer have a JOB.
And all you want to do is complain about US.
Put it in perspective. Get a life. Must be nice to have nothing else to do but write on this web site and complain about an airline you don't even work for.
This post is about fellow airline employees losing thier jobs, not about how ticked off you are all the time.
Good grief! If you hate US so much, stop flying on us. Go to another airline and find all that you can to hate about them, and post your poison on another blog.
WAH WAH WAH.... hey Gordon is now available....but that didnt help Aloha..