Aloha Airlines to Liquidate

My heart goes out to the Aloha Airlines ohana.

Aloha `oe

for the stupendous service over the years, Mahaloa nui loa.

A hui hou kakou, Me ka `oia`i`o , hula
I wish the grumbling that goes on on this board about our company could just sit back and think a little bit about how fortunate all of us are, especially the pilots! Especially in this day and age...don't take things for granted! :mellow:
It is attitudes like yours that leads to a management style of lurching from one self-made "crisis" to another.

Employees refusing to speak up when things go wrong almost guarantees a career careening around the bottom of expectations, just like AWA. Management will change only when employees assert themselves and demand self-respect. Even Glass says that employees with no self-respect do not even think they "deserve" average compensation, settling for lowest levels, just like AWA and the GAG at US. Tell them a lie about how hard it is to manage and such employees will offer concessions, just to keep their "jobs". sigh.

To advocate shut-up and sit-down as a management technique is so anti-capitalist. Consider that you, the employee, are in competition with management to do a great job. You must inform management when they offer inappropriate tools (or none at all) to do your job, to do otherwise is a crime on your fellow employees. Persistence is a virtue.

and, a truly bankrupt management is one that tells grumbling employees to shut-up.
Aloha's fate is certainly sad for the employee's affected, and Go! plus fuel prices certainly both played a part.

For those not familiar with the details, Go! lost more money in the latest quarter (flying 5 RJ's) than Mesa/Freedom made from fee for departure contracts with DL/UA/US (flying 130+ airplanes, mostly RJ's). Go! ability to sell tickets well below cost due to being subsidized by the fee for departure contracts certainly added to Aloha's problems.

All you should know is the EAST is making money not the west according to Travis Christ in the PHL meeting, most likey because we are under paid.
And of course the East was making money through 2 count them two BKs! We really knew how to do it!

Let's do it again-only w/o pensions this time.

Good thinking!
I've heard rumors that when the current contract with Mesa is up, US will not renew. That rumor if true would go along way towards repairing the damaged credibility of the current US team for me.

I can only hope you're right Bob.............
The way Mesa is faring with lawsuits, they might not be around to renew... ;)

Mesa vs. Uslan.... Mesa lost. Unfortunately, no fines but they had to pay his legal fees.

Hawaiian vs. Mesa. Mesa lost. $80M awarded to Hawaiian in the first judgement (about half of Mesa's unrestricted cash)

Aloha vs. Mesa.... yet to be tried, but with a loss against Hawaiian, it's already proven that insider information provided to Mesa was used inappropriately. Aloha also opened their books to Mesa when they were considering investing in them during the 2004 bankruptcy....
I think the ultimate slap in the face (to AQ and HA) is a possibility.... Could Ornstein try to buy some of Aloha's assets or possibly the name? Since everything is in the courts I'd imagine that who buys what is ultimately decided by a judge and whoever is willing to pay the most (or anything) would like get approval?
Frankly, Mesa doesn't have the cash or creditworthiness right now...

First off, their available cash is under $100M, and Aloha's case is going to trial this coming fall. There's no hope of a settlement at this point because Aloha has nothing to lose by losing.

To add insult to injury, Delta just canceled their ERJ-145 contract with Mesa today due to failure to perform. That's another 36 RJ's that have no home.

UA just signed up with ExpressJet for lift to offset what Mesa's been canceling on their contracts, and it wouldn't surprise me if UAL followed suit and gave them notice for failure to perform.

The only possible buyers I can think of are Alaska or Southwest. Alaska running in Hawaii would be ironic, to say the least...
But, how much would the judge want for the name and trademark rights? Not wondering because I have some extra money lying around but I would just imagine that in todays enviroment there might not be too many bidders and also I'd guess that the judge would have to entertain any serious offers.

On another note I have been thinking about the poor AQ employees. I know that in Hawaii that it is often the case that people work more than one job just to make ends meet given the high cost of living. I also worked with a lady who used to work for Eastern and I remember that when US filled BK number 2 that I thought I remebered her saying that the employees did not get their last paycheck... Does anyone know if thats the case for AQ hourly employees?

I thought I recently read that the courts finally paid out a check to some employees for the last incarnation of Midway for unused vacation or something like that. I thought the amount was in the neighborhood of 85 bucks.... Do the workers just become another creditor in the case?

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