Your absolutey correct, U should go out of business, we are a terrible carrier, have NOTHING to offer the flying public, employees SHOULD all lose the jobs because of management and there pathetic business plan. Gee N by NW, Im really starting to see the light. I apologize for my stupidity, what was I thinking. Man, I'm glad you snapped my into reality. We all can't fly for NW. Cal has no right doing business, Kmart, shame on you. Thank you NW for making me see the light. (how am I doing, I haven't used the = sign by mistake yet, that was important). When we go out of business, and no fault by not one of 40,000 employess here at U, I'm sure you will be happy and feel good about the situation....If it does, I'll accept it and hopefully go out and get a real job with a real company....gee, maybe someday I'll have the pleasue of maybe being the wing walker for your pushback. I would consider that a great honor! Right now, at NO fault to me the situation we are in, I'm simply trying to pay my mortgage and car notes.
Unlike you, I hope we ALL get through this spiral and get the industry back on track. Stop giving the product away. You and I both been in the industry long enough to know why things are the way they are.
Good luck to all, we know you can't make money with fuel that way it is and LCC's overlapping route systems with $39 fares.
Again, I apologize for mis-spelled words and any use of the = sign by mistake noted by a very keen NW employee. It's really hard to be perfect! I guess that's why I initally wasn't hired by NW. I figured landing at the correct airport was far more important then the correct use of the = by mistake. That's why I wasn't hired years ago. Afer all, we all have landed at the wrong airport..well, maybe not. Only kidding ya know!! Don't take it serious! Only kidding...don't go off on a long tangent, OK!!
Hey, now that we're ol' buds, when U goes out of business, and we deserve to..maybe you can put in a good word for me at NW. 22 years experiece, 25,000 hrs, DC-9, MD-80, B-767/757 A319, B737.
Drop me a PM when that happens and I'll be more then happy to forward you an updated resume!
soon we will be out of your hair, you'll be happy and all will be good!