Who the heck you think I've been talking to!!! Scotty, Ray, Fitz...what, are you blind. One more time, it's not the money...IT'S THE SCOPE CLAUSE'S...that's right...the 20% farmout, the foreign stations which already ARE doing our work btw, jet shop, indy, oak. The last word they got from the company is to cut the mechs down to about 4400-5000. Friend of mine from training just told me he had 3 guys from Bejing for 777 taxi-run. Didn't know we had 777 going there? The bottom line is this...typical UAL except on a grand scale...1/3 can make a deal, the other 2/3's are screwed. When you go from embryo to fetus let me know...that way I know I'm talking to someone with a vertebrae