On 11-06-02, the ATSB requested additional documentation relating to the UAL application. In that letter, the ATSB wanted to know the details of UALs' revenue projections while at that same time, the new CEO for U was saying that revenue had fallen off a "cliff." In many electronic and print media outlets, this was taken as a bad omen for UALs loan prospects. On this board, on different threads it was widely discussed and forecast that the ATSB would reject UALs application and that it may indeed have been preferrable for the Company to use Chpt. 11 as a means to do so rather than have to negotiate cost reductions with labor. Different commentators from differing political stripes kept saying the same thing, the numbers just did not add up.
UAL basically said the same thing when they originally asked for some 9 billion in concessions and then settled for under 6 billion. If UALs numbers were over 30% off when they figured out how much it would take to get costs in line with "revenue" figures that were "optimistic" what are the real numbers?
So how can anyone say that not taking concessions was the best route prior to the chapter 11 filing?
1) The airline did not demonstrably have a handle on what they needed to reduce in costs relative to revenue: the ATSB request for more information.
2) The split between what UAL said they needed (9 Billion) and what they settled for (less than 6 Billion) did not go unnoticed on Wall Street or in front of the ATSB.
3) The questions concerning how UALs' estimation of the relationships between cost and revenue could reasonably be off by more than 30% gave UALs competition, the other airlines, the opening needed to draw serious attention to the defficiencies in the ATSB application.
4) UALs revenue projections, if true, meant that the other carriers were not being straight with their employees when talking about the need for possible wage reductions.
5) Chapter 11 offered the best opportunity to end the Union influence on the Board of Directors and return control of the Company to the Company.
ATSB request for more info.
Excerpt from Business Coalition Analysis of UAL ATSB application.
"...In Evaluating UAL’s Application to the ATSB
United Airlines’ (UAL) loan guarantee application to the Air Transportation Stabilization Board (ATSB) has generated much commentary from airline executives, Wall Street analysts and industry consultants. Most commentators either argue that UAL should reorganize inside a bankruptcy process or that a Chapter 11 filing is inevitable because, in their view, the ATSB will not approve UAL’s application..."