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All quite on TWU front!


Dec 21, 2002
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It''s been awful quiet with regards to any information coming from the TWU. No updates on the home page. No updates from local presidents. Could it be that nothing is going on or is it the quiet before the storm?
spoke to soon!

Director's Update

Directors update 02-20-03

It is unfortunate that, as we approach a crucial time...

Via FAX and E-mail

Directors Update

February 20, 2003

To: AA Local Presidents and Members.

Dear Brothers,

It is unfortunate that, as we approach a crucial time during which we must make careful, deliberate decisions, some Company officials have provided inaccurate information as to what has been discussed so far, as well as the documentation we have been provided. At this juncture, the only documentation provided to the TWU deals with the Company's financial condition. Our experts have analyzed this data, and their analysis was given to the Presidents.

We have been provided with the Company's detailed financial reorganization plan, and it is presently under analysis by our economic advisers. The Company has not made concrete proposals for modifications to our agreements. There have been no negotiations between the TWU and the Company on such matters (or any matters), nor will such negotiations occur without convening full Bargaining Committees for both Joint and Mechanic and Related Negotiations. As I stated in my last posting, starting next week, we had intended to review and analyze the Company's reorganization plan and transmit the information to the Presidents. We believed this process allowed for orderly and fully informed consideration of our options, but I am going to have to reconsider whether even these limited discussions with the Company are worthwhile if we are going to have to continue to correct misinformation put out by management.


James C. Little Gary Yingst

Director Air Transport Division TWU-AA System Coordinator

Robert Gless John Conley

International Representative International representative
The company side from JETWIRE:

American Airlines senior management and leaders of the airline's three labor unions held the latest of their ongoing "active engagement" meetings yesterday at American's headquarters. The session included, among other things, a discussion of financial issues and external events that may impact American's financial results. In addition to yesterday's talks, the company will soon begin meeting individually with the Allied Pilots Association (APA) and the Transport Workers Union (TWU) on an accelerated schedule. The stepped up pace of the meetings is a recognition by American, the APA and the TWU on the urgency and severity of the company's situation and reflects a desire by each to work collaboratively on solutions to the airline's financial problems.
Damn, beat me by 4 seconds!


That re-organization plan metioned in the posting can and will take place within the current agreements.

The UNION's are simply falling into the same trap that seniority took them.

The union's are allowing themselves to be the scape goats for bad news!
There's alot to be said for the "quiet before the storm."
American Turn Around Plan, ATAP
According to a poster on yahoo the following is either a proposal or has already been agreed to. TWU concessions consist of the holiday after thanksgiving $33 million. One vacation week $55 million.

This is calculated to be 110 $million to be paid in form of a bond backed by assets payable in 11 years with flexible rate , 5 below prime.

Employees may pick any 2 weeks per yr. and only scheduled hours count not overtime or csw hours beyond scheduled. If no selection is made Amount will be deducted in 4 amounts in Jan and Oct.

The Mar 3% increase when factoring in with overtime amounts to $84 million.You wont miss what you never had.

An early out package that will allow 5000 top pay mech., title II cleaners, fsc and other TWU rep workers.They will be replaced with lower starting rate employees.

The savings in vac pay, differences hi lo rates, and productivity minus cost of incentives ($20000) per employees estimated relief $168 million.

Farm out of parts of auto shop at JFK,MIA,ORD,LAX,DFW this is worth this is worth $29mllion. A pay cut of 9% across all classifications is worth $352 million. Contract would run an additional 3 yrs all pay benefits would snapback on amenable date.
On 2/20/2003 9:28:46 PM AAquila wrote:

American Turn Around Plan, ATAP
"According to a poster on yahoo the following is either a proposal or has already been agreed to. TWU concessions consist of the holiday after thanksgiving $33 million. One vacation week $55 million."

OK, that statement is understandable.

"This is calculated to be 110 $million to be paid in form of a bond backed by assets payable in 11 years with flexible rate , 5 below prime."

What is calculated to be 110 million?

"Employees may pick any 2 weeks per yr. and only scheduled hours count not overtime or csw hours beyond scheduled. If no selection is made Amount will be deducted in 4 amounts in Jan and Oct."

You totally lost me as to what this is about.

"The Mar 3% increase when factoring in with overtime amounts to $84 million.You wont miss what you never had.

An early out package that will allow 5000 top pay mech., title II cleaners, fsc and other TWU rep workers.They will be replaced with lower starting rate employees.

The savings in vac pay, differences hi lo rates, and productivity minus cost of incentives ($20000) per employees estimated relief $168 million.

Farm out of parts of auto shop at JFK,MIA,ORD,LAX,DFW this is worth this is worth $29mllion. A pay cut of 9% across all classifications is worth $352 million. Contract would run an additional 3 yrs all pay benefits would snapback on amenable date."

And how many layoffs on top of that?