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All Hot Meals Gone Domestically


Good work at getting in that article and voicing your displeasure. I guess we can all take this article as a positive thing for two reasons. (1) Kudwa says it is temporary, and (2) airline analysts are drawing attention to the situation. I'm sure US does not like that attention, especially when it talks about alienating top customers.
ClueByFour said:
I'll be flying transcon later today, and will report on the state of the "FC Happy Meal."

It was, indeed, the standard IFC box. (both ways, no less)

AA throws a better meal PIT-DFW at dinner than US does PIT-SFO. That's kind of bleak.

The FAs were apologetic, and at least somebody got a kick out of my asking for the "boy" meal. Alas, no toy....
ClueByFour said:
The FAs were apologetic, and at least somebody got a kick out of my asking for the "boy" meal. Alas, no toy....

But if US gave out "boy toys" with the Happy Meals, that could generate FC revenue from women. 😉

(Sorry, I just finished watching Desparate Housewives.)
Flying Titan said:
Extremely disappointing news. I'm not sure if I'm ready to swear off US yet since most of my flights are relatively short hops up and down the east coast, but when I do fly transcon, I expect a better level of service in F than a cold box. Maybe it's time for me to give CO or DL another look.
:shock: WELL I FOR ONE AM SO SORRY! Our illustrious mgmt has done it agin.... all those FFlyers that stood by US and now are being rewarded with NOTHING!!! Total embarrassment - pathetic. I worked two transcons this past week and the look on the paxs faces was amazment ( to put it mildly). Is this all there is? Yes unfortunately folks that's all THERE IS!
If US cant have a descent f/c product- yes including glassware- well then MAKE IT ALL COACH and increase pitch and offer BETTER amenities. I'm pretty much OVER working for a low rent- dumpy third world airline. FILTHY dirty cabins, seats, lavs..the list goes on and on..... Dont know much else to say- personally just cant believe its this bad... Maybe the Vps of Marketing and Inflight - shes responsible for dining and cabin - should be AXED- ASAP!!!
:down: :down: :down: :down:
PSA1979 said:
Iflyem, that's what we are doing now. Offering the Buy on Board to our FC pax. Maybe that is where we got it. Just copying the competition I guess!
:blink: :blink:

Song - flew them recently - great product - cabin service wise. But are any of US surprised? This mgmt., and every other mgmt team had no style, no ingenuity, no panache NADA!! Nothing, ZILCH... All they know is paper and plastic... Need i say anymore- P A T H E T I C!!!!!!!!!
BTW- AA, DL,NW,UA still have decent meals in f/c and YES glassware - a/c clean and not in need of repair.. SO VERY SAD AT US!!!!!!
700UW said:

The catering contract is national with LSG I believe does it at the majority of the stations.

They are full of crap, in CLT there is only ONE vendor.

Charlotte Observer Story

Boxed meals irk 1st-class fliers
US Airways stops hot food on domestic flights during vendor switch
Staff Writer

The latest complaint about airplane food: No hot meals on US Airways domestic flights, even in first class.

Starting this week, US Airways says it is temporarily halting the meals on transcontinental flights because it is switching food vendors. Instead, first-class passengers will receive a complimentary meal in a box, known as In-Flight Cafe -- the same meal boxes available for purchase in coach.
:down: 🙁 Sorry to have to say this, but US has become a white trash, low rent ghetto airline...plain and simple....Nothing more to say- just look at our terminals, facilities our FILTHY a/c and our outdated torn, tattered and used looking uniforms....THAT says it all....
Starting this week, US Airways says it is temporarily halting the meals on transcontinental flights because it is switching food vendors.

If I was Bruce Lakefield and my VP in charge of catering came and told me they couldn't contract for a seemless switch in food vendors . . . . I FIRE HIM/HER.

Or maybe the box lunches IS the new food vendor. :shock:

Instead he probably gave them a raise. Seems to be the way U works at the executive levels.
Whoever it was that said "the customer paying $50K for airline tickets can afford to get something to eat elsewhere" has obviously never traveled on business for a living...

Back when I was flying 80K miles a year on business, there were days where the only opportunity I had to eat was on the aircraft. Jumping on a transcon or a midcon after a 10-12 hour work day, I'd certainly expect something a little more substantial than a Lunchable in a premium cabin.
BTW, are customers being told about the lunchable snack before they book? Or is a special surprise?
US really should just list the meal as "Snack" until this gets resolved. I mean, really, IFC in First? Look at what your competition is serving and at least offer something competitive.
Winglet said:
BTW, are customers being told about the lunchable snack before they book? Or is a special surprise?

In my case at least it was a total surprise.

The gate agent, who's a friend, didn't even know.

Like I said before, it's not about the meal itself--it's about the message it sends, and how it was delivered.
Art at ISP said:
In my case at least it was a total surprise.

USAToday, Travel section has a comment on this issue as well.

US Airways axes hot meals in first class – for now
The carrier has temporarily eliminated hot meals for first class travelers, citing a change in food suppliers. Until the issue is resolved, first class travelers on cross-country flights get a free boxed meal – the same one that economy fliers must pay for, reports the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. US Airways eliminated hot meals in economy in mid-2003. In the front cabin, hot meals were served on longer transcontinental flights until last Tuesday, when the vendor snafu occurred. The airline said it did not know how quickly the meals would be restored
"The airline said it did not know how quickly the meals would be restored"

Waiting to guage passenger reaction, maybe????

a little off topic, but, what are the carib meals in f/c these days? i am taking a flight soon and am very curious if i should pack a lunch.

And, the other poster is right, it's not the idea of a free meal, it's the idea of scrambling to get to the airport to catch a flight and not having enough time to get something to eat or buy something to take on board. Plus, I sometimes feel badly about bringing food on board that smells because of fellow pax.
Pack a lunch. The food is not the healthiest.

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