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Alabama Retirement Head Threatens Liquidation

I would not even 'begin' to look at anything until management took pay cuts and cut back in staffing. If they can not even do that then I say just flip the switch.

ALPA and the Company are close to reaching agreement on a new minimum Group 2 and above minimum fleet count of 279 aircraft. Group 2 is defined as A-318/B737 and larger aircraft.

The parties are also negotiating to place 70-seat and above RJs on the mainline with the likely aircraft the 70-seat EMB-170 and 78-seat EMB-175. These aircraft would be operated in a separate division within the mainline with separate pay, work rules, and benefits.

Management's initial proposal was for the Mainline Express operation to use AA Eagle pay and work rules. ALPA countered with an arbitrated contract, per the MDA restructuring agreement guidelines, which would be arbitrated as an average of AA Eagel, Comair, Atlantic Coast, and CO Express.

Management has countered again and the parties are negotiating over the weekend. The parties have narrowed their differences and a TA could be announced shortly.

In regard to the AFA, I do not have any specific knowledge into F/A negotiations, but I suspect the AFA comment of not negotiating with management until all other labor accords were complete was to see the ramifications of the "me too" clause. Unitl the final ALPA agreement is announced, I would prefer to not discuss "me too" issues, except to say we will likely see changes to the AIL, SAP, and Reserve scheduling.

It sounds to me that the Alabama Retirement organization wants the USAIRWAYS EMPLOYEES to buy 200 million dollars worth of their 230 million dollar investment for them, so they can own 37 percent of the company...If the employees are gonna invest 200 million dollars more in wage & benefit concessions than has already been done, the employees should get 30 percent of the USAIRWAYS stock, not to the Alabama Retirement System....Yeah...Looks like we can see the Wolfe in the sheeps clothing....Is that a pun or what?...(And, who said the Alabama group was labor friendly?)...(I guess Hitler was real friendly to the Jewish population, too)

[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/8/2002 5:52:52 PM chipmunn wrote:
[P][BR]The sad truth is the company has the options to lower employee expense and the issue is where do the unions want their cuts to come from?[BR][STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman"]like the commercial says, just do it.Talk is cheap,chips, daves, bubbas.[BR][BR][BR][/FONT][/STRONG][BR][BR][BR]In addition, we could see the company offer furloughed employees “soft landingâ€￾ opportunities in the new mainline EMB-170/EMB-175 mainline division.[BR][BR][STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman"]you neglected to mention that it would be at eagle wages.[/FONT][/STRONG][BR][STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman"][BR]why is the company wasting money on this when we already have wholly owned reginonal carriers?got an answer for that?[BR][BR][/FONT][/STRONG][/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
On 12/8/2002 11:59:01 PM Reservation Agent wrote:

It sounds to me that the Alabama Retirement organization wants the USAIRWAYS EMPLOYEES to buy 200 million dollars worth of their 230 million dollar investment for them, so they can own 37 percent of the company...If the employees are gonna invest 200 million dollars more in wage &


In fact, since the concessions Alabama Dave and Super Dave are demanding are per year (correct me if I'm wrong). Thus, the payback on the $240 mill investment is far greater than what Alabama Dave is putting in when you add it all up over the next 6(?) years!

Get the $6 million from the Crystal Palace. Get rid of 1/2 of the VP's who took us down this road. Also, stop paying all payments to Wolfman & Rakeeeesh, and try to find something criminal on both of them. They raped this company and left it ......
Wouldn't you just love to see Wolf and Gangwal doing the "perp walk"?
I would imagine at least $6M would come from fixing the fares, but no one is interested in doing that........

Until that issue is addressed there's no hope-you can't keep taking from the employees--they are the reason that we passengers remain loyal in the first place.

I would gladly pay to see Wolf and Gangwhal prosecuted for what they have done to this company..and it's investors/employee's

If the judge or warden has a problem throwing the switch? I'm sure the list of people willing to do so , would stretch for miles.

We can only dream!!!
God bless you Art, and we employees think highly of you, but it's apparent the Palace has an agenda other than fixing the problem. They want to 'fix' us, like Rover gets fixed at the vet!
Chip FYI OUr me too clause only realtes to certain portions of the contract! Reserve issues etc would not be affected! Duty rigs etc would be! I also understand the company cannot pick and choose the pension distress termination that u refer to ! If a distress terminations happens it will be across the board, even though pensions are funded seperately.

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