ALPA and the Company are close to reaching agreement on a new minimum Group 2 and above minimum fleet count of 279 aircraft. Group 2 is defined as A-318/B737 and larger aircraft.
The parties are also negotiating to place 70-seat and above RJs on the mainline with the likely aircraft the 70-seat EMB-170 and 78-seat EMB-175. These aircraft would be operated in a separate division within the mainline with separate pay, work rules, and benefits.
Management's initial proposal was for the Mainline Express operation to use AA Eagle pay and work rules. ALPA countered with an arbitrated contract, per the MDA restructuring agreement guidelines, which would be arbitrated as an average of AA Eagel, Comair, Atlantic Coast, and CO Express.
Management has countered again and the parties are negotiating over the weekend. The parties have narrowed their differences and a TA could be announced shortly.
In regard to the AFA, I do not have any specific knowledge into F/A negotiations, but I suspect the AFA comment of not negotiating with management until all other labor accords were complete was to see the ramifications of the "me too" clause. Unitl the final ALPA agreement is announced, I would prefer to not discuss "me too" issues, except to say we will likely see changes to the AIL, SAP, and Reserve scheduling.