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Alabama Retirement Head Threatens Liquidation

So what does RSA have invested in U up to this point? Is it around $200 million (the price of 4 A330s)? If so, what is their incentive to run the airline? How much of the company's liabilites have been "wiped clean" by the judge? Is it feasable to fragment the airline at this point? Is RSA positioning the airline to be a feeder for the "new and improved" UAL?

My point in all of these questions is, we do not know squat! To me it looks like we have came to a point where the road forks three or four different ways. We (U) don't know where we are going (we just want to keep walking--stay in business). There are "lions and tigers and bears" waiting on each of the "long and winding roads" ahead, thus, our prospects for emerging from this trip without being tatered and shredded are slim at best.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/7/2002 8:46:48 AM gilbertguy wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR] .[BR][BR] [BR] [BR]DCAflyer[BR][BR]DC....is it possible that its just the aircraft or properties that RSA want in the form of a/c leasing/property management and not the airline/employees?
[P]i may be wrong,but ithink RSA owns the majority of 737 a/c and leases to us.[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
Mr. Bonehead, enough with the threats shut the doors you piece of scum.
Working for U's the best job Ive ever had but Ive gotten to the point where Im tired of the threats. Shut it down Bronner's going to replace us anyway.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/7/2002 10:08:20 AM tug_slug wrote:
[P]Working for U's the best job Ive ever had but Ive gotten to the point where Im tired of the threats. Shut it down Bronner's going to replace us anyway.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][/P]10-4 GOOD BUDDY
Just a theory: The good doctor is obsessed with being the savior of Alabama, boosting the state into the 21st century. The RSA is heavily involved in 'bama development projects; golf courses, Mercedes-Benz,etc,and for the state to continue on this road it requires more air service, tadah! their own Ala. based airline, U!. In interviews, Doc has dreamed of a hub and a maintenance facility or two for the good folks of the cradle of the Confederacy. Bronner is in it for the longterm, not the quick buck, if he was he wouldn't invest in the airline industry. Now, when he officially becomes the captain of this wobbily airline, I wouldn't want to be anyone in management especially an executive, the reason he is rescueing U is the result of the terrible decision making within CCY and the corporate headquarters might end up in Montgomery with a whole new cast of characters. As for the rest of us, who knows? Will we all get relocation brochures from the Alabama Tourism Board? I think not, but we still have a large system to service and while the shots maybe called from the South there will still be a need for warm bodies to run U. Intially, I was sceptical of RSA and the Doc, but maybe its the time of the year and I'm just tried of being beaten up by Dave/Steve/&friends. Just once I think we deserve someone who actually wants to see U perform and provide the services it was orginally created for and if its a "good ol' boys" airline, then so be it. Good luck to all, those who are still hangin' on and to those who are down the road, I hope we all prosper.
[SPAN class=BodyFont][BR]
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 12/7/2002 11:25:34 AM airknocker wrote:
[P]Just a theory: The good doctor is obsessed with being the savior of Alabama, boosting the state into the 21st century. The RSA is heavily involved in 'bama development projects; golf courses, Mercedes-Benz,etc,and for the state to continue on this road it requires more air service, tadah! their own Ala. based airline, U!. In interviews, Doc has dreamed of a hub and a maintenance facility or two for the good folks of the cradle of the Confederacy. Bronner is in it for the longterm, not the quick buck, if he was he wouldn't invest in the airline industry. Now, when he officially becomes the captain of this wobbily airline, I wouldn't want to be anyone in management especially an executive, the reason he is rescueing U is the result of the terrible decision making within CCY and the corporate headquarters might end up in Montgomery with a whole new cast of characters. As for the rest of us, who knows? Will we all get relocation brochures from the Alabama Tourism Board? I think not, but we still have a large system to service and while the shots maybe called from the South there will still be a need for warm bodies to run U. Intially, I was sceptical of RSA and the Doc, but maybe its the time of the year and I'm just tried of being beaten up by Dave/Steve/&friends. Just once I think we deserve someone who actually wants to see U perform and provide the services it was orginally created for and if its a "good ol' boys" airline, then so be it. Good luck to all, those who are still hangin' on and to those who are down the road, I hope we all prosper.[/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P][STRONG][/STRONG][/P][STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman"]can you say stockholm syndrome? [/FONT][/STRONG] [BR][BR][BR][SPAN class=BodyFont]Mr. Bronner said that without concessions, "we'll pull the D.I.P. financing and they're gone."[BR][BR][BR]If they do not comply, Mr. Bronner said in the interview, the airline would go out of business and be liquidated in bankruptcy court. "What's their alternative?" he asked rhetorically. "If they don't want to do this, we'll Chapter 7 it."[BR][BR][STRONG][FONT face="Times New Roman"]sure does sound like somebody we deserve doesnt it?[BR]you gonna move to alabammy? uproot the family. have the wife toss her career to go work at dennys or walmart? she wont mind at all will she?[/FONT][/STRONG][BR][/SPAN][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][BR][/SPAN]
Actually I'm encouraged.

If there is one thing that I've learned about the aviation industry; it's that the aviation industry is lead by people that can't run a business. Most of them were either schooled, or schooled by, people that were used to running their business as a regulated industry.

Since deregulation hit (more than a figure of speech) airline executives have been running around with their hands in the air, blaming everybody but themselves, as their companys were bobbing up and down on the surface of the ecomony.

Now an outsider has bought his way in. A man known for being shrewed and unconventional. A man that has proven that he understands how to make money.

His ways are going to look alien to us; his ideas unconventional; his business savvy, offensive.

The labor groups are going to have to quickly come up with representatives equal to the task, or be raped.

The other airlines won't know what hit them. The public will be amused, and wall street in love.

Now as far as the Mechanic and Related are concerned:

Dear Uncle David,

The answer is NO.

We've already given more than we wish we had of.

Wake us up when it's time for us to......
Go to the company picnic!!!
Mmmmm, fat back and collered greens!!
Mr. Bronner says he's impressed by our management? The guys who can't seem to get revenue going? Who can't seem to manage a rational fare structure? Who has people like Ben Baldanza write insulting letters to our most FF's? What about Jerry Glass and his foul mouth? Is this anyway to do business? We don't advertize, our marketing is terrible and we have way too many Chiefs.

I don't see why he's so impressed. The employees in good faith took big cuts to help U stay in business. The employees are the ones responsible for our great stats.

Our contracts are plenty flexible IF management would take the time to use them effectively.

Why won't management meet us half-way and take a few cuts the same way we employees have? We need people here who are motivated to make this airline survive. The employees are doing the very best we can under the circumstances. I'm very proud of most of my fellow workers. We are working our tails off! Take a look at our stats!

If Mr Bronner can't see this, if he believes the employees are the problem then he hasn't been out there on the front lines. I don't appreciate the threat at all.

This airline has the potential to be great. Is he willing to squander it?

He's missing the point altogether. The employees are the solution. Keeping our most valued customers and getting more of them should be the goal. Shall we scare off more customers with threats of liquidation?

Shall we further increase hostility, fear and hopelessness in the ranks?

I challenge every employee here to keep doing the best job we can. Keep those stats high. If we get Chapter 7, let's make it evident it wasn't labor who screwed up. WE do our jobs. Management needs to do theirs.
And if you believe that Siegle has nothing to do with this public statement, I have a piece of land on the moon to sell you.[BR][BR]It is a tactic, although effective, to put the squeeze on employee emotions to get what tye want.[BR][BR]PERIOD![BR][BR]Not Trying to bash or anything. It is easier for Seigle to have someone else, an outsider, threaten you than to actually hear it from the horses mouth.[BR][BR]Good Luck.[BR][BR]PS[BR][BR]The Article also said that this is the kind of tough retoric you can expect to see from all of the airlines management's regarding labor and their cost of doing business! [BR][BR]Lets see, you want us to FLY a $140 million dollar aircraft at 80% the speed of sound with 250+ people half way around the world. Then you want to pay every person that operates on and around it with peanuts and water. It is the fault of labor everywhere!! I also dare you to disagree! C'mon, I dare you! If you do I'll just see what my good old buddy GW and friends have to say about it![BR][BR]

Dead on the money (no pun intended). They squeezed before, we gave. Now they intend to turn us upside down and shake the rest out of us.

A320 Driver
Reminds me of a song:

Sweet Home Alabama,
Where the skies are so blue,
Sweet Home Alabama,
Lord, Big Bronner's coming for U......
[STRONG]so tell me,what do we do from here on until the BINGO day of the 20th?will all the unions do a great BOHICA?is there any time for road shows and vote prep's?NO i say!i read scotty fords in discussions NOW this weekend. [BR]what do you think he's looking at?knowing full well 'ol Doc Boner made his 'live or let die' ultimatum?i'm willing to bet hes looking into what jobs he can toss and keep IAM'S losses to a minimum.he knows hes in a corner and he ain't no good at fighting off the ropes anymore....what will it cost US now?and don't you think they will step in and IMPOSE these givebacks this time?HEY MAN NO TIME FOR A VOTE.hes probably sending these few items into file 13 as we speak:[BR] 1.reciept/dispatch[BR] 2.deice[BR] 3.out station gse[BR] 4.fleet service(except small amount for THRU flights only)[BR] 5.plant maintenence[BR] 6.keep wage giveback at current level for war fund(5%tickler)[BR]'ol Doc Boner gets these he'll be quite happy...maybe he'll get more-we'll find out thats for sure.[BR]could you live with this probably being layed on you with out a vote?it's probably going to come to pass.[BR]go ahead,vote in another union...IAM knows its daze are numbered on this planet-do you think they actually care about reprisals?i think they'll go for broke on limiting the amount of jobs cut/or outsorced and take their lumps up front.they have to.whether you and me like it or not.[/STRONG]
On 12/7/2002 10:08:20 AM tug_slug wrote:

Working for U's the best job Ive ever had but Ive gotten to the point where Im tired of the threats. Shut it down Bronner's going to replace us anyway.

I guess there comes a time when you have to decide if after giving and giving and giving that it's even worth having the job after all.
I will be damned if I am going to make up and pay for any more of the management peoples jobs. Let them take hits. We are so top heavy we can hardly walk around here. Also I am tired of having a crummy job that pays a tad above somebody that walks in off the street with no skills and has no responsibilities. Shut it down. I have thought it through and it is barely worth working here now let alone for less cash. Besides get real, no one votes away their own job. That is like a 'no brainer'. They can kiss the labor friendly side of me. My money says the union caves quickly. It would be worth it to work for less at a place that treats you better than dirt.

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