Aircraft maint issues

This is a aircraft maintenance thread. Why bother to reply to this weasle.
He chased away good people that had enough of aircraft maintenance threads being hijacked by fleet service.
My own situation is that I have close to 32 years but if I had less than 30 I would be bidding to the line. I gotta think that there will be something here since the city of Tulsa can't seem to do enough for AA.
I'm like you close to 32 years. I wonder how it will take for the For Sale sign will go up once all the break rooms get done being remodeled.....
When you bust open the border prepare for more competition for jobs from migrants of third world countries.

Can you think of any more of a threat to a UNION than being flooded by cheap laborers providing cheap domestic labor?

The best thing you can do to protect yourself is avoid an oversaturation of cheap labor.

You would think the last thing someone like you, and by that I mean highly paid unskilled labor, would want is an influx of cheap labor. The mechanics are no safer. How long do you think it will take the government to start funding A&P's for migrants because some liberal sold the public another "income inequality" con job?

Federal agents detained 27 workers at TIMCO, 24 of whom are charged with being in the United States illegally. Most came from labor contractors who provide TIMCO with temporary workers. TIMCO was not implicated, agents said.
(exactly, that is what a temp service has become, and insurance policy in case you get caught employing large amounts of illegal labor)

As many of you know I have been critical of temp services for a long time. This is a prime example of why. Companies like TIMCO use temp services to escape any legal penalty while they enjoy the low cost of illegal labor.

Companies like American Airlines outsource work to companies like TIMCO who have cheap, illegal labor working for them. This impacts headcount (as AA outsources your jobs) and depresses wages in the aircraft maintenance field.

Protect yourselves and protect your livelihoods. Don't let these Democrat con artist push this open borders globalization crap on you.

I bet TIMCO loves sanctuary cities.

Meanwhile, demand for temporary workers increased at the fastest rate this year
(that's only going to get worse), the REC said.

"Every shortage has wider implications, for example the exceptional reputation UK engineering enjoys globally is at risk because employers can’t find people with the skills they need.
(translation, they want CHEAP foreign labor)" he said.

"Demand for staff is growing within all sectors and all regions of the UK, but there are fewer and fewer people available to fill the vacancies,
(which means wages will go up)" REC Chief Executive Kevin Green said.

Around a quarter of employers said they would leave positions vacated by EU workers unfilled
(uh huh, sure they will), with fewer than a tenth saying they would pay more to attract UK workers (yeah.... ok, whatever).

Let me translate this for you.

The UK bought into the open borders globalization crap and now companies only want to hire temporary and cheap labor.

The companies there use the same lies they use here, that they can't find qualified labor among it's citizens. Qualifications have nothing to do with it. It's all about CHEAP.

I promise you, buying into this leftist globalization agenda and agreeing to open borders will damage your class and craft more than an incompetent UNION ever could.
Le Lo, after 9/11 when they double checked everyone there was north of 150 illegals working at Phoenix Sky Harbor about 2 dozens of those worked for the City Aviation Dept. The fact that virtually ever Union in the US's national Org is soft on illegals and pro open boarders shows they care more about their political friends than their rank and file.
You guys want a good laugh.

Look what WeAAsles posted.

He went after them with a vengeance.......

I could hardly stop laughing.

The reason I put him on ignore is so I don't have to look at what he posts. If he wanted to post once in a while I would not have a problem but he wants to take the thread over. If we all ignore him then he'll go away like he promised to long ago but didn't.
Le Lo, after 9/11 when they double checked everyone there was north of 150 illegals working at Phoenix Sky Harbor about 2 dozens of those worked for the City Aviation Dept. The fact that virtually ever Union in the US's national Org is soft on illegals and pro open boarders shows they care more about their political friends than their rank and file.
That's why I stopped coming to this forum, the clown has to dominate every thread. He's an idiot.could just be a reincarnated "700".
With a pax service manager with no maint experience taking over TULE, the future for TULE OH looks a little dim right now.
With a pax service manager with no maint experience taking over TULE, the future for TULE OH looks a little dim right now.

I disagree with you and OLD GUY. At that level I think you need someone that can handle people.
Not agreeing with Parker but he has said he wants leaders, he wants to change the management culture. Maybe this guys can lead give him a chance, stop thinking like everything can be fixed like an airplane. People are not airplanes. (my 2 cents)
I disagree with you and OLD GUY. At that level I think you need someone that can handle people.
Not agreeing with Parker but he has said he wants leaders, he wants to change the management culture. Maybe this guys can lead give him a chance, stop thinking like everything can be fixed like an airplane. People are not airplanes. (my 2 cents)

That's a great point, TUL did make it through BK. It's hard to change the culture of a large older work force that has seen nothing but concessions for over a decade, and forced to pay union dues for what can be categorized as less then stellar representation, then forced to be part of an association that we want no part of.
The reason I put him on ignore is so I don't have to look at what he posts. If he wanted to post once in a while I would not have a problem but he wants to take the thread over. If we all ignore him then he'll go away like he promised to long ago but didn't.
Glad to hear someone else was doing the same. Ever since it was requested by everyone at AA for him to leave and he didn't I too started the ignore option. If guys try the option of reposting what he posted then they will be put on my list as well. There are still others on here that said they would stop answering him and to this day they still do, then ***** when he responds back to them---HELLOOOOOO, right?
Glad to hear someone else was doing the same. Ever since it was requested by everyone at AA for him to leave and he didn't I too started the ignore option. If guys try the option of reposting what he posted then they will be put on my list as well. There are still others on here that said they would stop answering him and to this day they still do, then ***** when he responds back to them---HELLOOOOOO, right?

I disagree with you and OLD GUY. At that level I think you need someone that can handle people.
Not agreeing with Parker but he has said he wants leaders, he wants to change the management culture. Maybe this guys can lead give him a chance, stop thinking like everything can be fixed like an airplane. People are not airplanes. (my 2 cents)
I guess time will tell. I heard today this guy is 32 years old. Hard to believe a guy that young would be put in charge of a maint. base that supposedly they are proud of. I heard Easton is moving to Florida and going to be a fishing guide. Of course when you get a golden parachute like he did you can afford to buy a nice boat and do something like that. I guess we have no choice but to wait and see. I'll be interested to see what his first move is.
That's a great point, TUL did make it through BK. It's hard to change the culture of a large older work force that has seen nothing but concessions for over a decade, and forced to pay union dues for what can be categorized as less then stellar representation, then forced to be part of an association that we want no part of.
This concise post should be held as an example to follow.

Good job bigjets.