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Aircraft maint issues

I have been trying to get an explanation or comparison of man hours vs maintenance spend. What does 35% mtc spend look like vs man hours? Is 35% spend comparable to 50% man hours? This ol` Marine from Oklahoma needs it dumbed down. Type slow so I can keep up!!
Hog I do not know the exact numbers or formulas, but, I have read some past post that the guys are ok with it because it was roughly the same. I do know the co. Could easily raise the spend budget to get a higher 35% spend number at the stroke of a pen with no union person to verify or even check. That's why we had a union leison position added to verify all outsourcing events.
The A$$ is not prepared. WTF have they been doing all this years? what a joke
The A$$ is not prepared. WTF have they been doing all this years? what a joke

Probably need to rewrite the articles that cover the Association ask on the IAM medical, the IAM pension, and the TWU outsourcing limits. All signs indicate there was no flexibility on these items from the Association. This would expose the truth that everybody was suspecting about the holdup in negotiations. Losing money and benefits due to Union negotiators having different priorities than dues paying members has been the story at AA - for my 33 years with the firm. Nobody completely trusts the company for obvious reasons, but the unions are not too far behind.
I say Woodall the OT, road trips. The hell with this association. I have been in the industry for 38 years and unions have screwed me all 38 years! Sign the proposal from the company and move on!!!!!
Screw the ASSociation until I see the full text proposal from them. Also there had better be zero language about including LAA in the loser IAM pension. By the way I am still a no vote on the inadequate company proposal where is the back pay for holiday pay and sick pay and medical disparity between LAA and LUS since they are so concerned about compensating LUS for medical disparities. Oh and I want 7 weeks vacation just like United. Full back pay back to merger date. 15% 401K upfront match retiree medical similar to UA and Southwest. That enough for now but there’s more than that.
On the USAir side the pension and medical needs to go so negotiations can resume. We need to get this all wrapped up. I'm sure the company will give on the outsourcing issues if the association moves on the pension and medical. Read a few posts back about how Sito is playing hard ball on those issues. He needs to let it go or remove himself. He is not doing the membership any good by dragging this on forever.
Probably need to rewrite the articles that cover the Association ask on the IAM medical, the IAM pension, and the TWU outsourcing limits. All signs indicate there was no flexibility on these items from the Association. This would expose the truth that everybody was suspecting about the holdup in negotiations. Losing money and benefits due to Union negotiators having different priorities than dues paying members has been the story at AA - for my 33 years with the firm. Nobody completely trusts the company for obvious reasons, but the unions are not too far behind.
Well said.

On the USAir side the pension and medical needs to go so negotiations can resume. We need to get this all wrapped up. I'm sure the company will give on the outsourcing issues if the association moves on the pension and medical. Read a few posts back about how Sito is playing hard ball on those issues. He needs to let it go or remove himself. He is not doing the membership any good by dragging this on forever.
Both of you here are saying the same. SOMEONE needs to show that there is movement, just don't give away the farm like the TWU has in the past. This I believe is what the co. is waiting for. But yes "something" needs to give to allow nego's to be able to move forward. We were at this same point before the co. finally came back to the table and showed movement and then our union also showed movement. It took several more months after the enitial start of movements, but, it was exactly what finally got us to a T/A worth looking at again.
You both are correct here that "someone" needs to show that there is movement available, and then I think you guys will start to see the movement required to get to a long awaited T/A offer worthy of the memberships look for a vote. Point here, try to get your asso to show the first movement to get things going. It does not matter who makes the move first, it just takes the move to get things moving forward...
I say Woodall the OT, road trips. The hell with this association. I have been in the industry for 38 years and unions have screwed me all 38 years! Sign the proposal from the company and move on!!!!!
Did someone call for a FT/OT ban?
Did someone call for a FT/OT ban?
Like driver said, that would be dumb. Work the o/t, keep the planes in service. Be compliant just like the co. wants you to. This is not the same industry it was in the old days. Work compliant as possible so not to lose your job, it's that simple, if your compliant there is nothing anyone can do to you, nothing...
Agreed. But Matt seemed to insinuate that some entity or someone in a leadership position with the association was asking for an ot/ft ban. Or did I just read his post wrong?
Agreed. But Matt seemed to insinuate that some entity or someone in a leadership position with the association was asking for an ot/ft ban. Or did I just read his post wrong?
No leadership position person from the asso would do that, it would be illegal. And I promise you the co. would very quickly move to have him charged, if it were to happen.

It is embarrassing to see how STUPID people on this forum can be. Discussions about OT or Field Trip Bans is NOT a good ideal. Damn and all of you wonder why the Company dont respect us.
People can discuss whatever they wish. It would have to be proven in a court of law. It would be impossible to prove if you are simply doing your job, being compliant, and working just like the book tell us to per the FAR's. It really is a no brainer. We all should working this way each and every day, I know I do. My licence is WAY to important to me and my family to take any kind of chance to pencil whip something just to make a gate time or flight. Sorry, but not gonna do it under my ticket. It'll get done when it gets done no matter how long it takes. If it goes on time, great! If not, well sorry, but that the way aircraft maint. goes people, and the co. will adjust accordingly, just like they always do. Just do what your suppose to do each and every day, don't let them pressure you into early gates and flights. If they start to pressure you, make the call. We did at SWA and they backed off once the FAA was notified, and Extremely quickly I might add...
Did you even read what I wrote. My comment was about discussing a OT or Field Trip Ban. Also I guess you dont remember when the company Sued the Pilots and Won. It was because of dumb asses posting and putting stuff in writing. So if you canT understand that. YOU JUST CANT FIX STUPID.
Your forum name fits you perfectly. I did read and UNDERSTAND your post. YOU obviously did not get mine as your post proves. Now, lets try this again. Quit talking about it then, and just legally do your job like we are suppose to each and every day.

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