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Aircraft maint issues

I would say about the same, the only reason AMFA has the perks at SWA, is we never went bankrupt, like American. Northwest went bankrupt with AMFA and they were decimated. So your union only gets you, what it can successfully negotiate.

Perhaps not having another Labor Group is a difference in AMFA and the Industrial Unions under the AFL-CIO?
Why don't you leave SWA?
Because I like my job at SWA, and after 24 years, I do not want to start over. It's the Union's job to negotiate a contract, sell it to the membership, and move on. That's what we pay them to do.
Every large Airline , except SWA, AMFA has been replaced with an Industrial union.
And look what industrial unions like the TWU and IAM have become. They form Associations to screw the workers out of their right for a representational election.
Let's not talk about the IBT's last vote turn out at UPS.
And look what industrial unions like the TWU and IAM have become. They form Associations to screw the workers out of their right for a representational election.
Let's not talk about the IBT's last vote turn out at UPS.
Then you tell me what the industrial unions secrets are, AMFA should be everywhere for maintenance, and they are not.
we should be picketing twu headquarters, not aa. time to burn twu down, and get them listen to the membership. f-iam too, just stop dealing with them. save jobs in dfw/tul/mia/lax, we have the leverage. We shouldn't mind giving up jobs, as long as we're saving our areas and maybe even increasing employment in the long run. do we have any strategic thinkers in mx, to move in? and you guys better get on this, it would be easier than a card drive if enough guys are pissed enough. It only takes 20 percent of you guys to storm twu headquarters. My fsc side, we're just dumb, honestly, and lucky to have everything we have.

get nelson to organize it.
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For a skilled trade, Aircraft Mechanics are easily intimidated and are lazy.
Getting those that even talk the talk, in general, will not pick up the cause.
They want someone to do the footwork for them. There are many more in the
AMP that has started to participate, but as this lull, in Negotiations, people
tend slow down also. Industrial Unions use fear and intimidation. The only true
purpose of industrial unionism is to collect dues for their political ambitions.
Because I like my job at SWA, and after 24 years, I do not want to start over. It's the Union's job to negotiate a contract, sell it to the membership, and move on. That's what we pay them to do.

I like working at AA, I applied at LAA was hired by AA, and was forced to join the twu and over the years I had no vote when my local was closed and had no vote when I was forced to pay the association to represent me. Looking forward to right to work federal laws.
I like working at AA, I applied at LAA was hired by AA, and was forced to join the twu and over the years I had no vote when my local was closed and had no vote when I was forced to pay the association to represent me. Looking forward to right to work federal laws.

Finally someone that gets what part of this about.
I like working at AA, I applied at LAA was hired by AA, and was forced to join the twu and over the years I had no vote when my local was closed and had no vote when I was forced to pay the association to represent me. Looking forward to right to work federal laws.
If you can trust your employer to treat you fairly like Delta, you can probably not be part of a union, but there are risk.
If you can trust your employer to treat you fairly like Delta, you can probably not be part of a union, but there are risk.

I was union for 17 yrs under IAM then AMFA and non union for the last 13. I have to say overall I make as a non union guy better money and consistently get a raise every year anywhere from 1 % to 3% and don't have to deal with the union contract negotiation BS and that is primarily thanks to the RLA and the NMB that allows all the airlines to drag out contracts in good or bad times for years only to give a token signing bonus at the end and a modest increase in pay. That being said we without a doubt are making this money because of unions and the desire to keep them out. Our medical sucks but then again I don't see that being any better at the union carriers. I don't see too many risks being union vs non union the same things that will get you fired here will get you fired at a union carrier like time theft etc.
I was union for 17 yrs under IAM then AMFA and non union for the last 13. I have to say overall I make as a non union guy better money and consistently get a raise every year anywhere from 1 % to 3% and don't have to deal with the union contract negotiation BS and that is primarily thanks to the RLA and the NMB that allows all the airlines to drag out contracts in good or bad times for years only to give a token signing bonus at the end and a modest increase in pay. That being said we without a doubt are making this money because of unions and the desire to keep them out. Our medical sucks but then again I don't see that being any better at the union carriers. I don't see too many risks being union vs non union the same things that will get you fired here will get you fired at a union carrier like time theft etc.
All very true, if you don't do your job you deserve to get fired.
If you can trust your employer to treat you fairly like Delta, you can probably not be part of a union, but there are risk.

I don’t think there would be a problem for 90% of us. I have never seen a mechanic have a problem with management when he gets his job assignment and just does it without complaining, even if the plane goes out of service or that mechanic does everything strictly by the paperwork.

We all know the type of guy that NEEDS a union to be employed.

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