All of the LAA Chiefs got basically dovetailed into the seniority list with their Chief date if I'm not mistaken.
Only anyone entering a higher classification going forward will go to the bottom.
I agree, the TWU method is superior, and my reason for not being concerned I guess is that I would never Bid a Chief spot anyway due to the fact it is a management liaison anymore.
Another question is the selection process, will they use IAM or TWU method?
Crew Chiefs should be a management position. How many times have we seen crew Chiefs be union stewards then into management. By and large the CCs are less then knowledgeable about aircraft maintenance and with only junior guys going into the position, it’s not like they need to know anything other then how to answer phone and say to a real mechanic go take care of this LUS a/c because our union was to stupid to hold cross utilization as a bargaining chip to motivate the company into settling contract.
CCs should not be able to CS with real mechanics, if a CC “works” on your crew you are already one mech down as the crew chief courtesy kicks in. That CSing CC will certainly not get a job assignment but that’s ok because the real mechs will do extra.
CCs should be on their own OT list and only work OT as a CC. see above reason.
There are obviously some very good knowledgeable CCs out there, but we all know the CCs I’m talking about, and in the future no knowledgeable Mechanic will give up his seniority to answer a phone and sit in front of computer for 8 hours