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Aircraft maint issues

I can guarantee you that I am a NO vote if the numbers do not match what I am owed. I will hold for being made whole. I am not weak like you to cave to what the co. wants and get away with cheaply getting away with the 5 year pay freeze.
Are you going to cry in your beer with Crowfoot and ***** and moan, if it passes?
Your just pathetic little fleet boy. It's ok though, you will get over it, maybe.
Hey, I can't stand WeAAsles either but, I have to ask, are you mad at him or Fleet? If your mad at Fleet why? Fleet did not negotiate your contract.

FYI I knew at least 4 people in Fleet with A&P's at TULE. Being in Fleet hardly makes one pathetic. I don't define my worth by my occupation.

If WeAAsles earned his A&P and became a mechanic would he cease to be "pathetic" in your eyes or would his past as a Fleet Service Clerk forever mark him as a lesser?

What about the 4 people that I knew in Fleet that had A&P's but chose to stay put until the fallout settled from 9/11. Were they "pathetic"? Did they cease to be "pathetic" the day they got their A&P's?

How about me. I used to be a Fleet Service Clerk. Now I work a technical job (Computer Network Specialist). Having previously been a Fleet Service Clerk do you consider me "pathetic"? It is hard to have a civil conversation with someone when you feel they consider you inferior, especially over something as trivial as occupation.

Where is the threshold when you no longer consider a Fleet Service Clerk pathetic? Is there one?

I am just trying to figure out if you really think all Fleet are pathetic or if you are just angry at WeAAsles and throwing mud.

Hey, I consider him "pathetic" as well but it has nothing to do with his occupation, it is because he is a narcissistic, selfish, egotistical, arrogant, ostentatious, hypocritical, manipulative, TWU bootlicker.
What he is not telling you Weazz the the base is 14.8 %.- The full snap up with license premium, longevity, shift differential is 16.7% . The pay raise for 2018 is retro back to April 1 st 2018. Also is the signing bonus money of 91 MILLION, to be divided among the employees. It also includes people who retired that were here during the last 5 years. If you got fired you won't get anything. This is what they negotiated, and ask for. AMFA math on missing out on future raises assumes you would get 3%, every year for the next 20 years. How can you project that when you take 6 years to negotiate a contract, and you want a no vote to go maybe 7 or 8 years, for a raise. So much for projected earnings. Don't worry Swampy we know you are probably a No vote.

Well it seems like he wasn’t too pleased by my response, lol. Driver to be honest it’s guys like swamt that are what’s wrong with Unions IMO. They’re never satisfied no matter how much money they make or are offered. To me you guys are pretty lucky with that 3% per year when the last few years the average inflation rate has been below 2%

Once you reach TOS since there has to be a top of some kind how can you ALWAYS expect that your Company to give you over inflation every single year?
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Well it seems like he wasn’t too pleased by my response, lol. Driver to be honest it’s guys like swamt that are what’s wrong with Unions IMO. They’re never satisfied no matter how much money they make or are offered. To me you guys are pretty lucky with that 3% per year when the last few years the average inflation rate has been below 2%

Once you reach TOS since there has to be a top of some kind how can you ALWAYS expect that your Company to give you over inflation every single year?
It's not reality, people on social security don't get cost of living every year. Our Troops don't get it all the time. The Government employees don't , unless you are in congress. Most people with private employers do not. That's why I said their reasoning for us to turn this down is very flawed. You guys would be happy as pigs in mud, if Parker gave you a nice raise, a big bonus, and you kept all your work rules, plus some improvements. And a 401 k match like we have. I would like more vacation, but you can't get everything.
Their reasoning to turn it down isn’t flawed as much as it’s amazingly idiotic. And I’ll bet you that it’s going to pass by huge numbers?

Swamp’s an idiot. Maybe he’s great at turning a wrench and eating a donut, but otherwise he’s a flaming idiot. And he’s F’n clueless how to make paragraphs.

Yes all the things you said should conceivably make all of us as happy as pigs in mud but we also have tons of greedy idiots in all our groups too. 3% per year for the life of the Contract? Where do I sign?
Well Weazz you are a New Yorker from Queens, so you got a decent education. I am from Texas, I have a college degree, been all over the world learned to appreciate what the good Lord has blessed me with. I have seen real poverty. As for Swampy I do not know what his life entails, I may disagree with him, but I don't hate him. I just need to let it go. I wish you guys the best. I enjoy the debates, my internet friend. Oh and here is the clincher on the company's part. They are going to mail to the guys house what their exact signing bonus is. Wait till the wives and girlfriends see that!!! 🙂
Oh and here is the clincher on the company's part. They are going to mail to the guys house what their exact signing bonus is. Wait till the wives and girlfriends see that!!! 🙂

REALLY!!!!! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha. I got just one word for you driver.

Hey, any AA AMT's on the AA Aircraft maint issues thread anymore? 😀

Shut it down mods.....it's useless anymore!
Hey, any AA AMT's on the AA Aircraft maint issues thread anymore? 😀

Shut it down mods.....it's useless anymore!
I agree. It seems many AMT threads get shutdown when guys from other AA departments and other airlines jump on and somehow create a diversion from the topic at hand. I won't mention names but there have been more than one individuals. To be fair some do add to the conversation and others create chaos.
Latest update today. Looks like we will be the Boyz of Summer. No real progress and no further serious meetings in our future. With a preliminary start up of a card drive the company sees the membership is not happy with our union and the negotiations. Expect September to get interesting for negotiations.
Message from Local 514 President, Dale Danker
June 29, 2018

514 members,

I was on a conference call with International representatives Gary Peterson (Local 591 President), Andre Sutton (Local 502 President), and Tony McCoy (Local 513 – International Rep) to discuss this week’s negotiations with American Airlines in DC. Gary Peterson stated they discussed in more detail M&R scope for the base, line and title 2. They are still trying to understand how the back-shops will be counted. Title 2 talks centered around what we believe our work is on the base. The company stated that station protection meant you would stay at your current station until you retire if that was your desire.

That’s about all that we were told after three days of meetings.

Gary said he did make it clear to the others on the executive committee that the TWU negotiating team was tired of them putting our names on documents that we did not write and were not even at the negotiations they put out updates about.

I have not been told of any future meeting dates.

Have a safe holiday this 4th of July.

No end in sight.

Hey, any AA AMT's on the AA Aircraft maint issues thread anymore? 😀

Shut it down mods.....it's useless anymore!

True, this weaasles character seams to conveniently hijack every thread. Then when said character is called on it, denies it. It will then claim to support AA's AMTs, and wish them well. No normal person has the time to put up as many posts as this character does. One can only conclude that this character is a paid shill of the industrial, "one size fits all" union.
True, this weaasles character seams to conveniently hijack every thread. Then when said character is called on it, denies it. It will then claim to support AA's AMTs, and wish them well. No normal person has the time to put up as many posts as this character does. One can only conclude that this character is a paid shill of the industrial, "one size fits all" union.

“It”? “It”? Last time I checked I think I’m still an actual living breathing Human Being. An admittedly annoying one to all the BS Artists I come across such as yourself, but still a Human Being.

And I’ve said numerous times where I can be found on the ramp in MIA if you need to send over someone to confront me? Are you going to tell me that you don’t have one supporter in MIA you can send over to put me in my place?

BTW this post took about 2 minutes. Yep that took long.

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