Your just pathetic little fleet boy. It's ok though, you will get over it, maybe.
Hey, I can't stand WeAAsles either but, I have to ask, are you mad at him or Fleet? If your mad at Fleet why? Fleet did not negotiate your contract.
FYI I knew at least 4 people in Fleet with A&P's at TULE. Being in Fleet hardly makes one pathetic.
I don't define my worth by my occupation.
If WeAAsles earned his A&P and became a mechanic would he cease to be "pathetic" in your eyes or would his past as a Fleet Service Clerk forever mark him as a lesser?
What about the 4 people that I knew in Fleet that had A&P's but chose to stay put until the fallout settled from 9/11. Were they "pathetic"? Did they cease to be "pathetic" the day they got their A&P's?
How about me. I used to be a Fleet Service Clerk. Now I work a technical job (Computer Network Specialist). Having previously been a Fleet Service Clerk do you consider me "pathetic"? It is hard to have a civil conversation with someone when you feel they consider you inferior, especially over something as trivial as occupation.
Where is the threshold when you no longer consider a Fleet Service Clerk pathetic? Is there one?
I am just trying to figure out if you really think all Fleet are pathetic or if you are just angry at WeAAsles and throwing mud.
Hey, I consider him "pathetic" as well but it has nothing to do with his occupation, it is because he is a narcissistic, selfish, egotistical, arrogant, ostentatious, hypocritical, manipulative, TWU bootlicker.