Stay Off????Given your statement, why would you be on the Aircraft Maintenance thread reading comments much less posting?
I see you add lies to justify your post. I have never seen anyone claim to be the most important cog in the machine. On a thread titled "Aircraft Maintenance issues" imagine an AMT defending his trade - not really a stretch. Most of us have seen the tactics employed by the industrial unions to prevent the AMFA representing AMTs from becoming like the ALPA is for the pilots around the industry. Your chosen tactic, the guilt trip accusation. Usually followed up by the elitist accusation.
Try sticking to the Fleet Service thread if you don't like AMTs bitching. I stay off the FSC thread, and have never posted on it. I don't presuppose to tell you how you should think or vote. Much less, tell you how much you should make, and post unrelated salary charts like some of your comrades do.