Really? Ok explain to me then why the Company has offered your group 10 Holidays and is only offering mine 7? Oh and I also heard they were offering you more sick days as well?
And you're right. They do nothing at all for you. Forget the fact they went in and accepted those raises in advance for you. They didn't mean diddly right?
And you're not in a Fleet Union. You're in a Bus, Rail, Fireman, Fleet, FA, Mechanic, Maintenance, Gambling and even Bike share Union. And a few others as well.
Smarten up bro. Stop buying in to all the rhetoric. Be an educated professional.
Well, we haven't heard anything that has been offered from the company - to any title group. I would expect for the AMTs to get what the Sim Techs got - if not more. Also, consideration to what the AMTs at Delta and UAL have for benefits - has to be taken into consideration as well. Having said that, the offers you mention in your post; if accurate, would explain why.