Ok you really don’t know how things work in the TWU at all.
Our Locals for Fleet and Maintenance are separate. TWU Local 591 is all Mechanics. My Local here in MIA 568 is all Fleet. I don’t get a vote for Local 591 only 568.
I think reading some of the angry bird posters on here has seriously confused you?
Now International Officers are elected by Delegates. If you understand the US Elections system it’s pretty much the same thing. Our AA Ramp Local 513 in DFW would have the most delegates because they have the most Clerks.
Now Local 100 Bus and Rail in NYC gets the most Delegates because they have more members than anyone else TWU Represents. I think the group that comes in second might be Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants?
Going down the line (Yep need to rid ourselves of the Industrial Union I know) you have all sorts of other groups including Vegas card dealers, NASA Firefighters and NYC Bike share ride Members. And they all get a portion of delegates depending on there size.
I said to hog the other day that the problem I see with AMT’s is the fragmentation. AMFA, IBT, IAM , TWU, No Union. Then you switch Unions left and right and threaten what’s left with constant card drives. They say in the Unions that it’s the FA’s who are “difficult” Uh nah, lol.