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Aircraft maint issues

First of all you are missing the point. The TWU never thinks of “shifting” work to other TWU work groups as OUTSOURCING. They only think of outsourcing UNLESS they represent those doing the work.
Maybe they will seek an election for the SA employees.

Secondly, you weren’t around in 1983 for the “yellow dog” contract where the union agreed to allow the mechanics to be force fed that contract!

No huge wage increases were gained because deiicing and pushbacks were shifted to fleet
That is why I go all the way back to 1983 when describing the concessions with the TWU at AA.

So no one is allowed to reference the past because WeAAsles says so. If you truly understood why we mechanics feel as we do, it is because of the past. You are quick to dismiss mechanics when we complain and we get knocked down by you and others. Mechanics have lost more ground work since deregulation than any other work group. But it’s ok because it’s “economics”.
And you are right. So therefore I fully believe support outsourcing fleet service, automotive and plant maintenance.
After all it is “economics!”

Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Fleet seems to always be the ones that have always benefited from the concessions the mechanics endure. While being in this fleet union it will just continue. This asso. will be the same way, mainly only looking out for the fleet boys. Until the mechanics get rid of this asso. it will continue to bring concessions to the mechanics in favor of the fleet.
And now watch the fleet get their concessions on this up coming T/A day.
That is why I go all the way back to 1983 when describing the concessions with the TWU at AA.

Fleet seems to always be the ones that have always benefited from the concessions the mechanics endure. While being in this fleet union it will just continue. This asso. will be the same way, mainly only looking out for the fleet boys. Until the mechanics get rid of this asso. it will continue to bring concessions to the mechanics in favor of the fleet.
And now watch the fleet get their concessions on this up coming T/A day.

Actually the TWU is a Bus, Rail and FA Union first if you want to go by majority to guage it.

And your Mechanics “only” Union SUCKS. No living great Contract negotiated by it to show at all.

And they do ZERO to help your profession. Absolutely squat ZERO. Again they SUCK.

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You know one minute I get the impression that this clown swamt who has nothing to do with American Airlines AT ALL is starting to calm down and be civil and honest and then the next minute BAM BAM BAM back with his BS crap again.

You guys blame ME for killing your threads. But something obviously stirs me up to slam all the crap written here. LIES AND LIARS do.

  • Michael J. Quill, 1934–1966
  • Matthew Guinan, 1966–1979
  • William G. Lindner, 1979–1985
  • John E. Lawe, 1985–1989
  • George E. Leitz, 1989–1993
  • Sonny Hall, 1993–2004
  • Michael O'Brien, 2004–2006
  • James Little, 2006–2013
  • Harry Lombardo, 2013–2017
  • John Samuelsen 2017–present
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BS. Go back and read the ENTIRE History from the very beginning of both Unions.

His hasn’t been less than stellar, it’s been a spectacular, abysmal, unmitigated, unmistakable failure.

And I’ll even bet $1000.00 to anyone that in the next 10 years before I retire it will be defunct “Out Of Business”

They completely SUCK.


AMFA bas made plenty of strategic and tactical errors to be sure. It's the idea of a craft union that I support. A union focused solely on one groups needs. Admittedly SWAMT has a borderline obsession about what's going on at AA.
AMFA bas made plenty of strategic and tactical errors to be sure. It's the idea of a craft union that I support. A union focused solely on one groups needs. Admittedly SWAMT has a borderline obsession about what's going on at AA.


Hog I also LOVE the craft Union, Beer, Restaurant, Cable Company, Supermarket, you name it idea. BUT you HAVE to have at least SOME results man. Something, anything?

I’ve always supported the idea of Mom and Pop. I just don’t think in this day and age Mom and Pop stand a chance.

When Walmart and all its money move in, Mom and Pop are doomed.

(And yes yes yes I know APA and APFA. AFA is after APFA BTW)
Why now, WeAAsles? AA has been sending planes overseas for years for heavy maintenance. So why now? Why didn’t they take his step when it first started? Why didn’t they hire Ridge years ago?

Do you think that maybe, just maybe, it is in the realm of possibilities that the TWU is worrying about the loss of more union dues due to posssible increase in outsourcing?

Is the TWU not concerned with sending aircraft to Timco or Haecon Americas because they are US contractors?
Which is more of a concern for the TWU? Security in overseas facilities or job loss?
All unions if they know they are going to lose something in a new contract, will do something like this, to appear they are doing something. This happens in politics also.
You’re now at a TOS Base of around $105,000 not counting your benefits.

I’m not whacking you here with this question Vort but seriously you feel like you’re currently being watered down?

Now yes the SWA AMT did earn more in pay and benefits than you did for over a decade. He DID though (I know why already ok) have far less jobs though (You don’t care about those) and his Company never had a year they weren’t profitable. So that again CAN’T be ignored or denied even if posters here want it to be.

Currently (No it might not last) you make in wages $4.00 per hour more than the SWA AMT. And Management has mentioned that you have fallen behind and they owe you more.

BTW it’s the NMB (Whether you like it or not) that has all those Watering Down (Calling them that is why you can’t organize them) Groups in your Class and Craft. If you were ever to leave to ANY other Union you have to take them with you.

And if you tell me that the little TWU conspired with the Federal Government to stick you with all those lowly non AMT Mechanics I am going to have to be obnoxious and laugh at you.
They might make more than us Weezz in straight time, but as a lead with our overtime rules with double and triple time I surpass the American AMT. The TWU can prove their worth to American's mechanics by getting these overtime rules back, or in place in their new contract.They lost the double time in their bankruptcy contract.
All unions if they know they are going to lose something in a new contract, will do something like this, to appear they are doing something. This happens in politics also.

Wrong. The TWU under Jim Little was in financial trouble because of a judgement against Local 100 in NYC where they couldn’t collect dues because of an action by then President Roger Touisant. They also had too many people on payroll.

When the Little/ Joe Gorden team lost, the new Lombardo Administration fired many on staff with no replacements. Plus the fine/judgement against 100 came to an end. The TWU now was able to save money to be able to make some moves to push the MTA, AA and others. So yes they are making the investment into supporting Aircraft Maintenance and other work remaining in hand.

Your Union does not have the resources to engage in campaigns like TWU is currently and what little resources they do have are constantly wasted to the SSM&P Law-firm unfortunately for you all.
They might make more than us Weezz in straight time, but as a lead with our overtime rules with double and triple time I surpass the American AMT. The TWU can prove their worth to American's mechanics by getting these overtime rules back, or in place in their new contract.They lost the double time in their bankruptcy contract.

Thank you again for pointing out the obvious. SWA has always made profit and all the other Majors did not. And not irrelevant to the narrative although people here want to spin it is the number of AMT you have per Aircraft which helped you to command more as well. NO the Industrial Unions do not want to sell out that much work. And if that’s what the Major carrier Mechanics (All Mechanics under Class and Craft) really wanted then the Industrial Unions would have been kicked to the curb.

IAM at LUS 70 years
TWU at LAA 70 years

BTW I don’t like to work OT so it’s kind of hard to sell that point to me. And all the OT you got is probably cause you don’t have enough people working at SWA?

Hey who needs a life anyway? Keep doing that OT bro.