The TUL Base Planning Sheet is available on the TUL Base Web page.
From what I have heard h hangar 3 has foundtion issues that make renovations to accept 737s on the north and south end bays impractical. Hanger 4 has two bays on each end one of which appears being used to temporarily store surplus equipment and supplies that the new leadership wants to unload. The other bay is the last full time MD80 line. Hangar 80 which is considered a line operation, is home to two full time 7/365 737 B checks. As of today docks 1C, 2D, 3A, 3D, 4D, 5D, 5F, 6B, and 6C have no revenue aircraft in them. 2D has the DC3 in it. There are no wide body aircraft docked on the base. There are only ten aircraft here for LC or HC checks, one of which is on day 33 of 73 for corrosion in the aft cargo due to outsource maintenance leaving lav ducts unsecured. The company is saying it was MIA's fault kind of like they said the 757 seat debacle was Tulsa's fault. Three aircraft here for mods. In the past we would fix anything here in Tulsa including an MD80 that usair side swiped with a 737. Nose section below the pressure deck and fwd of 110 fully replaced. Skins replaced on both sides of fuselage. 4XW buckled and cracked fuselage from hard landing, belly reskinned fwd and aft of the center section. The tree trimmer from Hartford. Too many to count. Field trips, DC10 in the cesspool in San Juan, firebird in STL.... too many to count. Tulsa is a shadow of what it once was and is being managed into oblivion.