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After The Speech


I'm surprised at you.

Get yourself away from the kool-aide fountain, your swimming. :angry:

No one gives a damn if its a bluff or not.
PITbull said:

I'm surprised at you.

Get yourself away from the kool-aide fountain, your swimming. :angry:

No one gives a damn if its a bluff or not.
Twice hasn't been drinking "kool-aide". I think he/she just woke up and realized that your ideas may be a little wrong. "Concessions stand is closed", eh? Tell that to the ghosts of jobs past now lost. Talk to an ex-Eastern mech about acting tough. Talk to a former Pittsburgh steel worker about acting tough. Talk to a former auto assembly line worker about acting tough.

Let me ask you this, PITBull. IF you succeed in killing the company(that appears to be your goal in life), and thousands of your members are thrown out on the street, searching for jobs that no longer exist and that are going to refuse anyone who had a hand in the death of US, will your union be shelling out cash to help the members? You know, measly things in life like making the mortgage payments, or paying for their childrens education, or even just being able to eat? I know that you get lots and lots in dues every year, but will that money be available for all the members? Or are you going to be like the US gov't, shrug your shoulders(like with social security) and say "Sorry, your money is gone". Real nice. Real humane. At least with a job, they can have a chance at making ends meet, and use it to move on to somewhere else.

But, hey. Don't let my words stop you! You can do it, PITBull! Kill those jobs, stand up and show that meany Mr. Siegel who is REALLY boss! Yes, you're gonna show him, that greedy capitalist! Shout it out as loud as you can "Hell no, I won't give!". Shout it out at the unemployment office too...."I wan't more money....NOW!". Yeah, nobody can stop you!
Hey EL kool-aide maker,

You talk about not being able to make simple things like mortgage payments if unemployed...

*&&%! :angry:
I'm not acting anything. This is no act, sir, this is for real. Can find a bad job anywhere in America. You can find a company that will offer unaffordable medical benefits while paying employees small wages...ANYWHERE.

Just as your pal said in the video (that has now been edited), better to look for a job while you have a job. Talk about desperation in getting those contracts!

siegel and team has already KILLED 20,000 jobs and still counting, he even said more would go WITH concessions. But, I guess your "safe", and that's what matters, right? I noticed THEY took that OFF the video. Good move.

Your managment doesn't give a squat about employees, THEY WANT THE CONTRACTS!

PS: My, my you've been a busy beaver, just coming on here newly posting with 24 posts since yesterday! Hmmm.

What took you so long? I knew you would be the first to jump on me for that. It is not the "kool-aide" as you say. It is staying away from these boards and not listening to all the BS and opinions (most are valid) on here. That is it and nothing more. Just because I don't wish to see the company fold and destroy thousands of peoples lives doesn't mean I am drinking anything. You have another job! Many of our employees don't. I am a very well educated person and I will survive. In case you haven't noticed, there are no jobs out there, especially in the airline industry. That is all some know.
I haven't been on here in sometime and it's still the same people crying foul. I did too. Well, I'm all cried out.
It's either sink or swim.........I'd rather swim, thank you!!!!!!

Good luck to all when this company goes belly-up, if that is what you all are wishing for.
Becareful what you wish for.

When you were flying resesrve, you cried everyday. I have another job? Where?

Where you sit, maybe be better than where you were. But like you said, you are educated you could find other work. I use to tell you that all the time.

On mainline, f/as will choose to lower the standards and "bar", or not. That decision THEY know will effect them one way or another.

Its a lose-lose to many. If you hadn't found your nitch recently, you would be cryng to me daily. Please, how quickly we forget who we are and where we came from and what is still before us. Don't tell me your "epiphany", I'm not interested. Come fly the line today, and then talk.

You do remember how much you suffered a few months back, AND THAT WAS BEFORE THE TIME BALANCE SYSTEM. Remember or not?

You don't have the slightest clue what concessions are before us.. NO CLUE!

This is not a "sink or swim" scenerio...ITS A SINK or SINK SCENERIO FOR THE EMPLOYEES.

Forget it.
You think I am sitting pretty? Do I think I am sitting pretty? HELL NO!I know exactly what is going on. I have no idea if I would "go" if some aspect got sold off to someone else, and neither do you! No need to try and personally attack Pit!
You think that the flight attendant group is the only group that is suffering. You always did. The company is not on a personal attack against the f/a group!
Yes, I suffered on reserve and I did complain. I chose to GET OUT!!!
Maybe not from the company, but from what was causing me the grief.
Why must you always attack those who don't think like you? Do I want "the worst" for the f/a group? NO and stop implying that I do!
This sort of attitude is the exact reason why I have stayed away from here.
We are in this together.........all groups!!!
Once you realize that maybe you will calm down a bit!!!!


You damn straight I am....

Don't talk to me about attitude, you now get to go home everyday, unlike the f/as who fly all over the sky. You have detached yourself from the realities, and that is maybe how you are able to cope. They are about to strip everything away from us and will threaten for our endorsement.

Don't feel like getting shot in the head all over again, that's all. And suffer with headaches of more violations in contract language that this management continues to ignore. WE have our f/as being denied LTD, OIJ, being forced to come to work wearing tennis shoes now after foot surgery. yup, you heard it. Anything not to pay our employees our contractual benefits.

Yea, sure I'll give more, in your wildest nightmare.

Maybe you are right! Maybe that is why I can cope!
Again, I changed my situation.
I am not home free. Why do you keep impying that?
I am sure if you got out of where you are presently your situation would change too.
If where I am gets bad, I will change my situation.
If it gets that bad for the F/As, they can change their situation.
Again, it IS easy to find something while you have something.
I understand your "passion" with this issue, but beating everyone up is not going to change it.
Twicebaked said:
Maybe you are right! Maybe that is why I can cope!
Again, I changed my situation.
I am not home free. Why do you keep impying that?
I am sure if you got out of where you are presently your situation would change too.
If where I am gets bad, I will change my situation.
If it gets that bad for the F/As, they can change their situation.
Again, it IS easy to find something while you have something.
I understand your "passion" with this issue, but beating everyone up is not going to change it.

The difference between you and I, is even if I got out of my situation, (which I could tomorrow), I will still feel the EXACT SAME WAY.

I live on principles, not on conditions or environment. Big difference.

Don't ever say those words to me : "Again, it IS easy to find something while you have something". Those are Siegel's words and all of senior management that I have spoken to, and they are filled with thoughtlessness, arrogance, distance, and detachment from their employees. They enrage me.

And reeks of "give me those damn contracts, and then leave". Those damn, friggen union busting bunch.
I don't agree. You would not be that worked up.
I know where I started. You don't think I do, but I do. That is not even an issue
However, I cannot work myself up over something I cannot do anything about.
I've said this before and I'll say it again....What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. Each and everyone of us has gotten to where we are today from what is within us and NOBODY else. What lies before us is uncertain. We choose our path. Sometimes you have to take an unexpected turn or detour.

That's the wisest thing you said tonight.

We do have control of our destiny. It may not be USAirways. That is what WE all do control. They don't control us, we control ourselves and what we are willing to live with OR not.

Its our destiny. There are over 280,000,000 Americans and they all do not work at USAirways or the airline industry...now look at that.... the world does still turn now doesn't it?
repeet said:
Posted on Mar 25 2004, 07:48 AM

For those of you who hate USAirways as I have read on here day after day go look for another job now and leave the majority of us to make USAirways great once again. I for one am not ready to see us go out of business. I really think we can make it.


I don't hate my job, I love it. I just hate the corporate raiders who have come in to skim the cream off the top, no wait, I mean most of the glass until our cup is empty.

During bankrupcy the unionized groups realized that the ecomony would not support the old economic models anymore. So the unionized groups voted themselves lower pay scales, more share of the benefit costs, and relaxed work rules, to help the company be more efficient. The unionized groups didn't do this once, they stepped up to the plate and did this twice.

The savings from the unionzed groups, not non-unionized labor, or organizational effeciency, but unionized groups was more than 1 billion dollars PER YEAR.

Now the unionized groups are being demonized for not being willing to give more. The unionized groups are asking why should they?

After giving up so much, has the company stepped up to the plate and utilized the tools that we have already given them. From what we have seen, the answer is no!

Where are the savings from non-unionized labor, or organizational efficiency? We don't see any! All we see is that 1 billion dollars of what used to be our wages has fallen into a black hole of waste and greed.

If, we see the company changing instead of studying;

If, we see the company utilizing the contract changes already conceded;

If, we see the company follow contracts, instead of using all of their corporate time and energy making war on their employees;

If, we see some returns and utilizations of the money and other concessions we have already given;

Then, the unionized groups will sit down with the company and see what other changes may be appropriate for our contracted labor.

Until then, it has become obvious that the only thing this management team is capable of running is employee harassment and economic terrorism campaigns.
Repeet, I'm impressed!!!!!! Very well thought, well spoken post!! tip of the hat to you sir/maam!!!!! :up:
Except that last sentence where you used "terrorism campaigns" Lets leave the term "terrorism" for it's true meaning. Thanks Repeet!!
PITbull said:
I live on principles, not on conditions or environment. Big difference.
One thing I am fond of saying in such situations is "You can't eat principles."

Don't get me wrong, I'm willing to sacrifice for my principles (and have done so several times in the past), but not if it means harming my family.
ITRADE said:
ktflyhome said:
We have over 20,000 people furloughed because of voting Yes. Even if the majority was a No vote, they would still be furloughed. It really doesn't matter. Come high or Hell water, this Management is going to get rid of as many employees as it can, that is MOHO>
Sorry, but the main reason where there are 20,000 furloughees is because 19 muslims decided to slam four commercial aircraft into various buildings/hunks of land. Had that not happened, US probably would not have gone chapter 11 and the consequences that came with it.
Itrade, Are you serious??? U was in trouble BEFORE 9/11!!!!! At the time , they were just plugging along trying to figure out how to merge with United. (after the govt said no) THAT was their focus of the time, hence, they were bleeding badly! 9/11 CHANGED their plans. Was their oppertunity to focus on heavily slashing costs to prepare us for a merge/sale. Obviously, after 2+ years, Dave couldn't even accomplish that!! Selling us off/merger, whatever you want to call it, has been the plan since Wolf arrived on the scene!! And now, once again, we are at that "critical juncture"!!!! :shock: :angry:

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