MarkMyWords said:
For those that say that they have not seen anything in the presentation that shows what "the plan" is, perhaps you should listen to it again.
- we are reevaluating our entire fleet seat configuration.
- we are simplifying fares
- we are rolling the PHL hub
- we are changing the entire management team in PHL (see the COB releases)
- we will redeploy our assets with the introduction of additional MDA assets
- we are going to transform ourselves into an HP or AS.
- we are going to stand and compete - WE HAVE NO CHOICE
- Dave will toss the golden parachute and accept LCC type contract and pay
- Daves executive team will also change their compensation
- we will change the web to be more user friendly
- we will invest in more technoloogy
- we will increase flight frequencies with the addition of MDA aircraft
- we will add cities as more mainline aircraft become available
- we will replace turbo prop aircraft
- we will update mainline a/c with a new IFE
- we will update our facitilites with things such as wireless web access
- we will increase aircraft utilization
- we will increase employee productivity
- we will increase point to point flying
- we will increase internet sales
- we will grow the fleet and the network
- we will continue with our alliances with UA and Star
- we will change the company culture
Let's wait and see what happens....
Let's look at this list and classify these as
A) We have a plan and this is what we're doing
Nothing in the list fits this category
B We know where we want to be, we haven't quite figured out how to get there
- we are going to transform ourselves into an HP or AS.
Not even close to understanding what AS and HP did. Certainly didn't start with a presentation like this. With HP, it was systematically and aggressively addressing all the issues, from ops, to network, to pricing
C) There seems to be a plan, but it's not clear where it's heading
- we are simplifying fares
No details given -- certainly no recognition that, if done right, this could increase revenues (AWA) AND reduce costs (business simplification). Dave said the move will reduce revenues -- it will if they're dumb about this. He doesn't get what is happening with pricing in the market
- we are rolling the PHL hub
No detail on benefits of doing this, what this allows you to do with the network, etc etc.
- we are changing the entire management team in PHL
Too little too late?
- we will change the web to be more user friendly
He actually said there'd be a new site in the summer. Why the complete lack of urgency? He said they could be done by June? Again, why wasn't this done a year ago? Earlier??
- we will increase flight frequencies with the addition of MDA aircraft
- we will add cities as more mainline aircraft become available
- we will replace turbo prop aircraft
OK -- finally we know what they'll do (kinda) with the RJs, but really, what's the network strategy? What's the market strategy? Are they going after the business traveler? Leisure traveler? Both? (Using crude over-simplistic segmentation)
D) Something else
- we are reevaluating our entire fleet seat configuration.
Paralysis by analysis. Why haven't they figured this out yet? Just saying this will scare off FF's afraid of losing seats.
- we will redeploy our assets with the introduction of additional MDA assets
This could be a C) if they have a plan on where to deploy them. The presentation was very vague on where everything will go an what the network (even in broad terms) will end up looking like
we are going to stand and compete - WE HAVE NO CHOICE
Bet that really rallied the troops
- Dave will toss the golden parachute and accept LCC type contract and pay
A gesture that's too little, too late and doesn't impact company performance diddly-squat
- Daves executive team will also change their compensation
- we will invest in more technoloogy
Pure aspiration -- where's the money (or the plan) to do this. For what purpose? IFE? Ops?
we will increase aircraft utilization -- aspiration -- rolling hubs shoudl help, what else?
- we will increase employee productivity -- aspiration-- rolling hubs shoudl help, what else?
- we will increase point to point flying -- but what's the network vision? Is it pt-to-pt? Leisure or business markets? Earlier you said the focus was increasing frequencies
- we will increase internet sales -- how? What's the distribution strategy and marketing strategy (other than a new web site several years too late)
- we will grow the fleet and the network -- where the heck is the capital for this
- we will continue with our alliances with UA and Star -- you wonder if they could even execute this
- we will change the company culture -- how? To what? What sort of culture do you want?
On a public broadcast I don't expect them to detail the network plan and schedule for the next three years, but the complete lack of anything to PUT in category A is what makes me believe that Dave and the team have no clue. The several over-simplistic or plain wrong "analyses" that Dave used added to the worries (unit cost comparison, impact of reduced fares, what happened in CA vs BWI, lessons from HP and AS etc etc)
Guys and gals ... I'm sorry for you. I hope MarkMyWords faith that there is a plan behind the sound-bites is proven right, but on the evidence presented, a neutral observer wouldn't believe so.