The web cast "theme" is this, all of labor contracts need to "transform" into Low cost". We will be come LCC as others will follow suit after U. Then we will all be competing as LCC, no one knowing where the bottom is. Ultimately, cosnsolidation will have to happen, and wages and benefits will remain at their lowest for a very very long time.
Those who choose to concede to lower the bar, don't ever complain again to your union leaders on how could this happen. Just look in the mirror. If you feel you can't afford to live like that, than a) you can quit, or B) you can influence those to believe as you.
Ultimately, working for USAirways is not worth a living. If you love the job regardless of paying your bills or not, keep it. If the concessions go through, most of us will leave, and U Managemenet will propser just on the premise to get rid of the mature workforce.
Eventually, as jobs in America decline, those folks who are able to pay for health care to a physician or specialist decline, lawyers, contractors, builders, automobile purchases etc.. decline... Every one will fill the trickle down effect of living at lower wages and unaffordable health care. Even the professionals will not see the business in their office from those americans who have been forced to take lower wages and benefits with threats of liquidation. Folks will not afford to take vacations and fuel prices will continue to soar at unaffordable leveles for the average worker, even to go back and for th to work. Utiilities will be in default and so will taxes, and personal BK will rise to unimaginabale levels. Just watch.
Government will than rise to the occassion to start regulating in order for balance to be brought into the economic system.
The capitalists will have their "hay day' for a short while, than it will change.
In the meantime, just from my conversations with managment this week and their horrible arrogance and outright disconnect...verbal outbursts with me and my defense of our work group...which they refuse to evaluate and help certain indivduals that they have in their pwer to do so...(And YOU, JERRY, know exactly what I am talking about with your unforgivable, rude, holier -than- thow, statments,)