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Oct 9, 2003
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I read today in several newspapers that 40% of the AFL-CIO's union members are going to leave the AFL-CIO. They want to form a new labor coalition that is based on organizing,not bribes to the politicians. As usual,the head cronies at the AFL-CIO said that breaking away from the AFL-CIO would destroy the labor movement.

Well, John Sweeny,I hate to tell you this but the labor movement has already been destroyed and a lot of it happened on your watch! I know! It must have been AMFA's fault!
Andy Stern of the SEIU has been pushing for Union reform. Suprisingly the Teamsters are part of the same group. I say that because Hoffa is unimpressive as a leader, Ron Carey was much better. Hoffa is pure Business Unionism.

The SEIU is the largest union in the country. One of the things that Stern has proposed is to form more specialized unions and to consolidate at the same time. In other words unions like the TWU, IAM and even the IBT, that represent a hodgepodge of members would either have to find a specific industry or trade or be eliminated.

Being that Sweeney came from the SEIU I suppose that he is more in favor of the reform than he lets on. When I wrote to him four years ago about consolidating the ATDs of the TWU, IAM and IBT I got an immediate respose. He was very much in favor of it.
AAmech said:
Poor amfa! Looks like they're losing their "straw man"!
Another twu believer that can't face the fact that the afl-cio is bought off by big business and the government. Is this the reason the twu has had nothing but concessionary contracts for the past 23 years? :down: :huh: :down: :huh:

In the race to the bottom, the twu is waaaay out in front...... :shock: :shock:
Ok AAmech, since you worship the TWU bus, what is your opinion of why almost half of the AFL-CIO is splitting off? Why would half of the AFL-CIO go their own way? Could it be that they see the present leadership of the AFL-CIO is leading labor in the wrong direction? Could it be that us AMFA "nuts" are right about the AFL-CIO and that you TWU kool-aid drinkers are wrong?
Would the  twu/AA AMTs be the lowest paid in the industry

I do see that Alaska has a T/A that pays more than AA and keeps the 10 Holiday, doubletime, shift differential, longevity, etc, etc, etc. For the first time they will have to contribute a little bit towards medical, something we've done at AA since 1989 and the PL on OT is gone but then again we've never had that either. 8 hour or 10 hour shift on mids inclusive of the PL is still a go. That's right, that was gutted in 1983 at AA.

Bob Owens said:
Yea, I'm sure that all the guys on the line are just going to be thrilled to get the "opportunity" to work even more for less.

If it doesnt generate OT, which they say it wont, their hearts will not be in it. Remember what Gordon Bethune said.

I thought that one of the twu's "strengths" was being in the afl-cio?

One of the best things that could happen to labor is if the afl-cio is dismantled or reorganized. Perhaps our craft & profession as a whole will have a better chance when we are under one roof.

But if the afl-cio goes away who will the twu blame then?
Ken MacTiernan said:
I thought that one of the twu's "strengths" was being in the afl-cio?

One of the best things that could happen to labor is if the afl-cio is dismantled or reorganized. Perhaps our craft & profession as a whole will have a better chance when we are under one roof.

But if the afl-cio goes away who will the twu blame then?

Buck said:

What will happen to all the mighty political power the twu claims is such a virtue by being in the afl-cio?

Will this mean the twu will not have the afl-cio to look to for leadership?

Maybe the twu will blame all the dead people that are still in our craft & class? After all, the twu needs to blame someone. We don't expect the twu to admit that they are not democratic or that they don't hold themselves accountable. 😉
Well,where's the TWU opinions about this AFL-CIO rebellion? The silence is deafening! How about it CIO :wub: TWUer :wub: HSS :wub: AAmech :wub: J7915 :wub:
Well,where's the TWU opinions about this AFL-CIO rebellion? The silence is deafening! How about it CIO :wub: TWUer :wub: HSS :wub: AAmech :wub: J7915 :wub:

They cannot answer legitimate questions.

All they can do is spread fear, attacks, and company bed wetting jargon.
TWU informer said:
They cannot answer legitimate questions.

All they can do is spread fear, attacks, and company bed wetting jargon.
The minions have to wait until the twu propaganda machine churns out some new disinformation before they can formulate an opinion.

Of course, in the end we all know its got to be AMFA's FAULT........ :lol: 🙄
I read today that the Carpenter's Union is joining the new Labor Coalition. Of course,the AFL-CIO said that this would cause a division of the labor movement.
Well, we stayed with the AFL-CIO and look where it has gotten us. The AFL-CIO better straighten up and soon or the only union left in it will be the TWU!