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PineyBob said:
Dea Certe,

I have to poke at her once and awhile. Lord knows she skewers me from time to time.

I know if I got a bill for dues after I was furloughed and "Had No Standing" on a grievance the the AFA could kiss my Lilly white assets in Macy's front window and they wouldn't get nickel one from until my grievance was resolved.

I don't give a damn what the rules are regarding grievances/furloughs. You want money provide a service or shut your pie hole. I think the AFA has got iron testicles to ask a furloughed employee for dues. Especially in light of the fact that grievance resolution is placed on "Hold" until the person returns to work. Next time I'm offered "help" like that, don't help me.

The Involuntary furloughees pay no dues.

A voluntary furloughee chose the leave, wanted the leave, elected the leave, received unemployment and medical and term pass priviledges on this leave.
Why? Because AFA negotiated this with the company in order to incentivize f/as to voluntaryily take time off to save those on the bottom that needed to stay employed...capeesh, my man?

This "side letter" benefited many f/as who wanted a break from the job and got the benefits from this negotiated side letter from the union. The potentially Involuntary furloughees got to keep their jobs longer.

All in a days work in the union.
Involuntarily furloughed f/a can not pay dues to remain in "good standing" for the purpose of voting or running for office etc.

However, IF a Voluntary furloughee (who has an end date to their furlough) can elect to pay union dues to remain in good standing for the purpose of voting and running for office. Other than that, I don't know why anyone would.

BTW, you keep making the assumption on this board that I am a union rep. Compliment accepted.
Colby said:
And what REALLY Pisses me off... Is someone else I know that was on Furlough Photo Copied Their ID which was found in a SeatBack Pocket HAD Union Representation and only lost their Non Rev Priviledges for 1 Month
Colby got in trouble for photocopying his ID? Is that a big deal? Am I missing something here? :blink: :unsure:

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