That is a very simplistic answer to a very complicated issue. Once the ink is dry and all details have been worked out I as most of the good people at DAL will except it and move on. This is not a discussion of me wanting some advantage over any NWA f/a, but I disagree that time served is time served. This is two airlines merging and everyone does have a right to thier opinions. What happened to AFA giving me a seat at the table? However to vote in AFA and merging with NWA there is no seat at the table of seniority intergration.
Main Entry: merge
Pronunciation: \ˈmərj\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): merged; merg·ing
Etymology: Latin mergere; akin to Sanskrit majjati he dives
Date: 1636
transitive verb
1archaic : to plunge or engulf in something : immerse
2: to cause to combine, unite, or coalesce
3: to blend gradually by stages that blur distinctions
intransitive verb
1: to become combined into one
2: to blend or come together without abrupt change <merging traffic>
One company one list.
Again time served =time served
prepare to be assimilated resistence is futile.