Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court


Dec 29, 2002
Dear Members of Local 40,

AFA has submitted to the court a motion to CHALLENGE the 21% court ruling of
October 15, 2004.

You will soon hear this in the media as a press release has been sent.

The main reason for the CHALLENGE is because the 21% pay reduction
authorized by the court is independently excessive for the flight attendants
because it failed to account for the pension contributions which USAirways
unilaterally forgone without court authorization. By not paying into the f/a
pension plan, the amounts required by the contracts and by federal law,
USAirways has realized savings of approximately $3.9 million per month
totaling $15.6 million during the 4 month interim relief period well beyond
the savings amount which the Debtors had used in constructing the $5.4
million savings target for flight attendants.

Neither the value of the reduced benefit obligation nor the value forgone
pension payments were addressed by the court in issuing its order
authorizing interim relief. The AFA respectfully submits that it is not
addressing those critical issues of cash savings to the Debtors. This court
inadvertently authorized pay reductions which exceeds the "minimum
necessary" for the Debtors to survive. Accordingly, the AFA respectfully
submits that the Court's order should be modified.(taken from the "Motion
for Reconsideration", page 7, sec. 20 and 21).

Local 40
Move on already.

PITbull said:
Dear Members of Local 40,

AFA has submitted to the court a motion to CHALLENGE the 21% court ruling of
October 15, 2004.


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Instead of fighting this in Court, why not negotiate a settlement that would override the judge's decision? The AFA is wasting money fighting this. Even if they win, they lose as whatever financing is left will be pulled and suddenly everyone takes a 100 percent pay cut. As I've said many times, this whole situation sucks, and why anyone would want to stay in this mess is beyond me. But, reality is, a large paycut will happen, no matter what this motion yields.

By the way, if these salaries are ok for MAA and other Express operators, why aren't they ok for mainline employees? Since I first started following this crazy industry, I've never understood why an agent working a commuter/affiliate ticket counter is worth any less than an agent working a mainline ticket counter. Or, conversely, why an agent working a mainline ticket counter is worth more than an agent working a commuter/affiliate ticket counter. Ditto for F/As: 50 passengers per F/A is the FAA rule ... why are 50 commuter passengers different than 50 mainline passengers when it comes to the in-cabin service they get?!

Pilots, one could argue, do deserve more for the plane size as they are directly responsible for more lives and a much more expensive piece of equipment. Now, is it worth the large pay differences that have existed up until this point? No, in my opinion.
The problem you have is, that the company is putting lowball offers on the table and is negotiating with bad faith intent. So, why not challenge it in court

Look at the CWA offer and you will understand what I'm talking about
I think this is a great idea, in fact, you should petition the judge for a raise instead. And company cars. I did not see a thing about AFA asking for company cars in this post. Why not...? :up:

I mean if everytone else has to give and you people are wasting everyones time and wasting your union members hard earned dues $$$, ehy not go completely overboard...? :rolleyes:

Reality, get used to the concept.
This is a waste of time. Move on already people. Start working on the long term. We (afa) missed the boat for short term. Get what we can in the long term agreement. We know the outcome. We know what its gonna take to compete and make money. I hate this like no other, but its reality people. Plain and simple.
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PITbull said:



My days are already numbered....

I thought that Kevin and Kyle relaxed the boards? What happened to that?

I only called the poster a "predator"? So what?


Please f/u with a PM and tell me why the moderator is counting my days...on these boards.
Does that mean you have to insult . Just because "rules " are relaxed, you find it intelligent to call names? Surely you have more important things to fill your calendar in Pit, than to test the waters on here? :)
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Rico said:
I think this is a great idea, in fact, you should petition the judge for a raise instead. And company cars. I did not see a thing about AFA asking for company cars in this post. Why not...? :up:

I mean if everytone else has to give and you people are wasting everyones time and wasting your union members hard earned dues $$$, ehy not go completely overboard...? :rolleyes:

Reality, get used to the concept.

And just what is it that you are giving up as an additional sacrifice? Yea, thought so...nothing.
That would be a smart move getting rid of the people that have made this site.
Reminds me of a certain managment group and the type of decision they would make.
I dont always agree with everything everyone says here, and some I never agree with, but I enjoy the lively debates and exchange of passion on views. I personally dont want to see anyone kicked off these boards. If necessary to delete a few words, that might cause offense to someone's delicate sensabilities, then so be it, but dont kick the messinger off for expressing their opinion.
WestCoastGuy said:
I dont always agree with everything everyone says here, and some I never agree with, but I enjoy the lively debates and exchange of passion on views. I personally dont want to see anyone kicked off these boards. If necessary to delete a few words, that might cause offense to someone's delicate sensabilities, then so be it, but dont kick the messinger off for expressing their opinion.

Agreed. PB should hardly be used as an example. I don't know what she posted, but if what she posted is what she said above, there are other people on here who have really been offensive. Although no one may agree with PB 100% of the time, she communicates her message to the people at US and has a place on these boards.