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AFA Pres Perry Hayes Tells it like it is!

Please don''t assume knowledge of anyone on this message board. USaviation respects the privacy of our members per the rules and etiquette guidelines.
Ill restate my request for them to resign and the names of the "lurkers" to be revealed to UPPA management. They can not as a rep of usairways post on this public forum. Oh they can but there is a price to pay if there wasnt a price they would be hidin right? The ribbon thing is a joke. Maybe a black ribbon callin for dave to totally clean house! Hey a good idea. I think you know as well as i do the other shoe will soon fall and UPPA management will pay a heavy price. The bottom line has to be affected here or nothing will happen. I have started a grass roots campaign as we speak to investigate some of the lurkers. We deserve the right to know since we are paying their salaries.I would suspect in the coming days the names will hit the fan. I know one in fact but ill let UPPA manage ment deal with him! Time will only tell Ya know. If they have time to lurk then there salaries need to be slashed or there job. Especially when u noticed the time postings
On 4/8/2003 3:49:23 PM CLTBWIDAYSYR wrote:

On 4/8/2003 1:28:38 PM PineyBob wrote:

OK now help a stupid PAX out on this one?

They cut wages and staffing in order to save the company? Correct?
Each work group agreed to those terms? Correct?
So now you are tasked with much harder working conditions?
So your response is to work at the same pace and possibly annoy some customers who may not be served?
The net effect being that some may chose another carrier?
So load factors decrease, resulting in further cutbacks in the number of flights and more furloughs occur.
Load factors decrease to the point US Airways is no longer viable and all lose their jobs!

Does this sound right? Did I miss something?


Usually I agree with most of what you say, but this time you''ve lost me. The Airbus A-330 still will have 266 passengers...THAT DID NOT CHANGE!! The 767 will still have 203 passengers. More work, fewer employees making 30% less. More of us will be laid off. Meanwhile, up at CCY, new high paying job positions are created for inflight services. More management doing less work. DID I MISS SOMETHING???? Can they really expect me to believe since we are (basically) half the size we were two years ago, that we need more management staff to cover a work force that has been reduced by 1/3??!! Bob, are you listening here? Would that not P*iss you off? I will never treat my customers badly simply to get back at management...that would be stupid and suicidal. But don''t preach such garbage as you have above to a group of people who have just been shat upon (again). If we didn''t care about what we do, we wouldn''t have been listed number one in the AQI last week after facing lay off after layoff and pay reduction after pay reduction. I have been told time and time again that I should be grateful I have a job and that if I don''t like it I should go somewhere else. Well I am grateful I have a job, and I don''t want to go anywhere else. I want the place I work now to get better and I want to help do that by staying as long as I can. You sit back on the sidelines and infer that just because I think this absolutely s*ucks, it means I am somehow a disloyal employee. That Piney is arrogant and insulting. It''s like saying just because I don''t agree with everything my government does, I''m a bad American and should move out of the country. We have every right to be angry. Perhaps Sherry Hendry can learn from us and lay off some of her office staff. Perhaps then she can learn to do all of their work PLUS her own. Perhaps then I''ll respect such dribble that is currently coming out of her mouth.


I''m with you on that!
On 4/8/2003 4:45:19 PM NAPAUS wrote:

Stewart, U know better than i do that Perry is USELESS> I still can't believe our mec voted him in. For the record, i have served for many years as an AFA. rep..and am actually still very involved. I've been here for over 22 years, ur 24 as i remember. So dig deep in your memory ....what did Perry ever do for u????. NADA>>NOTHING. I can vividly remember just weeks before he was"put in office" after Karen was recalled..he told me to my face.. I WILL NEVER do UNION work again..i'm just here for the ride..im over this co..the lazy flight attendants etc. shall i go on and on???... and NOW hes on the new BOD...Perry is self serving and A YES MAN!!! calling our f/a 's L A Z Y is nasty and insulting to say the least. !!! We never knew how hard Karen., Carol, Joanne, Dee and many others worked for us..HE could and will NEVER hold a candle to ANY of them!!! I was one of the few that supported these cuts,,WILLINGLY,.now i feel we've been RAPED and there is no one willing to investagate and pursue the RAPIST!! USAIRWAYS current mgmt is taking advantage of us....and Perry's in bed with them., All the righteous indignation in the world will never convince me hes USELESS..and u know what stewart, I KNOW U FEEL THE SAME, deep down inside!!!


First, if you were a past union rep, and in the "know" to make it your business especially as a past rep. you would know that Karen was NOT recalled.

Perry is NOT spineless, and has been giving management their due dessert since he took office. He is NOT lazy, but very hard working....I AM SOMEONE IN THE KNOW! And he has the ability to conduct and move business with the MEC.
On 4/8/2003 5:28:08 PM DCAflyer wrote:

Where I blame Perry, et al is not ironing out the work rule changes BEFORE the TA ratification. That is rather like going to the bank, saying I need a mortgage, but I don't have time to shop around, so you, Mr. Banker, give me $150,000 and come talk to me next week to tell me how much interest you will charge. This invited the pillaging of the flight attendants, both senior and junior. This is why we have VF5s and upcoming involuntaries. This is why there is not time for even the reduced service U now offers its customers. This is how staffing was able to be reduced and why work rules were plowed through. This would have NEVER happened on Karen's watch. She was much more practical and had better relationships with management. I miss her so much.


The company gave the MEC two days to take the proposal or they liquidate. The exact time was Dec. 20 at 6 P.M. The MEC made the decision to send it out to the f/as at 5:00 p.m. an hour before "deadline". The majority of the MEC voted to send it out for vote, accept PIT, she opposed, for the very reasons you cite.

Was Karen a good MEC President, she may have been, but not for that time, and what the f/as were facing. She was not prepared for all of it, and allowed to be influenced.
Workload increase for management? You must be kidding. Piney, do you think that since we basically have no inflight service to speak of that we need to start a new department and call it "Inflight Product Development" and hire the former CLT base manager to head it up? He then gets to hire a former CLT supervisor to be his right hand man. The jobs that opened up by those two leaving have already been filled. Tell me again how their workload has increased. Yeah, right.
Ok gang time to take a breath and count to 10. Yes we all agree that this amt of staffing is just plain stupid. We are all great at our jobs so just keep doing what you are doing. The trans Atlantic folks are in for a ruff ride but as soon as they see that this just can''t be done with this amt of staffing they will put more F/A back on. I''m going to take a wait and see about the service changes. I''m sure all flights on the A320 with an hour or so of flight time will change to coke and sprite. If they don''t change the service on some of these flights you just won''t be able to finish so don''t. Just put the cart away and thats that. Has anyone emailed Dave and asked him how he would like us to handle this? There is no need to slow down you will not be able to finish anyway just do what you can. As for Trans Atlantic wait and see if they change the service. I know this kind of staff cutting is crazy. I am going to wait and see what they would like me to do before I get too freaked out. I''m sure the Pax will let them know what they think of this new service.
Let me tell you what a pretzel pusher does. A pretzel pusher gets on the aircraft 45 minuted before pushback (pushback being the time said pretzel pusher starts being paid) to make sure all safety equipment is present and functioning,

1. So do the pilots, what's your point? Looking for sympathy? You knew/know how the system works.

that the aircraft is clean and presentable for our passengers,

2. Only the Express carriers FA's do this - the ML have cleaning crews to clean the cabin lest they chip their nails and go out on disability for a few months

and that the cabin crew is properly briefed.

3. Gotta make sure we're all in agreement on who should be voted out of "American Idol" and be sure that you're all bitchin about the same things prior to flight.

A pretzel pusher then boards passengers onto the aircraft,

4. Last time I checked, the gate agents board the a/c and the FA's usually stand around yappin to each other.

looking at each and every one of them trying to guess if they might be a threat to passengers, crew, or company property.

5. Did a great job on 9-11. ( with the utmost of respect for the people who died that day)

A pretzel pusher tries tactfully to remove a 400 pound passenger from the emergency exit row. A pretzel pusher tries to reseat passengers when there are duplicate, and sometimes triplicate seat assignment (with FAA minimum crew, it is illegal for a pretzel pusher to go down the jetway to get the gate agent to deal with the problem).

6. Yeah for the most part you call the gate agent to handle the situation and then backstab the agent while they are trying to rectify the situation.

A pretzel pusher tries to assure passengers that their bags will make it to their destinations and that the aircraft is safe (even though staffing for baggage handlers and mechanics has been reduced just like inflight).

7. So you admit that lying and deciet is a part of your job (unless you are lying again) And you are right, now that U has reduced the mechs and bag handlers there just not enough people to do the work considering that 3/4 of these people can be found watching tv in the break room instead of out on the ramp. Before the reductions there were say, 20 people on duty, 15 watching tv and 5 working, now U has 10 people ding the same job as before but now you have 8 people watching tv and 2 doing their job.

A pretzel pusher, while continuing to be unpaid, "helps" 80-year-old female passengers get 60 pound overstuffed bags into the overhead bin.

8. Well at least U offers this as a weight training program, it'll build you some muscles, relieve some stress and allow you to live longer so that you can #### and moan that U works you too hard. I notice that on many flights the overhead bins are stuffed with non-reving FA's bags that are almost always filled with what looks like 90% of their wardrobe.

A pretzel pusher continues to be unpaid when the aircraft sits on a gate hold for an extra 45 minutes, yet smiles all the while and deals with angry passengers.

9. Wake up and join the real world, every industry deals with the same and for the most part they deal with alot more crap on a daily basis than the average FA will ever face in their careers.

Finally, after pushback, a pretzel pusher checks on each and every passenger, making sure their seatbelts are fastened, seatbacks are up, and bags are stowed.

10. Funny, that pimply skinned teenager did the same for me and my family the last time I went on the roller coasters at Wally World and Disney World - I wonder if they went throught the same "extensive" training in belt buckle 101 that you must have.

Then, the pretzel pushers take their jumpseats and mentaly review every possible sitiation which might go wrong on takeoff, where the nearest extits are, what commands might need to be shouted, and how to get 140 people out safely.

11. Just scream at them the same way you scream at your boyfriends (males and females) If you can't figure out that the nearest exit is right next to your damn jumpseat you have bigger issues to deal with and should not be on a flight. Believe me if people need to get out of an a/c in a hurry they will most assuredly climb out of the cracks in the hull like they usually do in accidents

The pretzel pushers get out of their jumpseats on initial climb to close bins that popped open on takeoff.

12. Well if you had closed them properly in the first place you wouldn't have that problem would you.

Pretzel pushers can and perform CPR, operate a defribulator, and tend to an passenger who is injured with an impling object.

13. So can most boy/girl scouts. A great many of people are trained as First Responders and even more are trained in CPR by the American Red Cross. The defibs can be operated by anyone who knows how to read, former paramedic and most defibs are automated to the point that they will only deliver a shock when the heart is in fibulation (super fast heartbeat/quivering of the heart)

Pretzel pushers comfort passengers who are afraid to fly

14. Yeah I've seen that one in action before - call the pilots and ask them to make announcements every time a cloud is within 2000 miles of the a/c.

and passengers who are flying to their child's funeral.

15. Limo drivers do the same when they drive the same families at the funeral - you are doing nothing more than any other decent human would - you seem to think this is "work" - if so you truly are a worthless human being.

Pretzel pushers scour the forward and aft galleys for anything that a vegetarian passenger might be able to eat after the meal they requested weeks earlier didn't make it onboard.

16. Maybe if you looked for the meal prior to departure you would be able to catch the problem earlier. With all the generic meals given out on the flight, it shouldn't be too hard to pick out the "special meals" prior to departure. Besides, vegetatians usually look sickly and close to death - a little protein never hurt anyone might even throw some meat on their bones.

Pretzel pushers offer diabetic passengers their own personal food so they don't slip into a diabetic coma.

17. Any decent person would do the same - again get over the FA's are heros mantra

Pretzel pushers try to assure pasengers on a late flight that they will make their connections.

18. Again to the lying and deciet part of the job. This also makes pax even more pissed off if you give them false hope that they can catch their flight and then find out from a gate agent or tv screen that they can't.

Pretzel pushers babysit families of four pre-teens in the back of the plane while Mom and Dad sit in the first class cabin boozing it up.

19. Thank the Dems and the Bill BJ Clintons of the world that don't take any responsibilty for themselves or their actions for this one.

Pretzel pushers try unsuccessfully to communicate with unaccompanied minors who don't speak a syllable of English.

20. Funny, I was at the local 7/11 the other day and experienced the same thing - no sympathy again, welcome to the real world.

On final approach, pretzel pushers once again check each and every passenger for seatbacks, belts, tray tables, and stowed items.

21. Must be really tough, hope they covered that at the community college, right after "can opening 101"

Pretzel pushers try to keep their composure when asked by 20 passengers where they can catch their connecting flight... after we just spent five minutes anouncing the information.

22. Maybe they were busy collecting their items getting ready to rush for their next flight that you gave them false hope of catching.

After landing and taxiing, pretzel pushers (once again being unpaid, of course) smile at every passenger and thank them, even though they some of them were the biggest pains in the @ss to the entire cabin crew.

23. Again welcome to what people with real jobs deal with 10 fold every day, its called customer service.

Then, if a pretzel pusher is lucky, he might get 20 minutes to run into the terminal and grab a burrito, get back on the plane, and scarf it down before going through the entire scenario agasin.

24. Just like the pax who are paying you for your service.

Peanut pushers might have an 11 or 12 hour duty day, yet only be paid for four and a half.

25. You don't like it, go out and find a job out in the real world, where you don't have the potential of making 50K a year pouring a cup of coffee and passing out pretzels.

So, flyn2low, when you don't know what you are talking about (which I suspect is often) I would suggest that you peddle your insults elsewhere.

26. Flyn2low is not too far off base. FA's are there for customer service primarily and secondly their for the safety of the few idiots out there who can't figure out how to buckle their seatbelts. It amazes me that the FA's who #### the most are usually ML FA's and the ones who #### the least, yet because they are usually the only ones on the a/c to clean, inspect and ensure FA duties are completed and therefor have more of a reason to ####, are the express FA's. I am not saying that FA's don't perform an important job but I'm tired of listening to CERTAIN FA's and pilots who think that they have the most difficult jobs in the world. We all know that the airline industry, while tough at times, is certainly the EASIEST job to be found.
I feel that deadheading flight attendants should refuse to help crew with service until each and every involuntarilly-furloughed flight attendant is called back to work.

1. Not sure on this one but what is the liability of deadheading FA's helping out as they are not officially "part of the crew" for a particular flight.

When passengers aren't getting served and they see crews in uniform sitting, maybe they will get the message that it's time to contact CCY.

2. Did you ever think that they will get the message to fly on another airline?

I respectfully disagree, once again, with your call for the resignation of any management members lurking the board. While I don't like it, this is a free and open forum, and they have just as much a right to be here as you and I. In addition, it is not up to us to call for their resignation. They don't work for labor.

3. That's right, they work for the STOCKHOLDERS

How about this for a suggestion. Have crewmembers... cabin and f/d, wear multiple colored ribbons, each signifying a sacrifice, and have this be an industry standard:

A red ribbon in honor of our fallen camrades on 9/11; PLUS:

A bright blue ribbon in honor of all those hundred-thousand or so furloughed airline workers in America, PLUS:

4. Why should Joe Blow who works somewhere that is cutting back employees give a rat's a$$ about furloughed airline employees. Do you think your job is more important than his. Pretty sure his job contributed more to the community/ economy than most FA's do ( this is not to bash FA's, just trying to point out the average Joe could give a $hit about ribbons)

A yellow ribbon for all those who had to take a second job to pay their mortgage and feed their kids; PLUS:

5. Look at the Express carriers, most employees whether they are pilots, FAs or mechs or any other position have to do this. Alot of middle class Americans have to do this. Good luck finding a shoulder to cry on for this one.

A green for those who had to file personal bankruptcy PLUS:

6. Noone forced you to work at U. There are millions of families every year that file for bankruptcy - good luck getting sympathy on this one too.

A purple ribbon for the starving crewmembers who don't get crew meals any more but have longer duty periods and no duty rigs, PLUS:

7. Ever hear of brown bagging it?

BROWN for all the $h1t airline employees have to put up with these days.

8. This one should be given to the paying pax for all the $hit they have to listen to from whiny airline employees.

Maybe this would get some attention and prompt people to write to headquarters. Oh wait a minute. All they care about is a cheap flight.

9. No all HQ cares about is making a profit - that is and should be their ONLY concern - not your interests - you don't want to accept this get another job and guess what you'll find - the same thing. The PAX are the ones who only care about cheap flights as proven by the success of Southwest, AirTran and Jetblue


Did the Kitty Cat wake up on the wrong side of his litter box? Or was the litter box to full for you.? Something is eating away at you! Glad it says EX in your screen name. I wouldn''t want to ride in a taxi with you much less at 30,000 feet!

No just tired of reading about the "oppressed" and "overworked FA"''s of the world. What does one expressing a different point of view have to do with wanting to fly on a plane with anyone. I would be more concerned with the "overworked" FA''s out there. Pilots are carefully screened and trained throughout their careers so your statement is somewhat idiotic. By the way I don''t drive taxis - too much stress that''s why I''m in the airline industry - low stress!

Just to much anger and hostility in the post for my taste! chilling! You can think what you want about the F/A's, I just don't think it's very nice to be so mean to your former co-workers.

No anger in my post - just telling it as I see it. You may agree or disagree - your right just as its my right to tell it like I see it everyday on the line. I need not defend my post but I will say I was not aiming at soley U employees but airline employees in general. You can hear the same old complaints no matter what airline you go to. Just tired of hearing the " I work too hard " bitchin. I spent years in the military and worked 4 jobs at the same time to get through college, you won't see me bitchin about working too hard. I know what its like to work my *** off and am by no means unique in having to bust my *** to get to where I am.
I'm tired of it too. I'm sick of flying these *deleted by moderator* around for 32 years. You don't realize how good that you have it. Now close my C/P door so I have some time to figure out how I'm supposed to retire with what I have left.......
are you crazy? if he told the flight attendants to voluntarily reduce the level of service he would be in violation of the railway labor act. he can''t and didn''t tell the flight attendants to do anything. he just told them not to work faster just because some jagoff with half a brain did some more number crunching and removed staffing on the aircraft.

where is carol austin? she is working with him on the negotiating committee?

face it folks...the flight attendants are sick of the company''s crap. more layoffs looming ahead, reduce the staff on the aircraft, but bring back sherry hendry as vp of inflight, let her create a whole new level of managment in inflight, and hire jerry glass''s buddy from america west, tracy carlson and put her in labor relations to implement the restructuring agreements...labor friendly my butt
odds are you are just making crap up because you can on here...because you don't have to say who you are and you can say things about other people*deleted by moderator*, since you seem to be tooting your own horn, what have you done for the flight attendants?

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