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AFA Labor Discussion (Work Conditions) 7-7 -

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I agree we need her or someone close to her. Ya know what though, it starts with the membership. WE ultimately control who we have in office. If ya don't like John, Mike or anyone else in office get the party started and get them out of there. WE are the union. THEY are there to represent us. If we collectively feel we are not being represented then it's up to the members to remove the clowns and put in place officials that can do the job. Good luck with that. 🙄
Listen whoever you are I too agree with Teddy her points are well taken. You can not tell me one thing that I need to know about the cast of players . Sadly Mrs Ausin was once a friend who works the System garnering 105 ,5000 dollar PBGC and her SS. Arrogant to a fault able to celebrate her 69 th Birthday never to grace the jump seat. Flores is a person who believes his own lies but who cares its difficult. Well we will see how you do in June.

I agree with you, too. You see it for the scam these cast of players have presented time and time again, year after year after year....where is the courage and united strength of the f/as to get these cast of characters OUT of their union? Why are these same folks permitted to hold these seats and go "unchecked"????, no consequences for bad behavior, bad representation, and ultimately self serving agendas...( a bunch of cash cows).

I remember the day when PHL f/as were so strong and united, they kicked out Luther Riggs from his seat and the rest of his entourage...out the door. Luther got two votes for his run as an incumbant LECP in 2002...that was a membership that I remember! Richard Degalldio. and his entire adminstration in PIT was ousted out in his run as an incumbant in PIT with a landslide.

it was a memorable "wipeout". :lol:
Look you guys Teddy never left GET IT now she in mentoring all of you just hang in there do not start the shark in the tank syndrome.
I agree with you, too. You see it for the scam these cast of players have presented time and time again, year after year after year....where is the courage and united strength of the f/as to get these cast of characters OUT of their union? Why are these same folks permitted to hold these seats and go "unchecked"????, no consequences for bad behavior, bad representation, and ultimately self serving agendas...

It is called apathy. As you have pointed out it has been going on for a very long time. Nobody thinks they can change anything so why bother. The other thing as already pointed out these are all recycled players. Why in the world a recalled MEC president is now negotiating a contract is beyond understanding. I guess everybody is alright with that though.
Bravo (or 'va', as the case may be) OneStep!

That's exactly why I plan on running in June!

Good luck to you. Hope you will prepare for any mud slinging coming your way. Don't get caught up in the politics of it. Stick with getting people motivated to take back their union.
I agree with you, too. You see it for the scam these cast of players have presented time and time again, year after year after year....where is the courage and united strength of the f/as to get these cast of characters OUT of their union? Why are these same folks permitted to hold these seats and go "unchecked"????, no consequences for bad behavior, bad representation, and ultimately self serving agendas...( a bunch of cash cows).

I remember the day when PHL f/as were so strong and united, they kicked out Luther Riggs from his seat and the rest of his entourage...out the door. Luther got two votes for his run as an incumbant LECP in 2002...that was a membership that I remember! Richard Degalldio. and his entire adminstration in PIT was ousted out in his run as an incumbant in PIT with a landslide.

it was a memorable "wipeout". :lol:

Most, if not all RSVs are ready to boot this out the door! 22 years on reserve is pathetic and uncalled for! Oh, and lets upgrade to an "internet" based software system. I have nightmares thinking Ms. Pacman is going to eat up my screen :lol:
Hey no one is OK with any of this behavior but for the most part we are all Islands and fear is te name of the game. How many want to make changes but we are not a 9-5 job so you have a built in schedule that is hard coupled with family and commuting . I say its not over I truly believe that we flight attendants will make a difference dupe me once never twice.
It is called apathy. As you have pointed out it has been going on for a very long time. Nobody thinks they can change anything so why bother. The other thing as already pointed out these are all recycled players. Why in the world a recalled MEC president is now negotiating a contract is beyond understanding. I guess everybody is alright with that though.

We made motions to recall CA from the JNC and when the PHL LECP took that to Las Vegas for the MEC meeting, the MECP's from other bases, as well as JM, cast a scant few votes to support our desire to get her off the JNC.

How much power do we have, really, when it's a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" game among our LECP's? The Las Vegas meeting produced many outcomes among the national vote that befuddled and defied the wishes of the membership. Part of the problem is, IMO, we DO feel defeated and to buck the system puts one on a limb, is time consuming, tiresome, and makes you ill favored among some of your peers.

Not that I'm against fighting city hall when it's needed. My problem is I don't know for sure who is actually supporting the membership and who is pretending they are when they themselves are too tired, apathetic, in bed with higher ups, or trying to placate others for their own upward motion.

I would hate to see any benefits cut among other workgroups, as the better they have it the better we can argue our points for better benefits. With that said, it's a heck of a lot more lucrative to get a seat in the national AFA CWA than to be a veteran career flight attendant as far as retirement is concerned.

I think if we all had the same benefits, work rules, standards, etc, we all would feel more unified and supportive of one another.

An example, and I'm not trying to start a RSV versus BH issue, but what if the AIL / Bid Sheet was awarded based on LTO and not seniority? If it's good enough for the reserves it should be good enough for the blockholders. Alas, it's not.

Sorry for the multiple points / rants / and likely mispellings.
Oh, and lets upgrade to an "internet" based software system. I have nightmares thinking Ms. Pacman is going to eat up my screen :lol:

I would caution against wanting to get rid of CATCREW, if that's what you're talking about. Tempe isn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to rolling out IT systems. 😉
We made motions to recall CA from the JNC and when the PHL LECP took that to Las Vegas for the MEC meeting, the MECP's from other bases, as well as JM, cast a scant few votes to support our desire to get her off the JNC.

How much power do we have, really, when it's a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" game among our LECP's? The Las Vegas meeting produced many outcomes among the national vote that befuddled and defied the wishes of the membership. Part of the problem is, IMO, we DO feel defeated and to buck the system puts one on a limb, is time consuming, tiresome, and makes you ill favored among some of your peers.

This is why these cast of characters you cite above ALL have to go. They pretend to support the membership by casting a few votes from those who protest in the base, than it is business as ususal. JOhn McCorkey has got to go. That should be the first order of business for the PHL f/as come next April. then, take out Alin in DCA...no one runs against him in his base, and he wins by less than 50 votes. someone needs to run against the guy and have a real democratic election.
Unless they are holding a uniform fashion show you can't get this group of flight attendants to band together. Sorry it's the truth. We can't get members to show for union meetings or vote but let the group know the company will be unveiling a new dress and you wouldn't be able to get into the crew room. It's pretty sad. People feel so beaten down and just exhausted over the whole union bs that they feel they can't make a difference.
Unless they are holding a uniform fashion show you can't get this group of flight attendants to band together. Sorry it's the truth. We can't get members to show for union meetings or vote but let the group know the company will be unveiling a new dress and you wouldn't be able to get into the crew room. It's pretty sad. People feel so beaten down and just exhausted over the whole union bs that they feel they can't make a difference.

That's a shame, really. As I said in my earlier post, 2001, we wiped out the leadership in PIT, and then by 2002, we wiped out PHL, all new folks, and the company started to be really concerned. There was a power house with PHL and PIT together. Even in the most difficult times for the industry and USAirways, with all the threats that go along with two bankruptcies, the f/as were able to perserve much more than any other labor group on the property.

Don't feel defeated. I'm looking in my crystal ball... I believe there are a few strong folks coming up the pike who may decide to run. Look for them. PHL leadership is on the way out, no matter, and I suspect John McCorkey will get crack'in and pretending to work hard right around Dec. and Jan. to attempt to keep his seat. The elections for PHL is in March. I bet you'll be hearing from him more than you guys heard from him the last 3 years. Depending on who takes PHL, Mike Fl. and Carol Aust. will be next to go. At 69 years old, Carol will be relagated to only collect her Social sec. and PBGC pension, instead of adding in 105 internationlessnal pay and expenses she currently is collecting. She has no incentive to give this up and leave USAirways unless someone recalls her. I don't thinks she has any plans at her age to return to the line. The only folks that will be able to do this is new leadership to replace John McCorkey and team in PHL. John is just not capable of representing PHL, he never was. He was always about himself and a lot of hyperbole. I think CLT will go along with this, and that's all thats needed.

Then the f/as will be able to look forward to a future.
Teddy- so great as Ms. Austin turns 69 in December! I am over this but will love to see JUSTICE. Bring it on
Lisa from the West Coast MEC just put out a very meaty side of the Flight Attendant Agreement................yeow battle stations...................
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