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AFA Labor Discussion (Work Conditions) 7-7 -

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I agree with Zarah about the painful process of recalling these FAs. I wont bore you with my US story, Illl just say I rue the day I EVER went to the open call at whatever hotel it was in Charlotte. Sure Ive seen places I wouldnt have seen, met great people...blah blah blah, but It has truly been 10 years of non stop chaos. Finally I have made the decision to stop living above my means. I most likely will work about 40 hours per month the next few months. I will of course work the holidays with alot of others while the seniors have the time off, and some will simply call in sick. I will barely have enough money to pay bills, more blah blah blah...
Having said that. I am trading in my nice apt (no I havent even considered buying as a reserve). I will move into a place half the size in a not as nice part of town. I will try and get out of my current car lease to cut my car payment in half. Why? because there is no future for me at this company. I have kept hope as long as possible. I refuse to live in denial any longer. After making the above mentioned changes, I will find another job(even if Im waiting on tables). I will sleep in my bed every night. I will be able to make plans in advance. I will be able to actually possibly get into a relationship. I will not live in fear of a 12am phone call to Rome. Simply put I will begin to live. Taking control back feels great. I cant wait to put in my 2 weeks and start a new chapter. Good luck to all.
Zarah I feel ya. It is going to cause problems for all of us but it needs to be done. These people that took all this time off need to "ya know" or get off the pot. They took it to save "our" jobs remember? LOL Riiiiiiiight. Anyway, wait until they get their 20 minute tutorial on the HHD, learn the ETB, grasp the new commands, monitor and challenge, selling food, COMMUTING like they NEVER commuted before and last but not least OUR NEW MANAGEMENT. Good luck to those returning. I don't expect to see you around all that long. :lol: My advice....Take your flight benefits and go work at Target rounding up carts or sell candles and cards at your local Hallmark Gold Crown store. It's not worth it.
As usual 🙄 You are right on several points. "Saying One is Coming back and ACTUALLY Doing it are two entirely different matters". Many of these employees have been gone a lenghty period of time and will be completely out of synche with the whole ailine mentality...TSA window dressing procedures, onboard procedures and the LCC mantra (although the Majority would probably concur team Tempe is NOT exactly InTouch with managing a Bigger Airline.....I'll refrain from stating MY opinion :lol: ). What WILL be Interesting is to SEE "The List" and see WHO and Where they will be coming From. Let's not forget that in this period of time, several bases were closed.....BOS,LGA,BWI and 'clutch your pearls' the former Mecca/PIT. Many of these people are in for a RUDE AWAKENING- 'life in Kansas ISN'T the same buttercup' and YOU will learn to get up to speed or 'Run for the Hills' screeching WTF! Throw in commuting for some of these folks............and the Drama only begins. And the HHD issue............rotflmao..........there are MANY (that Never left, and DO NOT have an excuse) that STILL DO NOT "Get It". Ahhhhhhhhhhh, November will be here SHORTLY..........and the sands in the Hourglass are trickling down as We speak. cheers 😛
Look too busy crying over Mexicana because my brother -in law was a Captain there. Teddy is right on she does know about the angles that need to be addressed will try to chime in later.
Baja, what has happened at Mexicana is a very sad turn of events. Though it will leave many without a job at least the employees can walk away knowing they gave the middle finger to management and their creditors and stood their ground. The paycuts Mexicana wanted from it's employees was a deal breaker for me. I'm sorry for what the employees are now dealing with but applaude them for standing their ground. Same goes for here if it came down to it. I'd say, "SHUT HER DOWN" before I EVER gave another penny.
Take it for what it's worth and believe what you want to believe but Mike Flores apparently says that AFA has already negotiated better rest requirements, rigs, etc. I'm guessing he believes that what they have negotiated is better than what pilots have or WILL have whenever the FAA changes their rules. I honestly don't think the pilots are going to see sweeping changes. Seeing will be believing. My problem with all of it is this. If the company wants to mmmmm say "violate" your language what power will that F/A have besides "fly it and grieve it"? I want BLACK AND WHITE language with no room for the company to interpret ANYTHING to their advantage. I mean, I'm already voting NO as I don't like anything about the new reserve section so. Pointless I guess. 🙄

Really? When did you get the opportunity to read and review it? Just curious.
Really? When did you get the opportunity to read and review it? Just curious.

Well Let's see Lisa. He mentioned it in one of his E-Lines. He didn't give details of exactly what the language was but MOST DEFINATELY did say that improvements above current language for f/a's and pilots was negotiated. Search through them if you wish. I'm not an office admin. Maybe his E-Lines are about as half baked as yours. Give him a call and ask. TTYL. 🙄 NEXT......... 😉
Listen up folks. Enough is enough and I am about to take the bull by the horns and attempt to recall this entire negotiating committee! They don’t give two squirrel squats and looking over the bylaws of AFA have failed in the most egregious way. This means making changes at LEC level so well get on board or get thrown over as you are dead weight. We are starting petitions to remove them period. John Anne and Allen ignored PHL the last time with a 99% vote to remove them I am tired of the slap in the face. You will represent us or you will be gone as who do you think you are? Just a heads up we have had it! You are looking down the barrel of a powder keg.

I'm reading this stuff, trying to figure out who has read the INCOMPLETE sections of the combined contract negotiations? I'm just curious to know how the experts that are spewing anti Flores rhetoric know what's contained within.

Mike has tried harder than most of you have given him credit for, to secure language that sticks with me too. We are not waiting for the pilots before an agreement is put forward. Stop with the vote it down campaign until you see what's in it, its just plain ignorant to do that, unless you have the true knowledge of the sections. Pay has not been negotiated, so the rumors on pay are pre-mature.

Phoenix is holding a "get informed" session at the airport with questions and answers on which sections are closed and what is coming, including reserve sections which is one of the most important sections for many. You may want to speak to some of the people that are attending that.
Well Let's see Lisa. He mentioned it in one of his E-Lines. He didn't give details of exactly what the language was but MOST DEFINATELY did say that improvements above current language for f/a's and pilots was negotiated. Search through them if you wish. I'm not an office admin. Maybe his E-Lines are about as half baked as yours. Give him a call and ask. TTYL. 🙄 NEXT......... 😉

So you haven't read it. I got it. You're one of those that just talks and talks and talks and not really knowing the inaccuracies being spread on the forums. Thanks for letting us know.
So you haven't read it. I got it. You're one of those that just talks and talks and talks and not really knowing the inaccuracies being spread on the forums. Thanks for letting us know.
Hmmmm Ok let me see if I help a sister out. Again, Mike stated that language for rigs/rest were already improved upon what the current "east" flight attendants currently have. He DID NOT specify what the exact language change was. So I guess that shoots down your opinion of my being "one of those" that talks and talks. Now if you want to talk about INACCURACIES all one has to do is listen to the mumbo jumbo and half cocked information sent out by LOCAL 66. Don't try it with me Missy. We can do this all day. Wait, no we cant. Ya see I'm off to the pool with cocktail in hand. TTFN. SMOOCHES 😛
Most of you were not around when all of us were doing the grunt work. experience,concern,wringing of the hands- I have Never seen such a display of hiding behind the falling rocks. While Mike may be doing a great job his following is dwindling. I want to see where all of you are a year from now. It is a smarter group of employees and bottom line is, the membership is everything because if you can not sell the Contract then you have wasted my time. They want the package sold or do they?????????????????????? They have not listened period.
There is many an issue here that has fallen on deaf ears. Mike believes that what he is putting together is going to pass. Well I can tell you that I don't like bits and pieces of what I have been hearing. Ya know, my being "one of those" that likes to talk. MANY flight attendants are going to vote this down due to a multitude of reasons. At first I thought through CLT voting history and the desperation of some of our poor and I do mean POOR f/a's out west this new contract would pass. I'm having some serious doubts. Whatever is brought to us I already know I WANT BETTER ! ! ! !
I agree with Zarah about the painful process of recalling these FAs. I wont bore you with my US story, Illl just say I rue the day I EVER went to the open call at whatever hotel it was in Charlotte. Sure Ive seen places I wouldnt have seen, met great people...blah blah blah, but It has truly been 10 years of non stop chaos. Finally I have made the decision to stop living above my means. I most likely will work about 40 hours per month the next few months. I will of course work the holidays with alot of others while the seniors have the time off, and some will simply call in sick. I will barely have enough money to pay bills, more blah blah blah...
Having said that. I am trading in my nice apt (no I havent even considered buying as a reserve). I will move into a place half the size in a not as nice part of town. I will try and get out of my current car lease to cut my car payment in half. Why? because there is no future for me at this company. I have kept hope as long as possible. I refuse to live in denial any longer. After making the above mentioned changes, I will find another job(even if Im waiting on tables). I will sleep in my bed every night. I will be able to make plans in advance. I will be able to actually possibly get into a relationship. I will not live in fear of a 12am phone call to Rome. Simply put I will begin to live. Taking control back feels great. I cant wait to put in my 2 weeks and start a new chapter. Good luck to all.

Beautiful !!!

With people like this in your ranks, is why in my 33 years here, I have always said, the flight attendant group is the strongest group. You were the only group willing to stand with us in '92. I've never forgot that. With the resolve of your group, I feel you'll put the fear into the company.

Now for a real laugh, go over to the pilot board. Then, take a look at what some of the literary giants are talking about on the Fleet board. Oh, and I can't forget, go feel the apathy on the Mechanics board. What? You can't find it?

The company is going to steam roll these groups as they have every time in the past. I think differently of your group because of the resolve I've seen, and the people I've talked to.

Stay strong.
I'm reading this stuff, trying to figure out who has read the INCOMPLETE sections of the combined contract negotiations? I'm just curious to know how the experts that are spewing anti Flores rhetoric know what's contained within.

Mike has tried harder than most of you have given him credit for, to secure language that sticks with me too. We are not waiting for the pilots before an agreement is put forward. Stop with the vote it down campaign until you see what's in it, its just plain ignorant to do that, unless you have the true knowledge of the sections. Pay has not been negotiated, so the rumors on pay are pre-mature.

Phoenix is holding a "get informed" session at the airport with questions and answers on which sections are closed and what is coming, including reserve sections which is one of the most important sections for many. You may want to speak to some of the people that are attending that.

Tell your cohorts at the O.K. Corral, Ms. Desert Queen, that they need to educate the membership along the way...I mean, to let them know what the company is wanting from the group and how the negotiations are going with that section that is OPEN.

You seem to be very privy on what Mike Flores is doing and how allegedly he appears to be working from your perspective.

What gives, pray tell...? What's your angle? Trumping up votes and support for a washed out union rep???

I bet my bottom $$ that you do not have any clue about the East contract language and at what price it will cost the f/as to negotiate out the "me too". It appears your guage on what's good or not is what Mike Flores tells you...(unless of course, your one of the knuckleheads at the table) In Mike Flores' best, he can't negotiate sqattttoola!

I know, I've been there, up close and personal with his tactics. He can't even talk his way out to those who do know what the hell IS going on. He'd make stupid folks feel like Florida's "swamp land" is prime building property.
He only looks good to the dump f#$% who just don't know diddly squat.

This company is going to make you think you got something for the priceless, one-of-a-kind "me too" language, and then they are going to pull the rug from all of you AND PUT THE PLACE UP FOR SELL!!!!!!!!

Why????? Because the "me too" is way TOOOOO expensive for any airline to keep...that's why they want it. Haven't you figured that out yet????? It has been on the chopping block in every single negotiations that I know of in the past 30 years.

USAirways is NOT a stand-alone-airline and acquiring Regional America West does not cut the mustard seed as a stand-alone in this current Airline industry environment.
ARRIBA,ARRIBA been there done that blink blink..............................love you pitbull
Pitbull, (no dog in this fight) luv your style, you need to catch DOUG's latest remark in the last PILOT, CLT crew video, the one where he states, it will COST him more to put this airline together but it is the RIGHT thing to do! Now myself as a stockholder might find that a little disturbing(yes his lips were moving), but consider FAILED merger attempts , maybe your WEST counterparts figure their only hope is a rescue from "GILLIGANS ISLAND"! Before his last option of fragmentation, of all those valuable WEST( yea right) ASSETS!MM!Good Luck!
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