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Aerosmith Mentioned On Msnbc

Are you psychic? Own the boards?

You don't know anything about me, but in your own mind you think you do.
ITRADE said:
Ohhhh....That's kinda like the convicted felon saying that the judge has got something against them.

Given that you've been tossed more than once (everybody knows this), you single-handedly destroyed the Yahoo board, and that you've switched IDs 2 or 3 times on this board, you're the last one to point fingers.
To paraphrase:

I believe it's the Glass House Thing 😛

Sorry 700, just couldn't stop myself on this one...... :lol:
usairways_vote_NO said:
Aerosmith so you gonna change your handle now?

Why did you let them ID you anyway? Just curious.
According to some he will be gone anyway, so what makes the difference now 😛h34r:

If he does disappear over this, U will be on Leno again and again, it won't be flattery.
isthisok said:
Hey Bill and Scot. I guess this isn't off topic. Why because it mentions your precious forum on National News?
It's a metatopic about a topic covered on the US Airways section of USaviation. Metatopics have always been considered acceptable, and this one is no exception. And now we get to have a metametatopical discussion. What fun! :eye:
cavalier said:
According to some he will be gone anyway, so what makes the difference now 😛h34r:

If he does disappear over this, U will be on Leno again and again, it won't be flattery.
Cav, are you serious? If he's 86'd over this it will be the dumbest PR move ever.
EyeInTheSky said:
Cav, are you serious? If he's 86'd over this it will be the dumbest PR move ever.
Just some banter on here suggested as much, but I, like you, can't buy it for a second. But then again I would never second guess this management team's actions looking at the moves that already left us breathless and in awe.
From Washington Post "Media Notes" by Howie Kurtz: "... Lost in the hullabaloo, but unearthed by the political newsletter Hotline <http://www.nationaljournal.comwas a relatively obscure blog that got the scoop at 9:44 Monday night. A poster to USAviation.com noted that on Kerry's 757 in an airplane hangar, "John Edwards vp decals were being put on engine cowlings and upper fuselage."
Journalists Scramble, but a Secret Is Kept (Mostly) Safe

Published: July 7, 2004

WASHINGTON, July 6 - Perhaps the most sought-after people in the nation during the holiday weekend were the workers charged with affixing decals with the name of Senator John Kerry's running mate on the side of his campaign plane as it sat in a hangar in Pittsburgh. Producers with several major news outlets said that in their determination to be first with the name, they went all out to track down the workers, assuming they would be the first to know.

And they were: Mr. Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, called the workers even before he called Mr. Edwards. And a visitor to an obscure aviation Web log reported seeing the decals being changed at 9:44 p.m. Monday. But reporters for major operations never ferreted out the same information...
Maybe I have missed something, but how, who and when did the media find out about this thread and about Aerosmith??? I actually remembering reading about this initially yesterday morning as I had MSNBC on and they were awaiting the big news. I thought it was rather funny at the time, that I even knew before they did. :up: :up:
Good question there...I also thought it was pretty funny knowing this before the majority of the nation...I felt all important-like. 🙂
cavalier said:
Just talked to him on the phone and he is nonchalant about it
Bravo Aerosmith,

Putting usaviation.com on the MAP! You've just increased the traffic on this site by the thousands.

usaviation.com is where it all happens, cause its a happening kinda place!

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