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Aerosmith Mentioned On Msnbc

cavalier said:
Just some banter on here suggested as much, but I, like you, can't buy it for a second. But then again I would never second guess this management team's actions looking at the moves that already left us breathless and in awe.
Yeah, like Chris Chiames fiasco with Christopher Elliott at USA TODAY. Funny thing is Elliott ended up getting a better writing gig with a much more respected newspaper. Needless to say as long as management goobers keep flubbing up we'll get negative press.
OK I have to fess up. I did read Aeromith's post the night he posted and didn't even think twice about it. I kinda wondered why he posted that in here not realizing we were waiting for the Democratic nominee to be announced. Even in the morning I didn't connect the two together until I read it in here that he was the first to post. Oh well
EyeInTheSky said:
Ouch! That's a "catty" remark. Seems the reporter had a healthy serving of Meow Mix...jealous obviously.
Thats Howard Kurtz for you.

But ABCNews....."a little-noticed Web site, USaviation.com"

The question in management's mind should be - if Aerosmith was at work, what kind of productivity was being done if his posts continued from 9 until he left shift at 11? ( Quoted time left work from an Allegheny Times article today)The IAM has access to the internet while at work? For what purpose?
Wanted to add a Post-Gazette article to the mix


I too was a little taken back by the obscure remark 🙂

Smith, at work Monday evening near Pittsburgh International Airport, spotted the Kerry campaign plane being affixed with the John Edwards decals. After leaving work, he posted the news at 11:45 p.m. on an obscure Web site known as usaviation.com.
The question in management's mind should be - if Aerosmith was at work, what kind of productivity was being done if his posts continued from 9 until he left shift at 11? ( Quoted time left work from an Allegheny Times article today)The IAM has access to the internet while at work? For what purpose?

His post was at 11:44 p.m. Am I missing something here?????????
mweiss said:
Different story. You can make all the comments you wish about the management of US. If you start exposing them to liability, however, the gloves may come off.

Even though this is all true, I doubt that Kerry's campaign folks would dare to go after this guy who is being viewed as a hero by many, and who is keeping the Kerry crew in the media for even longer. Aerosmith has done Kerry a favor.
I haven't gone through this entire thread, but has anyone speculated (irrationally, I realize) that the Kerry/Edwards campaign may have encouraged or allowed this leakage in part to give a wink to working folks in PA and NC that might be following the saga of U and thus identify K/E with their plight, without K/E actually having to articulate policies that would address the airline employee predicament?

Sorry if this is repeated. Hey, this is the internet, where we're supposed to speculate on stuff like this: not quite conspiracy, but consistent with a sophisticated and subtle use of the internet. Sort of like the 21st century version of a push poll, or elevator gossip. hmmmm?
RowUnderDCA said:
I haven't gone through this entire thread, but has anyone speculated (irrationally, I realize) that the Kerry/Edwards campaign may have encouraged or allowed this leakage in part to give a wink to working folks in PA and NC that might be following the saga of U and thus identify K/E with their plight, without K/E actually having to articulate policies that would address the airline employee predicament?
In a word: No.
RWerksman said:
NBC Nightly News just mentioned that the scoop was on an, "airline bullitin board."

My girlfriend was sitting right next to me and said that it was probably off of, "that stupid USAir thing you look at."

Sure enough... it was... but not stupid.
Go figure: a lady's resentment of her man's important 'work' on the internet!
(ITRADE @ Jul 8 2004 said:
His post was at 11:44 p.m. Am I missing something here?????????

Maybe we should investigate this further.. what exact time he punched out, how far he lives away, was there any traffic or accidents, did he stop anywhere. Yes we need to get to the bottom of this.

Todd B said:
You are correct.

Is that a yes he is missing something?
Ah, the defalt is GMT. That probably why people thought the post was from 10. Thanks

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