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Fire on Usairways Plane in MIA

kudos to the entire flight crew for a splendid job well done

I noticed that it was A/C 425 I remember working that many times in BOS and in ABE when we had the Boeings in ABE!
kudos to the entire flight crew for a splendid job well done

I noticed that it was A/C 425 I remember working that many times in BOS and in ABE when we had the Boeings in ABE!

It probably looked a lot better back then. Hope Ship 425 is headed to the paint shop soon. Looked rather shabby in the pix I saw.

Good job crew. Glad no one was injured.
I echo my kudos to all involved in the safe outcome of this emergency!

I arrived in Miami just after that flight, on 753 from PHL, delayed this morning. I had no idea until I was out of the airport that anything had happened!!

You folks have again proven our trust and respect is well placed..thanks on behalf of your loyal customers.

some freelance photographer happened to be nearby and took a few shots... You can see a fire coming from one of the MLG's.. not sure which side though. This must have been taken SECONDS after the plane stopped...

this is from http://www.sun-sentinel.com
I was lucky of not working in the ramp today, or else i wouldve been out there dealing with this mess. i was working in the bagroom when all of this happened.

one of the Leads that was there took a pic of the front gear(or wherever it was) that exploded with his camera phone and when he showed me i asked him if he could send it to my e-mail.

anyways, here it is:

Unless the picture got reversed somehow, looks like the right main - the torque link to the left is on the rear of the strut and the "hubcap" is on the outside of main wheel 1 & 4 only.

Unless the picture got reversed somehow, looks like the right main - the torque link to the left is on the rear of the strut and the "hubcap" is on the outside of main wheel 1 & 4 only.


After you retire, we have to get you a job as one of the experts that shows up on CNN in situations like this. :up: :up: :up:
LOL...what's that saying - jack of all trades, master of none?

After you retire, we have to get you a job as one of the experts that shows up on CNN in situations like this. :up: :up: :up:
Jim would be much much much better than that idiot John Nance! What a moron, for an "expert" he sure gets an awful lot of things wrong.

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