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Absolutely Unsanitary Fc Experience Last Night

Have you ever had dinner at a Very nice, say 5 or 6 star resturant? Well I have worked at a couple and you would be Devastated to know what happens behind close doors!! So the next time you are haveing a nice romantic dinner with your sweet heart and the waiter/waitress brings out your nice piece of salmon done just like you want it, just hope it did not fall on the floor by mistake and just picked up and put back on your plate, without even being wiped off, from the chef whom just came back from taking a wizz and forgot to wash his/her hands!! Bon Appetito!! :shock:
gso2pit said:
US 45 10/21/04 PIT-LAX
Get over it moron.

If you knew what really goes on in the back of ANY restaurant or dinner house you go to, well, then you'd have something to complain about.

Ever shared popcorn in a movie theater? You just want something to #### about. Stay home!
nyboilermaker said:
90% of this job is all about image.

Keep your opinion humble friend.

90, or 98 % of this job is about security and safety, the rest is fluff.

I guess you don't realize that since none of your planes have been used as missles.

An FA Mikey, I don't know what they're telling you at AA, but if someone was staring like that on my airplane, they would be confronted and questioned. And if we were on the ground and I had any misgivings about the creep, the ground security people would be involved, not to mention the captain would be in the loop on the ground or in the air. Agressive, hostile, suspicious persons are a real source of concern and treated accordingly on United's airplanes these days.
Oh please! I get at least one freak per trip that just stares at you for lack of anything better to do with his/her time. For those F/A's that have ever sat at the 2R door on the A321...you know what I am talking about. You sit there crammed in with your face about 6 inches from the person in front of you. They inevitably will do one of 2 things...

1. They will stare you up one side and down the other without saying a word. Like they are inspecting every little thing about you and every move you make. This gives me the creeps and I usually ask after a few minutes if there is something I can help them with.


2. You get the ones that want to conduct a Lifetime Intimate Portrait right there on your jumpseat. They will ask all sorts of questions like....
Is this you route?
How many days a week do you work?
Were did you start out today?
Where do you end up tonight?
Do you like this job?
How long you been doing this?
Do you have Strawberry Kiwi Mango Fruit Juice? :blink: 🙄
I mean good grief I expect Meredith Viera to jump out to the coat closet with a microphone at any moment.

And lately I am getting these fools that just saunter up and want to know all your business. They are now asking "How do you feel about taking a 21% cut"? I just stand there amazed and wonder...."Do I know you"? I would never go up to a stranger and ask about there pay and salary! When did this become acceptable? I just smile and turn it back around on them and say "Well, how would you feel"? They usually get the hint without me being rude. People never cease to amaze me.
Most folks go "brain dead" when they pass thru the security check point at the airport and turn into total idiots. I think it's the x-rays in the magnotometer or something that makes people say and ask and do totally stuipd things.
USAirBoyA330 said:
Oh please! I get at least one freak per trip that just stares at you for lack of anything better to do with his/her time. For those F/A's that have ever sat at the 2R door on the A321...you know what I am talking about. You sit there crammed in with your face about 6 inches from the person in front of you. They inevitably will do one of 2 things...


So true US333!

I always thought of that one as the "Sharon Stone seat."

When people get too personal, divert thier attention to a fascinating atricle in the Attache about who invented the first rubber band or whatnot.
USAirBoyA330 said:
And lately I am getting these fools that just saunter up and want to know all your business. They are now asking "How do you feel about taking a 21% cut"? I just stand there amazed and wonder...."Do I know you"?
It's all part of the Oprah/Dr. Phil/Geraldo culture of telling the most outrageously intimate things on television in front of millions of people. Right before I was furloughed, but after our concessions kicked in, I had this conversation with a passenger.

P: So, with the givebacks, how much are you making now?
Me: I'm afraid I don't understand. (In a quizzical tone.)
P: What's not to understand. How much are they paying you now?
Me: Oh, I understood your question. I just don't understand why you would imagine for a second that the answer was any of your business. (Said with a smile and a laugh; so, if he complained, I could always say I was joking.) 😛

P.S. That answer works with any invasive, privacy-destroying question you are asked.
jimntx said:
telling the most outrageously intimate things

You get that when you share a jumpseat too. I can't imagine that there is any other job where you meet someone for the first time, and then 30 minutes later strap yourself into a seat shoulder to shoulder and begin telling secrets. People just figure you'll never see them again, and that when you do tell someone else you won't remember thier name anyway. I've had F/As sit down and casually bring up all sorts of problems. Sometimes you don't know what to say.

"Wow... gosh... I'm really sorry to hear that... how long have you had that yeast infection, um, is it Jackie?" :huh:

"I don't know, I can't help you there, I've never actually had an affair, Bob, but if you can't hold Seattle layovers then I don't think you have a choice, right?" :unsure:

I've done it myself though, something about sharing a seat with someone for four days that you may never see again, you don't even know where they live or how old they are, but you have the bond of being part of the bizarre F/A life. I've gotten some great life advice from flight attendants, alot of them really know what they are talking about. :wub:
PITbull said:
Hope you washed your hands before touching the door to exist, as many people touch that lav door. B)

Like many people, I use a clean papertowel to touch *ANY* thing in a public restroom, let alone an airplane bathroom. And, I am APALLED when I see people walk into the airplane restrooms wearing their socks. Have you SEEN the floors in there??! I once saw a woman go in barefoot. EEEEEEEEEEEEK!

I don't think GSO should be labeled a whiner just because he notes that an F/A had his hands in the garbage and then went on to handle passenger food. How would you like it if you witnessed a server in a restaurant do the same before handling your food. Would you eat it? Would you mention it to someone?

Frank Dreben(Leslie Nielson's character in "The Naken Gun" movies) was asked "Are you a gambling man, Frank?"

His reply..."Only when I eat out."
USAirBoyA330 said:
And lately I am getting these fools that just saunter up and want to know all your business. They are now asking "How do you feel about taking a 21% cut"? I just stand there amazed and wonder...."Do I know you"? I would never go up to a stranger and ask about there pay and salary! When did this become acceptable? I just smile and turn it back around on them and say "Well, how would you feel"? They usually get the hint without me being rude. People never cease to amaze me.

That's just as annoying to customers when the FA's proceed to walk around the plane announcing that they have taken a 21% pay cut so that anyone who has not been reading the papers knows.

You may not ask about customers' salaries, but I have had SEVERAL FA's ask me how much someone in my field makes.
spacewaitress said:
90, or 98 % of this job is about security and safety, the rest is fluff.


As long as everyone has a choice of airlines, it is about customer service also. Indeed, you refer to yourself as a space "waitress".

Fortunately for UAL, most of their other F/A's do not have the same attitude.
US1YFARE said:
As long as everyone has a choice of airlines, it is about customer service also. Indeed, you refer to yourself as a space "waitress".

Fortunately for UAL, most of their other F/A's do not have the same attitude.
Uh, wrong again...as far as the customer is concerned it's about price mostly, or has that little fact just passed you by after getting a 21% paycut.

As far as airline personnel...thank goodness with whom I fly with it's about security 90% of the time. The threat is a clear and present danger...it hasn't gone away, and if you think it has you are deluding yourself.

As far as 'spacewaitress' is concerned...too bad you fail to see the humor in it. It's an irony.
I think the name spacewaitress is sarcasm. They are being ironic... don't ya think? <----------------------------

For example, I am Light Years but I am in no way, shape or form a measurement of either time or light. PITbull and Boston Terrier, by the way, are not marvelously gifted canines, they are people.


Just making sure.
I just love this!!! have we heard back from gso? 😱

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