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Absolutely Unsanitary Fc Experience Last Night

US1YFARE said:
there have been other posts relating to that in other topics.
Unhappy employees = unhappy customers, but unhappy customers won't come back-

-it seems that unhappy employees come back day after day after day after day.
Well, I would rather see people vent here than on the airplane. This is an emotional labor intensive job, meaning you have to be there emotionally for people regardless, which also has a tendency to alienate one from one's emotions, at least temporarily. It's a fact. The reality is that one can never completely separate oneself from one's emotions. The more intense they are, the more work it takes. The more evolved companies involved in public contact know that...although they are very few.

Emotional labor has never been valued in this country so it's not surprising that most people have the attitude suck it up...get over it. The truth is that those who take it the hardest are the ones most likely to care the most. So there is a fine line here. Taken as a whole, the short term effect is probably going to be either a hell of a lot of venting and complaining, and rightly so, or some serious declines in service, that will only parallel an employee's sense of his worth to his company.

You can say just quit, leave, or otherwise get over it, but well meaning employees, who have very human emotions with families and everything else, will necessarily find their own professional balance again under extremely stressful circumstances. And that will mean stay with it, or move on. There is a period of adjustment however. Unfortunately, few want to grant those whose job it is to care the little compassion and understanding that THEY need. Just get over it people and move on. It may seem a little dramatic, but I think that says something kinda sad about us as people.

In the end, the public and the airlines, will get what they pay for.
Light Years said:
Great post spacewaitress!
I think you and I are saying the same thing, as in your previous post.

Good luck to you in your endeavors. The handwriting is on the wall for UA as well...we'll find out specifics in mid november. Stay tuned!
In the end, the public and the airlines, will get what they pay for.


No doubt that people are devastated and their lives have been turned upside down. What an emotional roller coaster for you. You can take it or leave it. Still, I understand that the reality is that most people are not ready for that--this is not what they bargained for. People can post whatever they want, but if it starts to carry over to the workplace and is passed onto customers on the plane and at the gates, it's over for the airline.

You say that we get what WE pay for. Well, you know what, for years and years and years, US has gouged us in PHL. We paid a premium over other cities for the ability to fly US. We paid thousands and thousands of dollars to fly because no LCC was in PHL. We have been demanding reasonable fares for years, and the airline never gave them to us until WN arrived. Now, because the airline has been so foolish and did not rationalize fares prior to WN's arrival, you are going to blame the customer? Don't point the finger here--It's the airline's fault.

The customer is not the enemy. So many airline employees act like it is our fault that the airline is selling seats for $29. The reason that they are selling seats for $29 is because they never rationalized fares. If they did that, WN's impact would not have been so great. When US was selling the exact same $29 seat for $1,000 (yes, that is how much I often paid to fly to BDL from PHL), no one said thank you for being so darn stupid for paying so much money to fly. Just last year, a gate agent joked on a trip to IND from PHL that my ticket was so expensive that I was paying for the whole plane to fly there. Gee, thanks a lot. I didn't get massages and glassware then, and I don't get them now--nor do I expect them. Still, I expect to be treated like my business is appreciated and that I am not the blame for the problems of the airlines and the airline's relationship with its employees.
People can post whatever they want, but if it starts to carry over to the workplace and is passed onto customers on the plane and at the gates, it's over for the airline.

I'll just keep watching and see what happens, but thanks for the warning.

You say that we get what WE pay for. Well, you know what, for years and years and years, US has gouged us in PHL. We paid a premium over other cities for the ability to fly US. We paid thousands and thousands of dollars to fly because no LCC was in PHL. We have been demanding reasonable fares for years, and the airline never gave them to us until WN arrived. Now, because the airline has been so foolish and did not rationalize fares prior to WN's arrival, you are going to blame the customer? Don't point the finger here--It's the airline's fault.

Actually I said that the public and airline WILL get what they pay for. This walmartization of the culture may take awhile, but the lack of service is apparent already, lots of places.

How about you stop pointing the finger at the employees. And guess what, if a company holds the market, they tend to get top dollar for a product. It's strictly marketing...the american way and it's changing thanks to the LCCs. And then, with consolidation, it'll swing back again.

The customer is not the enemy...

I am not the blame for the problems of the airlines and the airline's relationship with its employees.

You sure do make a lot of assumptions.
I receive great customer service at Walmart. People should take a lesson from them. Those Walmart employees will walk with you from one side of the store to another to show you where you can find something. They smile, they don't complain to the customer, and they are happy you are shopping at their store.

I find it so funny that gouging the customers is the American way, but once customers demand lower more reasonable prices it's just a bunch of greedy disloyal customers who want more than what they are paying for. How dare they demand a reasonable price for air travel! I think it is totally unreasonable to expect to pay $29 for a flight to PVD, BDL or RDU from PHL, but I also think it is unreasonable to pay $1,000 for the same flight.

I'm not pointing the finger at anyone but the airline. Although outside factors have impacted the airline industry, the mess that airlines are in is in large part because of the high fares they coasted on for so long. My only point is that if customer service decreases, even considering what is going on, the customers will not tolerate it and they will complain, report employees to Consumer Affairs, leave, and never return.
You say that we get what WE pay for. Well, you know what, for years and years and years, US has gouged us in PHL. We paid a premium over other cities for the ability to fly US. We paid thousands and thousands of dollars to fly because no LCC was in PHL. We have been demanding reasonable fares for years, and the airline never gave them to us until WN arrived. Now, because the airline has been so foolish and did not rationalize fares prior to WN's arrival, you are going to blame the customer? Don't point the finger here--It's the airline's fault.

SKY HIGH states: You paid a premium for several reasons. Here's one, You paid for the RIGHT to walk on the aircraft at the last minute! The AIRLINE held those seats (at great risk) for business travelers. And, if those seats were NOT sold, the flight went out with an EMPTY SEAT which equates to LOST REVENUE!!!!!!
SKY HIGH said:
SKY HIGH states: You paid a premium for several reasons. Here's one, You paid for the RIGHT to walk on the aircraft at the last minute! The AIRLINE held those seats (at great risk) for business travelers. And, if those seats were NOT sold, the flight went out with an EMPTY SEAT which equates to LOST REVENUE!!!!!!

Oh, thanks for the favor. I'm not talking premium, I'm talking 5 times what an advanced purchased ticket would have cost.

That's funny, with the LCC competition, I can still get a last-minute seat on US for much cheaper than before. Under your theory, the planes should be filled all the time because "premium" seats for the "right" to walk on the aircraft are no longer available. The planes are not going out full. Even on PIT-PHL flights you have empty FC seats. The airline screwed up and they didn't prepare for how the industry is changing.
PHLfa88 said:
Have you ever had dinner at a Very nice, say 5 or 6 star resturant? Well I have worked at a couple and you would be Devastated to know what happens behind close doors!! So the next time you are haveing a nice romantic dinner with your sweet heart and the waiter/waitress brings out your nice piece of salmon done just like you want it, just hope it did not fall on the floor by mistake and just picked up and put back on your plate, without even being wiped off, from the chef whom just came back from taking a wizz and forgot to wash his/her hands!! Bon Appetito!! :shock:

Gee, I've not ever eaten at a 5 or 6 Star restaurant. Obviously, you haven't either. Especially since they stop the ratings at 4 Stars.
spacewaitress said:
Keep your opinion humble friend.

90, or 98 % of this job is about security and safety, the rest is fluff.

I guess you don't realize that since none of your planes have been used as missles.

An FA Mikey, I don't know what they're telling you at AA, but if someone was staring like that on my airplane, they would be confronted and questioned. And if we were on the ground and I had any misgivings about the creep, the ground security people would be involved, not to mention the captain would be in the loop on the ground or in the air. Agressive, hostile, suspicious persons are a real source of concern and treated accordingly on United's airplanes these days.

You are NUTS!! We pay your salary and its more than YOU deserve!! I can't believe someone at United would say what you just said. White Castle is too good for YOU!!
balloonguy said:
You are NUTS!! We pay your salary and its more than YOU deserve!! I can't believe someone at United would say what you just said. White Castle is too good for YOU!!
Yeah, and I pay yours too...that's the way the economy works. And if you are charged in any way with my security you better take it seriously, just like we do at my company.
balloonguy said:
Gee, I've not ever eaten at a 5 or 6 Star restaurant. Obviously, you haven't either. Especially since they stop the ratings at 4 Stars.

Michelin stops at three. <_<
US1YFARE said:
I find it so funny that gouging the customers is the American way, but once customers demand lower more reasonable prices it's just a bunch of greedy disloyal customers who want more than what they are paying for. How dare they demand a reasonable price for air travel! I think it is totally unreasonable to expect to pay $29 for a flight to PVD, BDL or RDU from PHL, but I also think it is unreasonable to pay $1,000 for the same flight.
I agree with you about gouging the customer. The airlines, for years, have been pricing the product that way. I'm not saying it's right though. But wherever they have had the market sewn up in a hub city the market has allowed them to "gouge" the customer. Of course that's changing now.

Now there are too many airplanes and airlines, and the consumer is benefitting. I believe airfares now, adjusted for inflation, are cheaper than they were in the late '70s.

The pricing for airplane seats looks a lot what is happening in electronics. Look at the price of computers now as opposed to back in '94...hand held DVD players now as opposed to a couple of years ago. I'm looking for the price of HDTV to fall as the industry moves toward all digital. The marketplace is dynamic and evolving.
US1YFARE said:
I receive great customer service at Walmart. People should take a lesson from them. Those Walmart employees will walk with you from one side of the store to another to show you where you can find something. They smile, they don't complain to the customer, and they are happy you are shopping at their store.



You must live and shop in a nicer area where the Wal-Mart people are bored housewives and high school students, and the store sits in the middle of WASPville. I haven't been to one in a couple years, but go to one in say, South Philly, and see how nice they are! You'd be lucky if they don't knife you, much less speak to you. Picture the F Terminal but slightly worse.

Nice customer service experiences at fast food restaurants and department stores are few and far between, but no one wants "Are You Being Served?" level service anymore, just a quick burger or Kathie Lee pants made by a toddler.

The airlines will follow. Look at all of us fussy folks who want to live in safe areas, not with a dozen people, eat food, and own furniture. We're leaving! The airlines and the public won!

Let the fast food folks have the jobs, and the Wal-Mart folks. I'm sure they are lovely in places like Philly, Queens, Boston, DC area....
Light Years said:
You must live and shop in a nicer area where the Wal-Mart people are bored housewives and high school students, and the store sits in the middle of WASPville. I haven't been to one in a couple years, but go to one in say, South Philly, and see how nice they are! You'd be scared for your life.

WASPville? Interesting coming from someone who is so sensitive to comments categorizing people.

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