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Absolutely Unsanitary Fc Experience Last Night

I apologize then, I forgot what it stands for and certainly didn't mean anything by it. I'd delete it but you already quoted it for prosperity. And I wouldn't call myself "sensitive" because I told a moron to stop making mean and tasteless jokes, but hey, whatever. 🙄

Enjoy the fine service at Wal-Mart, and in the future on our airlines. If you have full confidence in our replacements, I salute you. I'm glad I won't be putting my trust into them.
Light Years said:
I'd delete it but you already quoted it for prosperity.



Light Years said:
I haven't been to one in a couple years, but go to one in say, South Philly, and see how nice they are! You'd be lucky if they don't knife you, much less speak to you.

The last time I was in a WalMart in an area like "say South Philly", or any other urban WalMart, I hardly feared that I would be knifed. Why are you picking on people who work for WalMart--they are making an honest living.

And, I don't want to see the fine people at US replaced, and I do think it is very sad what is happening because of inept management, but if you think that someone else cannot come in and do your job, you have a surprise in store for you. Unfortunately for the employees at US who are trying to keep their jobs and salvage their pay, there are thousands and thousands of people waiting to step in.
US1YFARE said:
In the end, the public and the airlines, will get what they pay for.

The customer is not the enemy.

You are right. ALL the airlines do the same thing and I will promise you that when SW has squeezed all the "legacy" carriers out of biz, let's see if those fares stay cheap. It doesn't take Biz 101 to figure that one out.

Also, I dare say the other airlines do the same thing. Look at Northwest. Where is Southwest or any other formidable lcc? Every legacy has had their gouging market, so don't just pin it on US Airways.

What's going on at US Airways is the battle of principles. Management sees NO value in a seasoned, loyal work force. They care not that we have been with this company thru ALL the bad times and still perform pretty damn well. Management epitomizes today's work mantra...work 5 years and get the hell out. On the other hand, labor is still living in the 60's when the company you worked for actually valued your years of service. The two have clashed. Nobody is right because there are enough arguements on this one till the cows come home.

I always get the impression that many out here recent that a group of prople should make a nice salary after 20 years of loyal service. I frankly feel my $40,000 a year (soon to be $32,000) is on target. I am no 22 y.o. out of college. Why is it unacceptable for the real workerbees to make a descent living while some snot nosed punk can throw a few basketballs in a basket and make millions? And let's not forget that the same people complaining about the airlines gouging will spend $40 a ticket that goes up every year times their family of 6...$240 in one night...plus $10 or more dollars parking...$40-$50 in concessions, and a $10 program....uhm...$310 to go to a ball game...never see those tickets go down, but oh no, that's not gouging.

Oh, the hypocricy!!! 😛 :angry:
US1YFARE said:
Oh, thanks for the favor. I'm not talking premium, I'm talking 5 times what an advanced purchased ticket would have cost.
with the LCC competition, I can still get a last-minute seat on US for much cheaper than before.

sky High states: MARKET FORCES. Previously, the business passenger was subsidizing the leisure fares. Now, LCC competition is dictating "pricing."

Under your theory, the planes should be filled all the time because "premium" seats for the "right" to walk on the aircraft are no longer available. The planes are not going out full.

sky High States: Pricing doesnt guarantee a full flight. There's over capacity in the system as well.
spacewaitress said:
Yeah, and I pay yours too...that's the way the economy works. And if you are charged in any way with my security you better take it seriously, just like we do at my company.
You're just a little fanatical. I think you might be better behind locked doors. BTW, you don't pay me s---!!

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