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Absolutely Unsanitary Fc Experience Last Night

You aint seen nothing yet, If the company gets their way, You will be seeing the F/A's picking up all that nasty trash that was left behind during thru-flights..Just like industry darling Southwest does Now...Get used to it.
Our F/As all ready do, Utility is only at 8 stations during 1st and 2nd shift.

I believe in their new contract, they won't have to clean anymore.
WN FAs got a new contract in July of this year, 31% raise too.
700UW said:
WN FAs got a new contract in July of this year, 31% raise too.
I was under the impression the F/A's @ Southwest cleaned the planes between flights, {Which was the reason they recieved the 31% raise} This is not true??
I am not 100% sure, but I believe in their new contract the cleaning duties are no longer gonna be theirs.
insp89 said:
I was under the impression the F/A's @ Southwest cleaned the planes between flights, {Which was the reason they recieved the 31% raise} This is not true??

Flight Attendants at US Airways clean planes in 25 of the 80 or so mainline stations.

Flight Attendants clean everywhere, every flight on MidAtlantic and Express flights.
WN Flight attendants still clean. It was a white elephant to get a bigger raise.
Borescope said:
So what if he pulled the trash cart out. At least you don't see what goes on when you can't see them in the galley. If your over 35, consider yourself lucky............................People over 35 should be dead.
Here's why ............
According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 40's, 50's, 60's, or even the early 70's probably shouldn't have survived.

You and I have disagreed often, but that was post was an absolute riot!

Here's to feeding your toddler pop rocks and coke!
You should see what goes on at Mickey D's when youre not looking .... thats where this industry is heading ... $21,000 a year .... It gets worse ... stay tuned.
gso-crew said:
You should see what goes on at Mickey D's when youre not looking .... thats where this industry is heading ... $21,000 a year .... It gets worse ... stay tuned.

So now if I get paid less, I should be less sanitary? Get real. This guy should have washed his hands.

I was taught to wash my hands before eating or making food when I was 3. It isn't about salary or about concessions.

And one more thing, GSO pays our salaries. This is a people business folks. When we ALL [mgmt too!] learn that, we'll be one step closer to operating a successful business.
Light Years said:
There are no gloves for food preparation on the aircraft, or for garbage collection (except MDA flights where F/As clean the plane and then serve food). F/As are not not expected or required to wear gloves. It is assumed that they do wash thier hands. (Not on some of those Express planes with no running water! Don't know what those folks do...)

Are you positive there was any trash in the cart? If he was just pulling it out of the galley, it may not have been used yet. They may have filled the galley trash and now needed the cart, and he was simply pushing the plastic bag down (they are often knotted or bunched before you put anything in them, making less space). If it was still in the galley (rack?), there's no way to put any refuse in it, they only have a hole in the top.

Now, if there was refuse in the cart (maybe it had been pulled out and then put back for some reason, like turbulence?) the pushing down with his hands is not cool, if he had to do it then he should have tried to go to the restroom and wash his hands.

An unsanitary mistake, but I sure hope it doesn't cost him his job. They are just looking for reasons to fire the topped-out F/As. Mentioning it to him or the A F/A, emphasizing the health concerns, probably would have had a better result... he'd have been embarassed and likely more aware. With the date and flight number posted here, many will look up that flight to see who it was.

Definately not very First Class though, and hopefully your next experience will be better.

Just out of curiosity, why do people always feel the need to say "the male F/A" and "the female pilot"... are they somehow different?

I dunno, sounds kinda how you say, TRASHY, he,he, he, 😛 . Strange how things come full circle, too funny.
nyboilermaker said:
So now if I get paid less, I should be less sanitary? Get real. This guy should have washed his hands.


No One said that. He may not have gone in to the toilet and washed or maybe he did and Mr stare down missed it. Point is there are other ways to sanitize your hands. Glad to see you are so open, that you condem an someone just because they are en employee.
FA Mikey said:
No One said that. He may not have gone in to the toilet and washed or maybe he did and Mr stare down missed it. Point is there are other ways to sanitize your hands. Glad to see you are so open, that you condem an someone just because they are en employee.

Fair enough, but if the shoe fits...I work for this company. Salary doesn't dictate performance in this industry, trust me on that one.

If a customer says he did, I'll give the benefit of the doubt to our CUSTOMER.

This guy wouldn't lose his job over it, just a phone that says, Hey, a pax wrote a letter and saw this and this. A heads up so that you know next time not to do the same thing.

90% of this job is all about image.


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