Your guess is as good as anyone else's. There has been more than 1 airline whose fate was liquidation, and not all of them were airlines that we loved to hate--such as Spirit. Think, Eastern, Braniff. In my growing up years both of those were considered to be top-rated airlines. Then there are the one's like Northwest which were "liquidated" by acquisition. Particularly if this virus business continues much longer, I'm not sure any airline is safe. It just boggles my mind that AA admitted to burning through $80million/day in first quarter, but could say with a straight face that they expected daily cash burn to be much better in the 2nd quarter--only $50million or so. Only???!!! Does AA have a rich uncle?
Whether you are conserving cash by parking a bunch of planes or severely cutting the flight schedules to minimize the number of empty ones being flown, either strategy has this central flaw--THERE AIN'T NO REVENUE COMING IN! Seems to me that at some point income must be greater than expenses. My backward, conservative bank absolutely insists that before I can write checks on my account to pay bills there must be sufficient funds in the account to cover every penny of those checks.