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James T. Kirk

Apr 9, 2003
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Associated Press
Judge Dismisses American Airlines Lawsuit
Friday December 3, 5:05 pm ET
Judge Dismisses Suit Against American Airlines, Union Representing Airline's Flight Attendants

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) -- A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by former TWA employees against American Airlines and the union representing American's flight attendants.
American's parent, AMR Corp., bought bankrupt TWA in 2001 and put TWA workers at the bottom of its seniority ladder.


The former TWA workers, lacking seniority, were laid off when American cut thousands of jobs after the terror attacks of September 2001. The workers sued in 2002, challenging the way that American and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants decided the seniority issue.

American and the union asked that the lawsuit be dismissed, and U.S. District Judge Nina Gershon of the eastern district of New York approved the motion on Tuesday.

"I'm very pleased we're on the other side of this chapter in our history," said union president Tommi Hutto-Blake. She called it a giant step for the union.

AMR shares fell 13 cents to close at $10.50 Friday on the New York Stock Exchange. Its shares are up from a 52-week low of $6.34 a share in late October.
Once again, the TWU showed they had no balls.
The amazing Capt Kirk can actually read something other than the disgruntled former iam officer website.

Now if his twu could only get a mechanic card drive going...somewhere. 🙄
Hackman said:
Now if his twu could only get a mechanic card drive going...somewhere. 🙄

Not required Hackman, the TWU has a lock on dues collection from the largest carrier in the industry, and the lock is further protected by inflated e-list using deceased and unemployed.

Remember, it is the United States Federal Government that PREVENTED the Mechanics at AA from choosing the union of their choice. That's right, the Federal Gov't of the United States of America, where FREE ELECTIONS in Afganistan and Iraq, are worth the deaths of young men and women, but God forbid that the Aircraft Mechanics at American Airlines be given the chance to oust the TWU using a free election.

Why go after other mechanics of the industry when you can supress the entire industry wages by Dictatorial Control of the largest carrier's employees. Concessions for jobs without further ratification, and prevention of free choice elections by the Federal Gov't. What Country do we actually live in anyway?

I am mad as HELL and I'M not going to take it anymore!!

Drippy Quill said:
Yes you will.....HAHAHA!!!
About time to clean you dentures isn't it Dippy? :lol: