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AA/US Seniorty list out

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Ifly2 said:
i'm fine, thank you

Love my job

It's what I do

Not who I am

And, doing the right thing and treating everyone with the respect they deserve, (yup.. That means Yourself too...) I don't have to rationalize my behavior, or justify my treatment of an entire group, or any individual, with tripe like "It's just business", or "We won", lies, artificial feelings of superiority, etc...

You shall be known...
Good for you...Move on!
MetalMover said:
Tired of hearing how bad the TWAers got treated..it's over and done with.
You don't like what I have to say, feel free to put me on "ignore"
I guess you missed ifly2's "furry butt" comment?
I've heard many things from many people over the years. I just don't think we need to throw salt on an old wound that for some has never healed. None of us probably know each others true names and faces outside of this website and all I can think is two things.

#1 Whatever someone wants to say about me or call me on here is of little concern since they don't know me and more than likely wouldn't say it to my face if they had the chance.

#2 It's still people we are addressing on here and it serves no purpose to have to split from typical social norms of how you may behave as a human being just because on a social media site it's easy to get away with.

Most people are going to take what happened to them in life to the grave. We all have our issues and burdens that damaged us. It's easy in life to bash others to make ourselves feel better. It's much harder to show compassion.

I have the documents

Asset Purchase Agreement was first, accepted by both BOD

Then BK, as required by the above.

TWA was not on the courthouse steps the first week of January

Anything else, including what might have happened absent the AA deal, is pure speculation, and nothing more.

Excepting wishful rationalization and made-up justification for using career fellow professionals as furlough fodder for new-hires, or perhaps salve for a guilty conscience.
WeAAsles said:
I've heard many things from many people over the years. I just don't think we need to throw salt on an old wound that for some has never healed. None of probably know each others true names and faces outside of this website and all I can think is two things.

#1 Whatever someone wants to say about me or call me on here is of little concern since they don't know me and more than likely wouldn't say it to my face if they had the chance.

#2 It's still people we are addressing on here and it serves no purpose to have to split from typical social norms of how you may behave as a human being just because on a social media site it's easy to get away with.

Most people are going to take what happened to them in life to the grave. We all have our issues and burdens that damaged us. It's easy in life to bash others to make ourselves feel better. It's much harder to show compassion.
Here's the point....Are we only to consider the native TWAers feelings regarding seniority? Does anyone care about the native AAers feelings regarding seniority?
Quite a few AA TWU members were adversely impacted as well. Even when Kasher stated NO AA TWU member would be adversely impacted.
An arbitrator ruled for TWU/IAM, and the court system ruled in favor oif the AAers.....
It is what it is.....

It was you on here posting ridiculous crap about how the TW fa's got what they deserved...

And why it was ok...

Perhaps it is you should "move on"
It's not about feelings

Feelings are for kids

Adults live by principles

Some by the principle of doing the right thing
Ifly2 said:

It was you on here posting ridiculous crap about how the TW fa's got what they deserved...

And why it was ok...

Perhaps it is you should "move on"
Don't put words in my mouth flykid......
Never said anything about anyone getting what they deserved. An arbitrator ruled for TWU/IAM and the courts backed up the other  AA work groups..
I suggest YOU move on or take it to the Supreme Court.
Ifly2 said:
It's not about feelings

Feelings are for kids

Adults live by principles

Some by the principle of doing the right thing
Who the hell are you? Dr. Phil?
It's over.
The courts did not decide the SLI

That is revisionist history

APA and APFA decided

TWU/IAM was arbitrated

Non union was imposed by AA

The courts dismissed various lawsuits for various legal issues, timeliness for one, and never said a word one about the actual SLI's.

Just more misinformation/lies, much of it provided by APFA, primarily in the Ward era, used as justification/rationalization
MetalMover said:
Who the hell are you? Dr. Phil?
It's over.

You are the one that brought up "feelings" as an issue...

It is over

That doesn't make it right
Ifly2 said:
The courts did not decide the SLI

That is revisionist history

APA and APFA decided

TWU/IAM was arbitrated

Non union was imposed by AA

The courts dismissed various lawsuits for various legal issues, timeliness for one, and never said a word one about the actual SLI's.

Just more misinformation/lies, much of it provided by APFA, primarily in the Ward era, used as justification/rationalization
Of course the lawsuits were dismissed for various issues....it was a conspiracy.
Ifly2 said:
You are the one that brought up "feelings" as an issue...

It is over

That doesn't make it right
I guiess what native AAers wantes was not important.
No conspiracy...

Legal issues

Still, the idea that the courts decided the integration is incorrect, though it is used as an excuse... By some...
Two year-olds want everything they see

That doesn't make it right

Maturity usually leads to that realization
And to not exaggerating ones' importance

As in calling One's Self a Metal Mover, when one is a Rider
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