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AA/US Seniorty list out

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It was both.

AA through the ch11 process was able to purchase selected assets of TWA.

The Ch11 process was mandated by and a condition of the Asset Purchase Agreement, which was accepted, signed and executed before the BK filing.

After the acquisition was approved and finalized the operations were merged, TW into AA.

Those are facts.
flybynite said:
Hmpf!! What moron on here thinks stapling an entire workforce is acceptable?

There's a whole big 'ol bunch of 'em...
Ifly2 said:
It was both.

AA through the ch11 process was able to purchase selected assets of TWA.

The Ch11 process was mandated by and a condition of the Asset Purchase Agreement, which was accepted, signed and executed before the BK filing.

After the acquisition was approved and finalized the operations were merged, TW into AA.

Those are facts.
Flyboy....You want some cheese and crackers with your whine?
I know why came out hibernation.. the new combined seniority list came out and you are even further towards the bottom? Correct?  Lower than whale poop to be precise...
Get over it and move on..it's not good for you to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and......................
Ifly2 said:
There's a whole big 'ol bunch of 'em...
jimntx said:
Correction:  The AA-TWA combination was NOT a merger.  AMR purchased TWA.
That maybe technically true, but what is constantly overlooked is the main reason for that was to circumvent Carl Ichan's  Poison Pill clause he had written into the  Karabu contract. In short it said that the terms of the agreement would be honored in full by the new company if a merger was to acre, even through bankruptcy!     http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general_aviation/read.main/342941/
MetalMover said:
Flyboy....You want some cheese and crackers with your whine?
I know why came out hibernation.. the new combined seniority list came out and you are even further towards the bottom? Correct?  Lower than whale poop to be precise...
Get over it and move on..it's not good for you to go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and......................

I'm not an F/A

I wasn't stapled

It's not about me, and I'm not whining.

It's about a whole bunch of other people, and about the cliches, rationalization and justification repeated ad nauseum by folks like yourself, in this case in response to an opinion by an interested but outside observer.

You jumped on it, and you wouldn't let it go.

I am over it, have moved on, have great friends amongst the Naatives, enjoy my job -- the same job I was doing in Jan 2001, (for less real $$$$, but, hey... So is everyone else here at the Nordstrom's of the skies...)

If folks insist on trying to spin what APFA and APA did as being righteous, I am going to speak up. I am not going to change anyone's mind, and don't care to, but the lurkers are going to hear both sides of the story.
Ifly2 said:
I'm not an F/A

I wasn't stapled

It's not about me, and I'm not whining.

It's about a whole bunch of other people, and about the cliches, rationalization and justification repeated ad nauseum by folks like yourself, in this case in response to an opinion by an interested but outside observer.

You jumped on it, and you wouldn't let it go.

I am over it, have moved on, have great friends amongst the Naatives, enjoy my job -- the same job I was doing in Jan 2001, (for less real $$$$, but, hey... So is everyone else here at the Nordstrom's of the skies...)

If folks insist on trying to spin what APFA and APA did as being righteous, I am going to speak up. I am not going to change anyone's mind, and don't care to, but the lurkers are going to hear both sides of the story.
Start at the beginning of this post. I have been responding to diamondcutter back and forth.  Then you decided to TRY and  put me and others in our place with your condascending philosophical  BS replies.
You want the world to know how badly ther TWA people were treated. That's fine. But AA people were involved as well. You believe what you want to believe and the rest of us will believe what we want to.
And how will all this effect the exTWA people? Is there still a Jr. list? How will they slot in with the US bunch? And what happens if they are bumped to, or transfer to, a different station? Or is the scarlet "TWA" still branded to their foreheads?
Like a lot of AA f/as the former TW will have a significant increase in their seniority number--mine is going from slightly over 12,000 to slightly over 18,000, and I'm about 400 numbers senior to the most senior former TW f/a. However, my relative position in my base will hardly change, and that is the difference that makes a difference (no pun intended). In the AA current f/a contract there is no bumping allowed. In order to transfer to a base there must be an opening in that base, or there must be a mutual transfer (you are an ORD f/a who wants to go to DFW; so, there must be a DFW f/a who wants to transfer to ORD). I don't know if US current contract allows for bumping.

They are currently negotiating on a Joint CBA. Who knows what will come out of that effort? There are some features in the pmUS contract that I really like and I hope survive in the JCBA. Ditto for the pmAA contract. But if they asked me what I wanted, the letter must have gotten lost in the mail. :lol:

Once there is a single f/a corps with a single seniority list and there are no "flights operated by US Airways", the real effect will be in proffering for training and other things--such as base transfers--that are done on seniority basis. I foresee a real effect on base transfers.

Currently, if you want to transfer to a different base, you put your base preferences in a file on the computer. When there are openings in that base, transfers are awarded in seniority order. If this system prevails, there will now be over 6000 additional f/as who could potentially stand between me and a transfer to another base. Fortunately, I live in Dallas and am based at DFW. After 6+ years of commuting from late 2004 to early 2011, I have had all the commuting I want for one lifetime, thank you very much.

Should bump and flush become part of the f/a contract, and I got bumped out of DFW, I would simply retire. I like the job, but it ain't worth commuting for.
From what I've noticed for the past 13 years or so is the  most of the TWA's Flight Attendants are branding themselves, so I guess its there own personal prophesy, however the younger more Junior TWA flight Attendants are assimilating well. I have observed that if there are 2 of them on the trip 1 a Senior TWA and a junior TWA, the junior TWA person clams up and is less social with the rest of the AA crew, then becomes chatty again when the Sen TWA walks away. .Anyway, this post was about AA/US seniority and now TWA is been brought in the conversation, where is the Air CAl, and Reno injustice, I believe they are off enjoying life and have gotten on with it. Its very dangerous to be stuck in the past.​
MetalMover said:
Start at the beginning of this post. I have been responding to diamondcutter back and forth.  Then you decided to TRY and  put me and others in our place with your condascending philosophical  BS replies.
You want the world to know how badly ther TWA people were treated. That's fine. But AA people were involved as well. You believe what you want to believe and the rest of us will believe what we want to.
Can you the explain why the president of APFA Laura Glading publicly stated " it was the wrong thing to do" ! And there you have it !!! The admission
diamondcutter said:
Can you the explain why the president of APFA Laura Glading publicly stated " it was the wrong thing to do" ! And there you have it !!! The admission
Coming from a person in her position, it's the politically correct thing to say, knowing all along, nothing will change it.
diamondcutter said:
Can you the explain why the president of APFA Laura Glading publicly stated " it was the wrong thing to do" ! And there you have it !!! The admission
I do not follow what Laura Glading has to say as I am not a FA and really do not follow what they or the pilots' union do or say. I am an aircraft mechanic.
As far as how the AA/TWA seniority issues were decided, it is what it is and debating it here will not change it.
You feel you were wronged, ok, native AAers feel otherwise.
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